The Death Knell

Chapter 1686 Cave

"Is this right here?"

Standing on the cliff by the sea, Sirius looked seriously at a cave far below.

To be precise, it was more like a gap in the towering black cliff. The narrow triangular gap was more than thirty meters high but only a few meters wide, embedded in the coast.

A large amount of sea water was lapping there, making a strange roar. It was pitch black inside and nothing could be seen. Only the huge white waves could be seen under the moonlight, like the hands of the dead squeezed together.

Kreacher was shaking. He seemed to be afraid of this place, even his pointed ears drooped.

But the elves must obey all the orders of the family master, and he can only bring them here.

"It turns out this is here." Su Ming squatted down and checked a few stones, then threw them away after observing: "It seems that Voldemort's treatment in the orphanage was pretty good when he was a child. Even if he only goes out once a year, this place is too far from London."

The current location of the three elves and one elf is the Isle of Man, located in the channel between the main island of England and Ireland. To be honest, the scenery here is very good when the weather is good, but there are too few people on the island and it is in a more remote place. Not seeing a single person for a day.

Hermione stood behind the two of them. She didn't want to go to the edge of the cliff:

"There is a small village a few miles away. It must have been the place where the orphans traveled... But even if we flew here on a flying carpet, it is more than 400 kilometers away from London. At that time, their journey was You need to take a train and then a boat, which will take several days.”

Su Ming smiled and nodded, clapped his hands on his knees and stood up:

"The owner of Wu's Orphanage is definitely a cybernetic lunatic. His property is arranged like an interrogation room in the Department of Magic Enforcement. Each child lives alone in his own cubicle, and the only things at his disposal are wardrobes and beds. , there are iron bars on the gate and windows. Unfortunately, the orphanage has been demolished this year, otherwise I can take you to visit."

"Voldemort hid his Horcruxes here. It's really hard to find this place where his life only intersects once."

Hermione sighed. She had no intention of picking up trouble with orphanages and mental hospitals, otherwise the professor would definitely take her to such weird places.

"Tom Riddle traveled here with the orphanage when he was a child. He discovered a very secluded seaside cave. Later, when he became Voldemort, he transformed the cave into a magical secret room to store his Horcruxes."

The clothes on Deathstroke squirmed and turned into yellow and black heavy armor in the blink of an eye. After the transformation, a hoarse voice like an evil ghost sounded:

"He cast a spell on it, a lot of permanent magic and curses. We might as well go in and talk about it. To be honest, it's not easy to find you some undead training partners in this world."

Hermione paused for a moment, then took out the shotgun from the space bag with a numb look on her face:

"It's better to start with the head, right?"

"That's right, you've learned how to answer quickly."

The professor pulled her onto the flying carpet.


It is almost impossible to approach this cave without the help of magic. The cliff it is located on is as smooth as a dark mirror, and the complex current conditions below may destroy any approaching ship.

It was no problem to get over from the air. A few people landed on the edge of the wet and slippery rocks at the entrance of the cave. There were many jagged grooves for stepping on, as well as a large number of sharp, like animal traps, sticking out from under the waves of the sea. black sharp stone.

Everyone could feel the cold water that smelled like the ocean splashing on their faces. Hermione took out her wand and threw fluorescent lighting sticks everywhere, quickly marking a path.

The crack became a bright channel, and at high tide this small space would surely fill with seawater, but now there was a path.

Moving forward, the muddy rock walls on both sides were only three feet apart. Under the green fluorescent light, they shone like a wet asphalt road.

Continuing further inside, the secret passage suddenly turned left and stretched straight into the deepest part of the cliff.

"This green stick is quite nice. Is it a new invention of Muggles? I remember I had never seen these before I entered Azkaban." Sirius was very interested in the light stick, and he even asked Hermione for one. Roots, playing with them by breaking them back and forth in their hands.

Su Ming was walking at the front. He was wearing the heaviest armor and it was his duty to clear the way. There were all kinds of magic traps along the way. From time to time, there would be rays or beams of light flying towards them, but he would block them one by one with his weapons.

He still looked relaxed and answered Sirius's question as he walked: "You have been here for more than ten years. Muggle technology is advancing with each passing day. Combining them with magic is the wisest choice."

Sirius was still holding Kreacher in his hand, because the elf was shaking even more after entering the cave entrance, and the guy almost slipped into the sea: "I know firearms..."

"I have an automatic wand shop in Diagon Alley. If you have time, you can bring your godson over to try it. It's much more fun than wands." Su Ming raised his hand and held the giant sword in front of him, and a line of green sticky magic appeared Being blocked: "Here we are, right here."

It was only after a few people discovered that there was a narrow step at the end of the passage. It was not known where it led, because its way above was blocked by a huge black rock.

“It’s just the vestibule, we’ve got to find a way through it.”

Hermione walked up behind the professor with her wand and gun in hand. She carefully observed every clue in order to identify what kind of mechanism it was. She looked left and right around the boulder and even reached out to touch it.

Then she cast the 'All Curses Are Ending' spell on the stone blocking the way. This was a spell that could counter all spells, but under normal circumstances it would require several adult wizards to work together to cast it.

Thanks to the special training from 'Grandpa', Hermione's talent is enough to support her to do this alone, but the difficulty is very high, and she still can't cast spells silently.


Suddenly, the boulder turned into the outline of an arch, emitting dazzling white light, as if there was a strong light shining behind it, but it just flashed and disappeared immediately, and the boulder changed back again.

If not all three of them saw it, they would definitely think it was a temporary hallucination.

"Voldemort's evil magic! This rock is thirsty for blood. If you want to enter here, you must pay the price." Sirius's face darkened. Although he loved to play when he was young, he was by no means an unlearned person. He was still knowledgeable. some.

"Well, the stone needs blood to activate it. Voldemort believed that blood loss would make you debilitated and dehydrated. This was the first step in the trap."

Su Ming took off his gloves and used the giant sword to hit his arm. The bones were visible, and blood covered Sirius's face like a fountain.

Facing the incomprehensible and frightened eyes, a certain professor calmly took his arm with his other hand and sprayed it on the boulder like a faucet watering flowers:

"But he doesn't know that for some people, blood is plentiful."

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