The Death Knell

Chapter 1707 Adou was also helped up

Perhaps to outsiders, every event in this competition is quite exciting, and there are many methods in the event arrangement that the wizards have never thought of.

For example, in the second project, all the contestants were teleported to the center of the Forbidden Forest using portkeys. They needed to separate in the forest to defeat various harmful magical animals recently released, and collect a pair of "Heaven" and "Earth" written on them from them. Scroll, then take it back to the finish line outside the castle.

Of course, you can also grab other people's scrolls. Anyway, the judges only give points based on the speed of the player's return.

Electrical appliances can be used in places near Hogwarts far away from the castle, such as Hogsmeade Village. Su Ming installed some cameras in the Forbidden Forest, and then installed large screens in the auditoriums several miles away to record the game process. Everything that happens in the forest is shown to everyone.

The wizards all think this is good. Although Muggle things look very vulgar, they can be used to watch the show.

It is believed that the last Triwizard Tournament was held by Beauxbatons more than a hundred years ago. I heard that there was a project at the bottom of the Garonne River. The audience could not see what was happening underwater and could only sit in the seats. I sat there dryly for several hours.

Hermione came first again. The Forbidden Forest was like a backyard to her. She had practiced her wild survival skills here two years ago.

The professor taught her how to lurk and track prey in the wild, and how to silently attack the weaknesses of creatures. Coupled with her small size and fast speed, she quickly gathered together the scrolls of heaven and earth.

The second place was Furong, who didn't do well in the first round of events. She found the centaur tribe in the Forbidden Forest, activated her charm and quickly obtained the scroll.

Harry Potter got a perfect grade. Although he had known about the project for a long time, he had no good solution. He could only call Hedwig to help him search in the woods and stole a pair of scrolls with his flying advantage.

The audience felt that the second place was still very suspenseful. Although almost thirty people were eliminated in the first round of dragon fighting, and more than a dozen people were eliminated in this round, the remaining children seemed to have their own methods and extraordinary abilities. imagination.

Luna and the others' dream of making money was shattered, and they were not selected in the registration. At this time, they could only cheer Hermione on from the stands.

In fact, there was nothing to cheer for. After all, in their opinion, Hermione's number one was determined. She was almost omnipotent, had a broad range of knowledge, and had solutions to every situation. No one could compare with her.


"We have to arrange some advantageous projects for Harry." In a dark secret room, Su Ming was having a meeting with Grindelwald and Snape: "His current points ranking is only more than 40, which is not conducive to achieving the planned goals. .”

Grindelwald smoked a cigarette quietly and shook his head helplessly: "This kid is too disappointing. I thought he would perform well in the first two rounds if he knew the answers. As a result, we had to temporarily add projects to chase points for him. .”

Snape: "..."

Of course, the Potions Professor knew that Harry was talented, but in the past few years, he had been played with by Ron in various ways. It was a miracle that his academic performance could be considered above average. He could remember some spells and recall some knowledge in actual combat. , which is already considered a good performance.

This is all Lily's inheritance of intelligence, Snape thinks so.

"There will always be accidents in the plan, and I will always have a backup plan." Su Ming stood in the middle of the secret room with his arms folded, and sighed: "I really can't think of Harry having any other special skills besides Parseltongue. , I can’t do anything, I can only use unfair means..."

The three of them were silent, and finally decided to help Harry cheat.

The operation is not difficult, the main thing is that Grindelwald needs to continue sneaking into Hogwarts Castle and modify Harry's dream.

The next project in the future will be fully revealed in the dream, and the old man will turn into the image of Harry's mother and personally demonstrate in the dream how to pass the level to get a good score.

No matter the route or method, teach him everything step by step. This is equivalent to directly copying the test paper for him. It won't work, right?

"It's all thanks to you, old man, for your hard work. If you persist for another half a year, we can reap the fruits of victory."

Su Ming patted Grindelwald's arm and handed the burden to him. Although he could control Harry's mind by strangulation, it was not a dream.

For example, the time Harry dreamed of Orochi playing a puzzle game, he actually woke up long ago, but the strangulation invaded his brain, making him unable to open his eyes and unable to move, providing him with a nightmare hallucination. .

If Harry was allowed to do this every night, he would probably die suddenly due to chronic lack of sleep, so he would have to rely on the first Dark Lord.

Grindelwald smiled evilly and touched his short blond hair: "Don't worry, as long as Severus goes to Albus every night to discuss Voldemort's affairs to hold him back, I will follow him back home after entering Hogwarts Castle. Same."

Deathstroke took out a cigarette, lit it, and took a deep breath: "That's good. Mr. Snape will hold off the principal, and I will take the other professors to the Three Broomsticks to drink every night. Professor Lockhart has already After being bribed by me, he will act as a conversation organizer at the banquet and keep the atmosphere lively."

"That's a liar, and he can't be allowed to know any truth," Snape added. .

"We are all liars." Su Ming nodded calmly.


In the days that followed, Harry really became awesome. Although the audience and classmates didn't know why he suddenly became so awesome, he was as proficient in every project as if he had been contacted a thousand times, and any problem could be solved easily.

But Harry happily attributed everything to his mother in the dream.

After recognizing Professor Snape as his real father, Harry secretly tore off the other half of the photos with James in them, leaving only the half with his mother.

After doing this, the mother finally spoke to herself in the dream. She also predicted the future competition and taught her son new knowledge and magic spells.

Sure enough, the soul exists in the world. She must have known that she and Snape knew each other in their hearts, and she had driven away the annoying James from the photo, so she felt free and relieved, right?

I almost missed all this, thanks to the old man in Wilson's Automatic Alchemy Wand Shop. If he hadn't taken the photo of me, everything would have been different, right?

Harry had sneaked to Diagon Alley on weekends, but when he asked the clerk again, he was told that the old gentleman had gone back to his hometown in Brazzaville, Congo, to recuperate due to health problems.

Harry had never heard of this place name before, let alone knew where it was. He could only pray to Merlin from the bottom of his heart for the old man, hoping that the old man would recover soon.

However, despite the help of the mother in the dream, she is still no match for Miss Granger.

That girl was too strong, almost like a magical Muggle commando, overwhelmingly superior to Harry in terms of physical fitness and other aspects.

Fortunately, after dozens of rounds of competition that lasted for more than half a year, Harry was firmly in second place, and he was satisfied.

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