The Death Knell

Chapter 1668 Ginny has low self-esteem

About two weeks into the school year, Ginny was still making friends with her laptop, and she only used it for chatting.

Although her brothers were all in Gryffindor, they were all stinky boys who only did mischief all day long. They didn't understand how overwhelmed she was when she was new to school, and she also encountered some problems with her homework.

The main reason is that Professor Binns' History of Magic course is too hypnotic. The ghost's tone of voice almost never changes when he lectures. If he lasts for five minutes at most, the students will all lie down on the table and fall asleep.

Ginny wanted to quickly integrate into the life of Hogwarts. During the period of discomfort after enrolling, she approached Ron and wanted to play with him.

But Ron was busy playing wizard chess with Harry at the time, and said that if it was reported that he was playing with a girl, how would he see anyone in the future? A pure man like himself, a real man, would never take a girl with him.

Harry originally wanted to take Ginny to play, but after listening to Ron's words, he began to worry that playing with girls was not enough for a man, so he lowered his head and pretended not to hear.

During the summer vacation, his godfather Sirius was rehabilitated. It turned out that Ron's rat was a bad guy, and that bad guy was the one who betrayed his parents.

I heard that it was Hermione who discovered the abnormal behavior of the mouse and reported it to the professor, thereby uncovering a major conspiracy.

Harry didn't know what the specific conspiracy was. He just finally felt the warmth of a family member. Sirius was very kind to him and even took him on a trip during the summer vacation.

Harry was so happy that he didn't have to see the faces of the Dursleys. He felt so light in the clouds that he had no intention of paying attention to Ron's sister's little mood.

Ginny was disappointed and went back to Fred and George.

However, these two people have recently fallen into a bottleneck period in their academic research, because the effect of the 'involuntary exhaustion of sugar' they invented is too strong, and users will inadvertently excrete some 'solids' at the same time...

This was a bit too much even for a prank. They worked tirelessly to improve the formula, and even experimented on themselves and each other. It was really inconvenient to play with their sister.

Ginny was speechless and felt sick.

As for finding Percy next? That is impossible.

Among her brothers at school, he was the least Weasley-like. She suspected that she might have to make an appointment with Percy through a secretary, if the prefects also had secretaries.

The fireplace in the Gryffindor common room was always burning, but no bright fire could warm the little girl's lonely heart.

The Weasley family is very poor. They rely on their father's salary to support a large family. The eldest brother and second brother who are already working can only support themselves.

Ginny had to use second-hand textbooks, use the old cauldron her mother used when she went to school, wear old robes that had been altered, and even the face towel was old.

All this made her feel very inferior compared to other girls of the same age.

Before school started, when her family went to the bookstore to buy used books, her father had a fight with Mr. Malfoy, using his fists and nails like a Muggle. Afterwards, when she got to school, she found that there was an extra old book in her old book. Old black leather diary.

There is nothing in the diary, only a name written on the title page, Tom Riddle.

Since this notebook was completely new except for the name, the diligent and frugal Ginny used it and recorded her confusion and some minor emotions after entering school.

For example, I was disappointed not to get into Ravenclaw.

For example, meeting the legendary Hermione Granger in the corridor.

For example, I feel like my only friend is not mentally normal.

Because Luna made earrings from carrots and hung a necklace made of butterbeer corks around her neck, Ginny thought that maybe her family was also poor and she should be qualified to be her friend.

It's just that the girl's whereabouts are mysterious and her presence is extremely low, like a ghost who will disappear if she's not careful.

What's more, she is still a Ravenclaw, and she has no intersection with Gryffindor in the curriculum. Apart from meeting her once on the train, Ginny only met her a few times in school, and could not say a few words each time. Luna left as if floating, saying she was going to find the footprints of the soul.

In short, the records are all miscellaneous things. What else do you want to see in the little girl’s diary? Even some words she couldn't spell had to be replaced with pictures.

As a result, a few days later, she found that the diary could chat with her. Whatever she wrote in it, the ink stains would soon disappear, and new ink stains would appear in the original place, giving her the answer in beautiful cursive characters.

Although she didn't know how it did it, and she forgot her mother's instructions to be careful of any dead thing with its own mind, Ginny regarded the diary as a friend and interacted with it whenever she had time.

This diary calls itself Tom. It is a magical treasure that can help the little wizard answer difficult questions.

Whether it's a class question or common sense in life, it can give satisfactory answers, but it will occasionally encourage Ginny to kill something, and it seems to like playing pranks...

At that time, Ginny also showed the diary to Luna, but she didn't pay much attention to it, so she was very confused about Luna appearing in the Gryffindor lounge today and wanting to borrow the diary.

"How did you get in?" Ginny asked her friend.

"The Fat Lady's password changes every day, but I only need to ask a Gryffindor to find out. Changing the raven's emblem into a lion is just a simple transfiguration."

Luna still had her eyes wide open, but her gaze was completely unfocused.

Ginny returned to the dormitory and took the diary from the bedside, but she just held it in her arms without giving it to Luna: "You said that the professors and Senior Sister Granger want to see it, then I will go with them. I want to see it." Meet her, the legendary figure who is one year older than us, people say she is the reincarnation of Ravenclaw."

"The idea of ​​reincarnation is not true in our world." Luna's expression was calm, and when she talked about death and the soul, her eyes sparkled: "Some people will be trapped in certain places as ghosts after death, and more people will be trapped in certain places as ghosts after death. After death, they become invisible souls to us, and they will always exist beside our loved ones. All we need is a way to see them."

"Uh... okay?"

Ginny really couldn't understand Luna's brain circuit and her obsession with the souls of the dead.

The little girl with long platinum hair didn't care. If others could understand, she would just talk a little more. If you don't understand, she won't bother to explain. She will always be so calm: "Okay, after all, I just need to bring the diary with me and the task will be completed. As for whether you come with me or not, it has nothing to do with me."

Ginny pouted. She felt that her best friend was too cold, but in order to see Hermione, she still followed Luna out with her notebook.

Hermione's time to turn on the stove was over, and it was almost dinner time. She was also caught eating in the professor's box today, so Ginny and the two met everyone they wanted to see and didn't want to see in the teacher's box next to the auditorium.

Not only the physical education professor who asked to see the diary was here, but also the dean, Professor McGonagall, as well as Flitwick and Snape.

Snape seemed to have a dark cloud of his own. Even if he was just sitting in a corner of the box, the atmosphere in the cubicle was terrifyingly gloomy.

Compared with Luna's behavior of pushing the door open and walking in, Ginny hunched her neck and knocked twice on the open door panel, and only entered after receiving Professor McGonagall's approval.

Then she saw Professor Wilson giving Luna a large brown cloth bag. It was very heavy, and there was a metal clanging sound inside, which sounded like a bag of money.

"I brought the diary and the person."


Anyway, the main purpose was to issue a task to Luna, so that she could have a reason to give her some money so that she could change the way she got along with Hermione. As for whether Ginny came together, it would not have much impact on Su Ming.

Luna showed a small smile, held the money bag in her arms, and with some difficulty moved to sit next to Hermione. She buried her head on the bag, as if imagining her and her father's itinerary after going to Sweden. .

Then all the professors' eyes fell on Ginny. Standing at the dining table, she felt that she was shaking violently and her teeth were chattering.

"You're scaring her, Miss Weasley, please come to me."

Professor McGonagall waved her hand in the air, interrupting the sight of the three male professors. In fact, Ginny was only afraid of Snape, because Ron and Harry completely portrayed the Potions professor as a demon king.

Ginny walked to Professor McGonagall like a timid little rabbit and sat on the floating stool, not knowing what to say.

McGonagall pushed up the glasses on the bridge of her nose, and a bright light flashed, and the wrinkles on her face appeared a little deeper: "I heard Hermione say that you have a diary of Tom Riddle, it should be it, Can you show us?"

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