The Death Knell

Chapter 1690 Pity Harry

That night, Deathstroke first sent Hermione, whose mind was still filled with the faces of the dead after the battle, back to the Ravenclaw common room, and asked her to pet the cat or read a book, and think about the shortcomings of today's battle.

Hermione had been silent after the battle. She seemed to have come to her senses and realized that the things she killed tonight looked exactly like humans.

This is really exciting.

She just wanted to be quiet now, so she said goodbye to the professor with some hesitation, scratched her head and went back to the dormitory, as if she was complaining about why she didn't think of this in advance.

Seeing the disciple's dejected look, the professor smiled slightly. The exam was over. Tomorrow was the competition for the Academy Cup and the students taking the train home. It was not important. Anyway, this year's champion was Ravenclaw.

He didn't plan to sleep tonight. He had to find an expert to deal with the problem of the locket in his hand.


Summer vacation is worth looking forward to for every student. Of course, they often forget how they looked forward to the start of school at the end of the previous summer vacation.

But Harry, who was imprisoned at his uncle's house at the beginning of the vacation, was an exception. He didn't want to take the summer vacation at all. If the school hadn't stipulated that every student must leave school during the vacation, he would have even wanted to live in Hogwarts all the time. .

It was the early morning of the third day of vacation, and he was lying on the window sill in the small attic, looking outside, waiting for Hedwig to come back with a letter.

This small room was originally used to store Dali's toys, but since the second grade, Harry's size has grown rapidly after taking exercise in physical education class.

The cupboard was completely out of space, so his aunt had no choice but to let him move into the attic on the top floor. This was already the second year he had lived here, and there was nothing wrong with it except for the leakage.

But the Dursleys still disliked him so much. His uncle and aunt treated him like a monster, and sometimes locked him in the bedroom.

Harry can only pass the time by writing letters and chatting with Ron these days. There is nothing serious to do, just asking the other person if he has eaten? What to eat? Have you slept? What did you sleep on?

All in all, they were unreliable questions. Ron was not quick to reply. He was busy playing with himself and would occasionally bring Harry some magic candies to comfort him. This was the limit.

Ron hadn't replied to the letter he wrote last night, and Harry felt like his days were like a year.

After knowing that Sirius was his godfather, the Boy-Who-Lived also hoped to move out of here and live with him.

But the godfather himself was willing, but this suggestion was rejected by the principal. For some unknown reason, Dumbledore had a serious talk with Harry, specifically emphasizing that he was not allowed to move out of the Dursleys completely.

Harry didn't know why, but he still surrendered shamefully. There was irresistible power in Dumbledore's words, and it was difficult for him to refuse any of his requests when he became serious.

At this moment, Harry's locked door suddenly opened, and Sirius with flowing hair walked in.

It's just that compared to the always smiling look in the past, he looked a bit serious today, and rarely wore a black suit instead of the brown one he usually wore.

"Harry, I'm taking you to a funeral. Will you come?"


Harry climbed up from the window. The room was so narrow that he had to kneel on the bed to get on the window sill.

"My brother, he was unfortunately killed by Voldemort more than ten years ago. I only recently found his body with the help of Professor Wilson and Miss Granger."

Sirius answered his question, and didn't mind that Harry's sheets were dark, so he sat down at the head of the bed.

"I'll go." Harry took off his coat from the nail on the back of the door: "As long as I can get out of here and get some air, I'll go anywhere."

"Did they bully you again?" Sirius' eyebrows furrowed. He reached into his clothes to get the wand while standing up as if to go downstairs.

Harry quickly stopped him. His godfather had only been out of Azkaban for a year, so he couldn't go back in again just to torture Muggles.

Killing No-Majs in the United States only requires labor education, but killing Muggles in the UK is against wizarding laws. This was what Harry heard from Ginny, and treated it as foreign knowledge and news he heard while playing in the common room. Ginny listened to Luna, and Luna listened to Hermione...

Sure enough, there is still no way around Miss Granger? We are obviously the same age, but why do we feel like she is everywhere?

Harry sighed, but the gap was too big after all, and it was difficult for him to even feel jealous. He put on his coat, hugged Sirius's waist, and changed the subject:

"How did you get here? Riding your flying motorcycle?"

"Riding that one in broad daylight and risking being seen by Muggles? I'm not that stupid." Sirius was distracted and temporarily forgot about his plan to go downstairs to settle accounts with the Dursleys: "I spent money on The Ministry of Magic found an acquaintance and temporarily connected the fireplace of the house on Privet Drive to the Floo network, where I came from."

Harry forced a smile. Is it really a illegal method?

"The uncle and the others must be frightened."

Sirius shrugged and withdrew his wand: "I don't know about that. When I came, their family was sitting around the dining table, eating bacon, fried sausages, stewed steak for breakfast, and watching what Muggles were doing... .By the way, I’m watching TV and I said hello to them.”

Harry recalled his breakfast, which was just a piece of black bread and a glass of cold water. He couldn't help but made a sound like he couldn't eat grapes: "Eating so much meat in the morning is not good for your health..."

"Let's go. I'll take you to the Leaky Cauldron to have something to eat first, and then go to Diagon Alley to find Professor Wilson. We'll go to the reserved place together."

Sirius saw Harry secretly swallowing his saliva, and naturally thought of his usual treatment, and couldn't help feeling a little distressed.

But compared to the boy's puzzlement, Dumbledore explained to Sirius why Harry couldn't leave here, because this is also the curse of love. As long as Harry still regards this place as home, then no one can Hurt him here.

Voldemort doesn't know yet that he has destroyed so many Horcruxes, but he will eventually find out. Don't let your guard down now. Even if you think the injured snake is dead, beware of it jumping up and biting you.

"Is Miss Granger there too?" Harry rubbed his messy hair and pointed at his wrinkled coat: "I can't see my classmates like this, and we underage wizards are not allowed to cast spells outside the school. .”

"Cleaned up."

Sirius immediately understood that Harry had low self-esteem, and he smiled and used magic to clean up his godson.

But he himself had met Hermione, and he knew that the gap between the two peers could not be bridged by good hygiene habits. Harry would become a good wizard in the future, but Hermione was already better than most professors. .

Harry smelled his own scent, which was barely acceptable, and he followed Sirius to the first floor, preparing to leave through the floo network.

When he came to the kitchen on the first floor, he found that his uncle's family of three seemed to be in a daze. Everyone had their mouths open and looked in the direction of the fireplace with frightened expressions. Harry also saw that Dali was halfway chewing in his mouth. Mouth full of meat.

Harry swore that if he were a bird, he would definitely snatch the food from another bird's mouth, but he was not. He shook Sirius's arm as he wanted to get into the fireplace: "Godfather, you used a petrification spell on them." ?"

"Oh, you reminded me, they wanted to scream when I greeted them. It's not good to attract Muggle neighbors so early in the morning, so I made them unable to move for a while."

Sirius smiled like a successful prank, but soon thought of the funeral and sighed:

"Come on, Harry, they will return to normal when the time comes. I don't think you want the professor at school to mark you as late, do you?"

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