The Death Knell

Chapter 1702 Golden Retriever

Everyone in the British wizarding world knew that Harry's parents were killed by Voldemort, and Draco was no exception.

He had been targeting Harry mainly because he only played with the Weasley children.

After all, Harry Potter was definitely a popular figure before the first grade started. As a child of a wealthy family, Draco naturally felt that his friends should be the best, so he took the initiative to make friends with him on the train.

But it turned out to be a disappointment. Harry didn't want to play with him.

He has never been so embarrassed since he was a child. He lost all his face in front of two stupid followers.

So from then on, he faced off against Harry. In fact, the most important thing was to deal with Ron. The red-haired boy was too stupid and would be fooled at the slightest provocation.

Do you really have to ask how much he hates Harry? That's not the case, it's just that I couldn't swallow it in one breath.

Now in fourth grade, most of the students have turned their attention to Miss Granger, who is the best student in Hogwarts.

Draco was the only one who never left Harry and felt that he should be friends with him. Although the Boy-Who-Lived had passed away and was nothing, the golden retriever classmates were eyeing him.

Seeing Harry, who was uncharacteristically and without energy at all, Draco took a few steps closer suspiciously.

The other party's appearance was undoubtedly related to the photo in his hand, but I had never seen Harry feel so sad about the death of his parents before.

Is there anything wrong with this photo?

With this question in mind, Draco put the photo in front of his eyes and looked at it carefully.

It was very ordinary. Two young men and women with blond hair, probably in sixth or seventh grade, were laughing and taking pictures in front of a fake fountain. Their poses were also very ordinary.

Draco moved his gaze away from the top of the photo and looked at Harry sitting on the tree stump. At this time, the boy's black hair looked very greasy in the midday sun.


! ! !

The golden retriever's eyes suddenly widened. He quickly looked down at the photo, then looked up at Harry, repeating this several times.


He took a breath.

He understood, no wonder Harry was so lost that he didn't even want to quarrel with himself, so that was it!

It is impossible for anyone to be calm about this kind of thing, because it means that many things in the past have become mysteries. Draco thinks that if one day he knows that he is not his parents' child, he will definitely collapse.

The next second, an emotion called sympathy emerged in his heart. Harry was indeed a little too miserable. The people he thought were his parents died without telling him, and now he was faced with the mystery of his life experience.

Although everyone usually unleashes evil spells on each other to play pranks, they are definitely not life-or-death enemies.

Draco felt that at this time, he should not do too much. On the contrary, in order to have opponents to play with and have fun in the future, he should also encourage Harry.

But this touches on his knowledge blind spot.

If you want him to say something sarcastic about others, even if you talk for three days and three nights, you won't necessarily have to repeat the same words.

But when it comes to comforting others and cheering others on? He only knows some polite language when communicating with nobles. He felt that those were not enough, at least not enough to soothe the injured heart of an orphan.


After squeezing for a long time, Draco only came up with this one word. He turned away from looking at Harry, but placed the photo on the other man's shoulder.


Harry was like a living corpse. After taking the photo, he lowered his head and looked at it, as if he was looking for some secret, so focused.

Draco heard Harry say thank you for the first time, and he became a little at a loss. He wiped his hands on his robes again and again, but he didn't know where to put them.

He frowned and said impatiently: "No need to thank me, just call me Draco from now on. Don't call me Mr. Malfoy, that will make me think that my father is behind my back."


The black-haired boy raised his head and smiled reluctantly at the little snake. The smile was uglier than crying.

Draco sighed in his heart and didn't know whether he should tell Harry what he had discovered. The guy seemed to have noticed something was wrong, but he probably hadn't thought of the last step, the most critical clue.

The evidence is in the most conspicuous place, should I remind you?

No, I still can't say, it's too close to the lake. What if Harry suddenly loses his mind and commits suicide by throwing himself into the lake?

Draco couldn't swim. It was a sport for Muggles. Soaking in the water with others wearing only shorts in broad daylight? It is absolutely impossible for a pure-blood noble to do this kind of behavior.

So he decided to change the topic. After thinking for a long time, he suddenly had an idea:

"Mr. Potter, do you plan to sign up for this Top Ten Tournament? I plan to sign up. Although I will definitely not be able to beat Miss Granger, second place is not bad."

"You can just call me Harry, even though my father has died long ago." Harry said a cold joke and shook his head in a self-deprecating manner: "I'll forget it, I'm useless. You won't be able to choose me anyway, and I don't want to be like that. It’s embarrassing in front of many people.”

This tone, this extremely sad state, coupled with the deep gaze he occasionally casts towards the lake...

Draco suspected that Harry would commit suicide even if he didn't discover the truth.

The golden retriever rubbed his face, feeling extremely stressed. He couldn't let Harry die in front of him.

He likes to fight and play with Harry and Ron, but he doesn't want to push his classmates to death.

He quickly sat down next to Harry, first put his arm around him, pressed his shoulders and fixed him on the tree stump to ensure that Harry would not break free and jump into the lake, which made him feel more at ease.

"Don't say that, you still have advantages. Although I don't want to admit it, you perform better than me in physical education class."

This is the fact. Professor Wilson’s educational policy for the Lion and Snake Houses is the path of ‘barbaric flesh’. If the courses in the Badger House and the Eagle House are more like outings and picnics, it is not so relaxing here.

Triathlons, cross-country with heavy loads, and running with logs on their backs are exactly the same procedures used by Muggles to train special forces.

Apart from anything else, Draco and Harry now have strong muscles under their robes, one piece at a time. Otherwise, it would be impossible for Harry to be able to shoot a rifle in a gun shop for a day, right?

This is what Draco was talking about. For example, in the 10,000-meter long-distance race, Harry, who was in third grade last semester, scored less than fifty minutes, but he exceeded fifty minutes, which was dozens of seconds slower.

Harry shook his head. Although this result was passing, the professor said that many Muggle peers could run in the 40th minute. Hermione Granger's latest result was an inhuman statistic of seven seconds for 100 meters. Listen He said that when she grows up, her legs and feet will become longer even faster.

People are really worse than others. Even girls of the same age can't outrun him. He is really a waste.

"Draco, look at this black lake, how beautiful it is. If you sleep under this water, you won't have so many worries, right?"

Harry smiled meaningfully at Draco, his eyes completely filled with the confusion of a loser.

He meant the Slytherin common room.

All the little snakes really sleep in the cellar under the Black Lake, or simply sleep under the water. Most of the people in the Snake House were children from pure-blood aristocratic families. Harry could not imagine the happiness of rich people, so he felt that they had no worries.

This is what I said before.

But in the current situation, it had a completely different meaning when Draco heard it.

sleep? carefree? Is it that kind of eternal ‘sleep’? !

He quickly hugged Harry and dragged him to the castle: "No! Harry, don't do this. Let's go to the infirmary and let Madam Pomfrey find out what's wrong with you. It doesn't matter if you are sick. You must not do this." Abandon treatment."

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