The Death Knell

Chapter 1679 Growth and New Semester


"Bang pig."

"No, it's Bon-jour."

"Hee hee hee......"

Time passed quickly. Hermione, who had returned to Hogwarts to take the final exam of her second year, had already boarded the train. In the compartment were Hannah and the others. The little girls who had only exchanged letters for a semester were pestering Hermione to teach them. speak French.

It's more like teasing than studying. Hannah's mouth was filled with the candies Hermione brought back from Paris, and she was sucking the cat in her hand. She couldn't pronounce it correctly at all and could only giggle.

Although Luna in the corner of the box is in the first year, Ravenclaws can sit regardless of grade. After all, there are only a few people. She is playing with her necklace and saying something with her eyes open:

"A Muggle survey shows that children and teenagers are the easiest stages to master a foreign language. As long as they are in the corresponding language environment, they can quickly learn to speak a foreign language, but it does not include reading and writing."

Seeing Luna who was still looking like that after not seeing her for half a year, Hermione, who already knew about her family situation from the professor, took her little hand lovingly and put a small 'candy yo-yo' in it.

This is also one of the inventions of the French. This kind of candy with a string attached to it will spin on the tongue without licking it after it is put into the mouth.

"That's almost the case for me." Hermione replied humbly. If she was asked what advantages she learned at Beauxbatons, then the biggest gain was 'French modesty'. She pointed to Luna's mouth and motioned for her to try the candy. : "The professor asked me to learn more than 30 foreign languages. After one semester, I can only master 29 listening, speaking, reading and writing. It is still a little difficult to deal with Latin declensions."

Yes, this is French modesty, saying the most ostentatious words in the most humble and polite tone.

‘My home is really small, incomparable to my neighbors’ homes... What? Where exactly do you live, you ask? My home is next door to the Palace of Versailles. ’

'Pure blood is great, but our Muggle family is so ordinary... Oh, what is my last name? My last name is Bonaparte. ’

‘If you want to go shopping in Paris, count me in. I also have to buy something... You ask me why I went there last week and then today? I can't help it, the clothes that fit me last week are so tight on my chest this week. ’

These are not the key, the key is the person who heard these words on the spot.

Because even if they are shown off like this in front of others, Beauxbatons students must maintain a spring-like smile and enthusiastically affirm their friends, and they must not hold grudges because of this, but must be sincerely happy for their classmates.

Hermione felt it was an eye-opener. In order to complete the second task assigned by the professor to make friends with everyone, she also learned the classic aristocratic conversation method, and after passing the language barrier, she easily integrated into the group of foreign girls.

In fact, it was not that easy. It was a bit difficult at first, but she soon solved the problem with her brain.

Although her bunny teeth have not changed now, her temperament has completely changed. She is noble but not alienated, reserved but not inferior. She is as calm as knowing that she has God's support behind her.

Beauxbatons is that kind of place, with aristocratic style everywhere. After living there for a long time, I naturally know how to respond appropriately to any situation.

And there are a lot of elective courses there that are not available in Hogwarts, including lady etiquette classes, witch body classes, potions and makeup classes, etc. These are all new to Hermione. Regardless of whether they are useful or not, she must sign up for them all. Listen in.

Luna lowered her head and looked at the candy in her hand. It looked red like a small fruit. She calmly put the candy into her mouth: "You are becoming more and more like Professor Wilson. The similarity in aura, your aura." Together, huh huh..."

Candy started spinning, interrupting her.

Hermione shook her head, neither agreeing nor disagreeing. This semester, the professor traveled between England and France almost every day to supervise her Xiaozao courses. Even if she wanted to be lazy occasionally, she couldn't do it.

She just wants to go home and have a good rest during the summer vacation, and sleep for a few days and nights first. There shouldn't be anything like this again next semester, right?


The summer vacation was very enjoyable. Hermione also took her friends to play in the Muggle society in London for a few days, went to the zoo to see hippos, and went on a boat ride on the Thames River.

Suddenly she found that there were more and more friends around her, and she could actually enjoy discounted prices for group tickets when going out.

It's just that the French students who came to the UK thought London was very dirty, and the Muggles here were too ungracefully dressed. However, the Beauxbatons girls only discovered how dirty it was after they entered the magical world through Diagon Alley. The environment can be quite fun sometimes.

Hermione was happy to be with her friends every day, but no matter how much she wanted to play, the start of school would not change.

A few days after saying goodbye to Fleur and the others, she took the Hogwarts Express again and headed to the castle by the Black Lake.

At the sorting ceremony dinner, Ravenclaw was still so inconspicuous. Only one little boy entered the Eagle House this year. It was the worst year. Even Professor Flitwick fell on the teacher's table in disappointment. .

But Hermione always sat at the dean's table with a smile on her face. Her unique temperament attracted many freshmen to look at her. After learning that she was a popular figure in Hogwarts in recent years, they even whispered and exclamations.

Dumbledore also came back from the United States and stayed there for more than half a year without even seeing a single hair of Grindelwald.

It's not that he stopped making trouble after he left, but that he reduced the frequency and became more vigilant.

Often when Dumbledore rushed to the scene of an incident, he could only see ruins burning with blue fire and the Deathly Hallows symbol in the sky, and no one was there long ago.

Lao Deng was not disappointed. On the contrary, this hide-and-seek fighting method made him feel good. He recalled running with Grindelwald under the sunset, which was their lost youth.

Although he himself wanted to continue the investigation, Hogwarts' responsibilities could not be ignored. After limiting the frequency of the first generation Dark Lord's activities, MACUSA gradually calmed down.

After all, although property damage was severe from beginning to end, there was not a single death in the United States.

The memories of Muggles have been almost wiped clean, and low-frequency activities like Grindelwald can also be covered up. As long as there is no danger of being exposed to the magical world, then other things don't matter.

Dumbledore, who I thought was the savior before, has become a bit of an eyesore. A foreigner is always hanging around the secret department of MACUSA. Some of the dark methods that used to maintain the prosperity of the United States are difficult to use... .

The Wizarding World began to hint that Dumbledore should return to England. He was no longer useful.

If that's the case, why do you still want to stay there and make people look bad? So Lao Deng also said goodbye and returned to his own school to deal with some accumulated problems until the start of school today.

Hermione watched the principal speak behind a podium full of candlesticks, and felt that it was not much different from previous years. Basically no one understood Dumbledore's jokes, such as 'Idiot! Residue! Cry! screw! ’.

At first I thought it would be Old Scots or something, but later the professor said it wasn't even a scrambled word, it was just a signal to the elf to serve food.

I thought that this year there would be a relatively ordinary college life. Who knew that Dumbledore suddenly remembered something as he walked towards the teacher's chair after speaking, and turned around and walked back to the podium:

"Miss Granger of Ravenclaw, please come to the Headmaster's office to meet me after dinner. Please remember that lions like to drink honey and lemon tea. Thank you."

Hermione closed her eyes and slowly exhaled a breath from her chest. Here it comes, the familiar feeling comes again...

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