The Death Knell

Chapter 1714 The Army of the Undead

The air became heavy, and Harry was breathless on the cold ground. He could not imagine how the first-generation demon king named Grindelwald had the courage to face hundreds of people alone.

For wizards fighting, although the number of people does not necessarily represent the strength of the battle, quantitative changes will always lead to qualitative changes. Harry felt that even if Dumbledore came, he would not be able to remain calm against so many Death Eaters. .

Is it true that the first-generation Demon King was not afraid of death? What is he here for? Want to take back the title of Demon King that was taken away by Voldemort?

And what happened to Mr. Malfoy? He actually deceived Voldemort. Is it because Draco said good things about him at home every day?

Not only was Harry confused, Voldemort obviously couldn't figure out the previous question either.

"How dare you? How dare you?!"

Voldemort's eyes swept over the puddles of black ash on the ground not far away. He had no sympathy at all for the death of his men. There was only a little regret after the tool was lost. More importantly, it was his sympathy for Grindelwald. Hatred because the other party interrupted his first show after his glorious return.

"Why do you dare to face so many of us alone? Old man, if you kneel down and apologize now, I might be kind and not care about you."

Grindelwald touched his mustache and kept shaking his head as if he had heard a joke that was not funny. He looked at Voldemort with regret, as if he was worried about the IQ of the person who inherited his name.

"Who told you I'm alone?"

"Oh? Are you relying on your 'saints'? I'm afraid they all have lost their teeth, right?"

Voldemort looked up to the sky and laughed, and the Death Eaters gathered behind their master, laughing as if they had regained their courage.

"My reinforcements are much older than them..." Grindelwald sighed, raised the wand in his hand and fired the Mark of the Deathly Hallows into the sky: "Death Knell is right, Voldemort, you are not interested in the real I don’t know anything about power. Anyway, after so many years of planning, I’ll let you understand this before you die today.”

The white light illuminated everything around him. Voldemort saw that a golden door suddenly opened behind Grindelwald, and thin 'things' wearing various robes filed out of the door. Each of them had a strange and sinister aura, and some even had black smoke billowing from their bodies.

They were movable skeletons. They wore extremely gorgeous robes, and some even wore crowns. The staffs in their hands were taller than people. Time had made their skeletal palms white as snow.

It is not that Voldemort has never seen undead creatures, but even after a wizard is turned into an inferi or a ghoul, he will be an irrational monster with only aversion to life or simple appetite.

But these undead were different. Although the skeletons' eyes were lit up with fireflies of various colors, Voldemort could feel the wisdom of these undead, because they were looking at him like a test subject.

"The temporary magic web built with spider webs only has five layers, which means we can't even use the prayer technique. Fortunately, this is a weak world." One of the skeletons spoke to Grindelwald, and he saw the bone-white chin After a few moves, the undead creature without vocal cords made a sound: "I want to try what would happen if I put a Felin Demon Sunflower here."

Voldemort saw that these undead were very familiar with Grindelwald, and they were obviously in the same group.

"Master Shangla, let's not chat now, right?"

Grindelwald is also helpless towards the archliches. These dead people who have lived for too long always have an alternative curiosity and a fanatical exploration of magic, which makes them always behave very... .eccentric.

Moreover, Deathstroke also said that if you want to torture a person, the lich has many extremely evil ideas for reference, but you should not talk to them too much.

"He's right, Shangla." Another lich floated out from the crowd. His eyes were burning with purple fire, and his body was covered with black energy. Unlike others, he had no legs, and his lower body was like a Like a snake: "The speaker has the same goal as us. Studying the nature of death is the focus of our next work. Let's get rid of these humans as soon as possible."

The great lich who spoke was named Teresel, a great lich of the shaman tribe in the Nether era. He created the three races of snakemen, naga, and lizardmen for the world of Faerûn tens of thousands of years ago. He is the top magical biologist among lichs.

He has been greedy for Voldemort for a long time. In the past, by analyzing the soul fragments taken by the Speaker, the lichs discovered that Voldemort's bloodline may be related to some kind of snake-like monster.

This caused a small dispute among the lichs in the Sky Council over whether the earliest snake-blooded people in this new world were egg-laying or viviparous.

The argument went nowhere, and this made Teresel want to obtain Voldemort's body for an autopsy.

Especially after the other party just performed a weird reincarnation ceremony.

The ritual of flesh and bone... This is of great help to the study of necromancy magic. How to stuff the soul into the artificial body is a good topic. If this problem can be solved, the lich will not mind giving it. Prepare yourself some bodies that can move around quietly in human society.

After all, their journey has already reached the stars and the sea. In the future, may there be a world where humans are extremely powerful? Hallucination and charm magic are not always useful.

Although the magic in this world seems low-level in many aspects, there are also many places that are unique and can be used as references for inspiration. Some people have even been inspired by the space system.

As a level 41 archlich, what else could he pursue? Isn’t it just to use your own knowledge to verify the origin of the world?

Liches don't bother to do anything that changes or destroys the world. Only the pursuit of knowledge itself is the driving force for them to continue to 'live'. This is why most lichs have crawled out of their graves and accepted received the invitation from the Sky Council.

They have read enough books, what they need now is to walk more roads.

"Let's do it. There's no need to talk to the enemy so much. Even if you can only use level five low-level magic, it's enough to deal with them."

Another lich with red flames in his eyes said this. He is Larok, a level 46 great lich. In the lich group, which is mainly visitors from the world of Faerûn, he has a very strong voice, and everyone agrees with him. the opinion of.

Where are everyone located?


Which type of spell are lich generally best at?


When more than a dozen lichs cast spells to control the undead at the same time, and the spider web behind them provided them with energy, the Death Eaters found themselves surrounded instead. Countless skeletons and mummies emerged from the ground, holding coffins in their hands. Things like boards or stones were used to surround everyone.

"Avada Kedavra!"

Someone couldn't bear the pressure of being surrounded by undead at night, and tremblingly used his wand to cast a death curse on the lich. Logically speaking, defeating the summoner was indeed a good idea.

But he chose the wrong magic.

Larocque didn't even try to hide. He even canceled the more than ten layers of protective magic on his body and caught the green light with his chest.

The fire in his eyes swayed for a moment, then returned to normal, and he said lightly to Grindelwald beside him: "It's just like what the Speaker said, Avada Kedavra is a specialty of this world, you must try it." ..."

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