The Death Knell

Chapter 1688 The whole story

The undead were a good enemy, more like humans than trolls. Hermione had unknowingly completed the last step of basic training, which was to slaughter living corpses that looked almost identical to living people.

If you kill zombies today, you can kill people like Voldemort next time. They all look so pale and evil anyway.

The curve of this psychological construction is very smooth under the control of Deathstroke.

"Phew, it's done."

Hermione, who was panting, dragged an intact corpse to the two men. The Ending Curse dispelled the dark magic in the corpse and turned it back into an ordinary corpse without any movement. She threw it away angrily. The body was laid before them:

"Please see if this is your brother."

Sirius then remembered that he had been led astray by Professor Wilson. He was just chatting and almost forgot the purpose of his visit. It was really embarrassing.

He lowered his head and looked at the corpse in front of him. Like the other corpses, it had a pale and deformed face. It had a rotten smell caused by being soaked in water for too long. Coupled with the water plants wrapped around the skin, it looked completely intact. monster.

But he still reached for the inner pocket of the suit the corpse was wearing. This suit was indeed a fine fabric with magic added to it.

He knew his mother. Before she went crazy, she always ordered the best clothes for her family. If this body was really Regulus, there would be the Black family crest on the seam of the inner pocket... ....

Reaching out, groping, and pausing, time seemed to stand still, and then he experienced a breakdown-like emotional catharsis.

He didn't know what he had found. Su Ming, who was squatting next to him, smoking a cigarette and drinking wine, suddenly saw Sirius crying. The guy even hugged the sticky Inferi tightly, kissed it, pressed it against his face, and howled. Regulus's name...


He quickly stood up and hid next to Hermione. Although it was understandable that the accumulation of emotions needed to be vented, retrieving the remains of his dead relatives was certainly worthy of celebration.

But could we choose a slightly more restrained way of celebrating?

Even if Sirius had to sleep in the same bed with Regulus' corpse tonight, Su Ming wouldn't care about it, but the prerequisite is that no one else can see it! Why don't you take it home and tidy it up, make it clean and miss it again?

But it was obvious that Hermione had different ideas from his. Hermione, who was completely clean from head to toe, showed a cute smile. She looked at the reunion of the Black brothers and said with some emotion: "It's so touching. The greatness of family love is hard to find at any time." Describe it in words.”

"It seems that I have to talk to you about other things about life and death. I don't want you to become like my cousin and give me all the things from the underworld..."

Professor Wilson put the cigarette in his mouth and rubbed the top of his apprentice's head.


Sirius still had the ability to control himself. He just cried bitterly for a while and then realized that his behavior was inappropriate. He ordered Kreacher to take his brother's body home, and then he wiped his eyes and walked to Deathstroke.

"Thank you, Professor Wilson. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't even know all this, let alone meet him again."

"My condolences." Su Ming took out a pack of tissues and threw it to him, then turned his eyes to the small island in the distance on the water: "We should go drink that water next."

Kreacher had previously told the three of them everything here, including Voldemort's trap layout.

Voldemort placed a stone washbasin-like platform on the island, which was filled with a special potion. He threw the locket, one of the Horcruxes, into it. The magic stipulated that he must drink up the contents of the washbasin. Magic potion to see what's inside.

Except for the small jar prepared on the side, even the stone platform could not be touched with hands. This was the inspiration he got from the Goblet of Fire.

Drinking this magic potion will make people very thirsty, lose their mind, and want to drink water involuntarily.

The only source of water here is the pool where the Inferi are soaking. If a person who is so thirsty and delirious approaches the water, makes a noise and touches the water, he will be pulled into the water by the Inferi and drown.

In the early years, the Black family admired Voldemort and agreed with his pure-blood claim, so much so that they gave their youngest son to Voldemort as a servant.

Where is Voldemort? He also needed more recognition from noble families, and as he got in touch with him, he felt that Regulus was a loyal servant who had no other problems except being too merciful.

Trustworthy enough that Voldemort could ask him for Kreacher, the house elf.

Voldemort wanted to test the magical protection of the Horcrux hiding place, so he borrowed Kreacher and took the elf to the cave.

He ordered him to drink the potion to test its effect. The house elf obeyed, and then rolled all over the floor with thirst.

Seeing Kreacher's painful look, Voldemort just laughed, left Kreacher in the cave to fend for himself, and left alone.

Because he saw that the elf was dying of thirst and had crawled to the shore to drink water and was entangled by the inferi. In his opinion, it was doomed.

'It's none of your business, hahaha...'

Voldemort just laughed wildly and disappeared into the darkness.

But he has never seen a house elf directly. This kind of creature is too humble and too common. He also doesn't know that the magic he left in the cave to prevent the disembodiment does not apply to the elf. The elf magic is completely different. A system.

Kreacher, who was dragged into the water, still remembered in his daze that Master Regulus said when he went out:

‘After helping the adults, go home. ’

He activated the teleportation technique belonging to the elf, went home, drank enough clean water, and told Regulus everything that happened.

Regulus heard that Voldemort would sacrifice the elves in the homes of loyal believers, and he recognized the reality that all Death Eaters were just tools to the Dark Lord, and he finally decided not to serve that person anymore.

But he also knew that Death Eaters could not quit, and his family would not allow him to quit.

So he made a fake locket, followed Kreacher back to the cave, drank the potion himself, and replaced the genuine one with the fake one.

He committed suicide, ordered Kreacher to leave with the locket, keep it a secret from his family, and find a way to destroy the locket.

It's a pity that to this day, Kreacher still has no way to complete this task. Slytherin's locket is indestructible. Kreacher tried magic, tried teeth, and tried to put it on Muggle railway tracks, but it didn't work. .

"Regulus is a good man. If he returns here and orders Kreacher to drink the endless potion again and go home, he can complete the replacement without losing his life."

Su Ming landed on the island with some emotion and looked at the glowing stone platform.

Hermione shook her head, and she understood the cause of the tragedy: "It was impossible for him to do that. At that time, betraying Voldemort was already a great courage, not to mention that his family all wanted him to confess to Mrs. Black... .The pressure at home when the Demon King was working was unbearable, and his heart died earlier."

Sirius's breathing became heavier: "He should do that. The damn Death Eater elf could have drank this potion a few more times and let my brother come back alive with the locket and find Dumbledore." , go find me!”

"Rebellion in front of you? Then Voldemort will kill all your relatives just like he killed the Potter family." Su Ming rolled his eyes. Sirius had this problem. He would lose all his intelligence when he was bleeding: "I mean It means that Regulus can completely change the locket without anyone noticing, and find an opportunity to fake his death in front of Voldemort. Anyway, the Dark Lord will not check the life and death of his tool on the battlefield. Then Regulus Sri Lanka can hide in South America or Africa."

"He died in 1979. If he had heard the prophecy, he would have known that as long as he lasted two more years, Voldemort would have failed." Hermione recalled the history. Although Voldemort was at the peak of his power at that time, it was impossible for anyone to be undefeated forever: "He still doesn't believe the prophecy and suffers from insufficient information. And he is too proud to even think about asking others to help him."

"He is the best child... I would rather Voldemort kill my whole family because of this." Sirius stretched out his hand to the silver cup and said with a livid face: "This is equal to us. The two brothers dragged dozens of Death Eaters to hell, and we made a lot of money!"

The water droplets above the cave fell to the ground, making an imperceptible sound in the darkness. Su Ming took off his mask and looked at Hermione beside him speechlessly.

There was a profound meaning in his gaze, as if he was saying silently: 'Did you see it? My apprentice, the person in front of you is a typical Gryffindor kid...'

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