The Death Knell

Chapter 1659? News comes

"Professor Wilson, Professor Snape, did you have a good rest last night?"

Su Ming and his colleagues who were having dinner at Ilvermorny School met Principal Fontana early in the morning. Although he was still very enthusiastic, his face was full of exhaustion, as if covered with a layer of black air, which in China is called Yintang Black. .

"We're fine, thank you." Professor Wilson followed the dining etiquette of a British aristocrat, swallowed what was in his mouth, put away his knife and fork, and wiped his mouth before answering.

The sun shone on his face, and his smile was so reserved and decent.


The London time zone is five hours ahead of the East Coast time zone of the United States, so Su Ming accompanied the old devil there in the early morning after launching the marker. The two even had time to have morning tea, chat for a while, and watch through the glass of the cafe. People at work walked around holding umbrellas.

Grindelwald also asked his allies for money, and went to the Bond Street store that had just opened for work to make a big purchase. He didn't like to wear robes, and he liked to wear Muggles' good-looking clothes.

After being imprisoned for so many years, he urgently needs to replenish his 'fashion energy' so that he can still be at the forefront of charm...

"Does this look good on me?"

Grindelwald didn't even care that he was being searched by the Aurors. He patiently changed clothes back and forth, going in and out of the dressing room from time to time, asking Su Ming for his opinion.

He also knew a lot about British Aurors and knew that people with rigid thinking would never want to come to a Muggle shop to find him. Maybe those people searched the sewers and toilets of the Ministry of Magic, but today's young people don't know that a generation of Dark Lords can perfectly integrate into Muggle society.

"It looks good, no problem, hurry up."

Su Ming was directly sent to the third company. He hated going shopping with others. He didn't even go shopping with Gin or Diana. His clothes were all strangled and deformed. As a result, he was now dragged to a fashion store by a bad old man. shop?

Although Grindelwald is now evil and cold, and every move is full of unique charm, he is still an old man in essence!

And what’s with the ‘get it’ in the ambiguous eyes of these female shop assistants? !

Fortunately, Grindelwald only bought less than 100,000 pounds of clothes. Compared with his past, he has been very restrained. When walking on the street wearing new clothes and a new watch, he found that he was still the most beautiful boy. , extremely satisfied.

Only after he felt that he was still very glamorous even after unexpectedly meeting Dumbledore, he was in the mood to do business. Wearing the changed prison uniform made him feel uncomfortable all over.

After all this was done, the two came to the United States, where it was still dark.


Principal Fontana's red nose is like a reindeer, which shows that he has been pinching it since he got up in the morning. It is obvious that he already knows about the escape of the first Dark Lord from prison.

Veteran wizards all know that Grindelwald's favorite thing is the United States. He doesn't even need to destroy the corpses to kill people here. He sends a Deathly Hallows mark to the sky, and someone will naturally come to sweep the streets.

The Aurors of the Magical Congress are all masters of the Oblivion Curse, and what they are best at is covering up the truth.

Sometimes they cover up and cover up, and they often forget what the truth is, and trying to solve the case is like walking into a maze.

The old principal sat down next to the death knell, looking a little worried. There is also a professor's dining room here like Hogwarts, which is a relatively independent single room.

"I'm afraid it was a bad time for you to come to the United States yesterday. I just got news from Europe this morning that the first Dark Lord Grindelwald escaped from prison and may be hiding somewhere in the United States now."

"What?!" Sure enough, the two professors in front of the principal showed shocked expressions, fully showing that the younger generation of wizards did not understand Grindelwald, but were full of fear of his deeds.

But Snape was really shocked. Yesterday, Professor Wilson only said that he would go out in the middle of the night, but did not say where he was going, so he asked him to help cover it up.

Thinking of Grindelwald's escape from prison, he instantly understood something.

Should I tell Dumbledore? Grindelwald is much more dangerous than Voldemort. He can even brainwash others with words. That sentence in German is comparable to the Imperius Curse - 'for the greater good'. Wizards who heard this sentence in the past often said it to him. Move, work hard and work hard for him without complaint.

Logically speaking, Albus must be informed of such an important matter. He never expected that Slade would find an enemy for the American wizarding community. He thought that Deathstroke would change his identity and do some small things, but It looks like this is going to cause a big fuss.

what to do? I should...but Lily...ugh.

It didn't take long, but Snape actually had a choice in an instant. He decided to pretend not to know, all for Lily's sake.

Fontana didn't pay too much attention to the reactions of the two people. He ordered a Mexican tortilla on the plate in front of him and continued to tell the news he knew:

"Dumbledore was invited by the Ministry of Magic to assist in the investigation. When Grindelwald escaped from prison, he not only killed hundreds of Aurors from the International Confederation of Wizards, but he also didn't spare the house elves, and even the rats in the castle basement were beheaded. , the brains in the skulls of all the corpses were emptied, and we did not obtain any useful information."

Snape secretly looked at Professor Wilson. This guy pretended to be scared, and his body was still shaking slightly: "What? Really? It's too scary, too cruel!"

If it weren't for acting, Snape would really want to roll his eyes, but Occlumency is not something he can practice in vain, and his control over his expressions is also extremely powerful:

"But what does this have to do with Dumbledore?"

Principal Fontana was silent for a while, as if he was thinking about how to express his words, and he clenched his hands holding the knife and fork tightly.

It wasn't until the goblin sent him a burrito through food magic that he took a bite and said vaguely: "Albus is Grindelwald's blood ally. They were once very close, and this time all the wounds of the dead are smooth." Like a mirror, the investigation team suspects it is the Divine Edge Shadowless Curse..."

"I invented the Divine Edge Shadowless Curse."

Snape looked ugly. Apart from him, the only one who knew this magic was Dumbledore. So did these people suspect that Dumbledore taught this magic to Grindelwald and helped him escape from prison?

It's all the fault of this person next to me. Even if he kills people, he still kills so many people, but he also uses representative magic. Doesn't this lead to suspicion?

What's the plan?

In fact, perfect infiltration has nothing to do with magic. It just turns the tentacles into sharp blades by strangulation, chops off everyone's heads at the same time, and eats a little midnight snack.

Otherwise, it would have been impossible to cause so many people in the castle hall to die at the same time, even because the host said that apart from the prisoners on the tower, he did not want to see any breathing creature in the castle...

So strangulation killed every breathing thing in the castle.

"Don't worry, Professor Snape." Fontana shook his head. Although his face was gloomy, he was not panicked: "There is no record of you ever going to that castle, and you were all in my school yesterday. , I can vouch for that. I heard that Albus had been studying a distant relative of the Niffler in Brazzaville, Congo, with Newt over the summer, and he also had an alibi."

Snape took a deep breath: "I understand that if an Auror from the Magical Congress needs to check my wand, I will cooperate."

The honest-looking physical education professor also nodded: "Yes, I will cooperate. Grindelwald is so dangerous, dark, really dark..."

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