The Death Knell

Chapter 1737 The first mission

"Oh? Odin threw Thor to Earth?"

In Vanaheim, a side garden of the palace, Su Mingzheng and Gin were sitting under a big tree full of white flowers, breaking off the bread in their hands and feeding the carps in the pond.

These fish look a little fat, but they are still fighting for food on the water. Their red scales shine brightly in the warm sunshine, and the water surface is constantly rippled.

"The time seems to have advanced a bit. Where is Loki?"

In front of them is Queen Gullweger, who is also looking at the goldfish. In fact, her life is very leisurely now, and her experience has increased a lot since studying the Legend of Zhen Huan.

At least this is the case in terms of political struggle experience.

No, she just heard some new gossip from her subordinates and came over to chat with Deathstroke and Misty.

"Loki is currently in charge of regenting Asgard. He was not left behind by Odin. I heard that Thor broke into Jotunheim and Loki saved him."

Gurweger walked up to Su Ming, asked for a piece of bread, and threw it into the pool. Her expression was very relaxed, because this incident did not affect her country.

Nowadays, factories and workshops are everywhere here. Whether it is Deathstroke's starship, space main gun, orbital drop capsule or spacecraft thruster, they are all cast and assembled in Vanaheim.

The Warner Protoss is known for its 'navigation', and the great space voyage is no exception. The City of Ten Thousand Sails is a rare gathering of shipwrights in the universe, and the spaceships they build are often better than those of the dwarves who work for Odin. better.

It's just that before Deathstroke 'invested' in this place, the output of flying boats was very low, because it often required shipwrights to hammer it out bit by bit with a small hammer and make it purely by hand.

A spacecraft that can carry four people for space travel will probably take an experienced shipwright about a year to build.

But this changed after the death knell came. He brought rapid industrial development to Vanaheim, such as the assembly line operation method, such as production cooperatives, and the pay-for-work system.

Yes, Vanaheim used to have no currency, just like Asgard.

The residents living here are all members of Guerweg's 'tribe'. They eat the queen's food and use the queen's food. At the same time, they also work or fight for the queen.

There are shops on the street, but the transaction method is barter, which is also very primitive.

For example, this shop sells grain. If you bring a bag of shells in, you can exchange for some grain; if you bring a basket of ore in, you can also exchange for grain;

Of course, if you do this the next day, you may not be able to get anything in exchange.

The success of the transaction depends on whether the person who opens the store needs shells or iron ore recently. The transaction ratio often depends on the eloquence and interpersonal relationships of both parties. There is no reasonable range at all, and there is not even a stable supply.

But the economic system brought by the Death Knell, as well as steam and electricity, changed everything.

The production efficiency of various industries has increased, currency has been issued, and various earth materials and commodities have flowed here through the channels of Kama Taj.

People can exchange their products for gold and silver currencies approved by the Queen, and then use these currencies to buy things from Earth merchants. Their lives are much better than before.

They can also use this currency to circulate among themselves, because no one has too much money.

Under these changes, Vanaheim became 'alive', and Gurweger has been very satisfied for decades.

The one who has been responsible for these things has not been Deathstroke himself, but Misti, a hybrid of the Asa and Warner Protoss. The former Valkyrie is considered one of her own.

The two women have a very good relationship, and the queen thinks it would be good to ask her best friend to provide various policy suggestions.

"Loki didn't go down... This is different from the original agreement. Odin changed his mind again." Su Ming handed the piece of bread in his hand to Gin and patted the crumbs on his hand: "That's fine. , let Thor study alone."

"What are you going to do?" Gin leaned on his shoulder and asked curiously.

"Thor knows me, so not only can I not show up, but I also have to avoid being found by him and let him experience the life of a mortal." Deathstroke patted his pants and stood up. There will always be gentleness in Vanaheim, which is like spring all year round. The breeze blew, and he narrowed his eyes: "But I have already planned to arrange a tour guide for him."


Five hundred dollars is actually not much money to spend. If you rent an apartment and eat and drink like crazy for a few days, it will be gone.

Wade sat on the bar of the bar, playing with the last glass of wine in his hand.

That day, he played a trick on Kingpin's son and ran away without looking at the road. In short, he turned left and right against the flow of people and entered an alley. He walked into a bar and planned to have two drinks to quench his thirst.

This bar is called Margaret Sisters Bar. At first he thought it was opened by a pair of sisters, Margaret? Maybe a pretty girl group from Scotland?

No, there was a big photo of Margaret hanging on the wine cabinet. It was an old 'sister'. To put it simply, she was an old nun with sinister eyes and a face as wrinkled as a walnut.

The bartender is a thin, bespectacled man nicknamed "Weasel". His characteristic is that he is vulgar, very vulgar.

In addition to a large number of prostitutes and drug dealers in the bar, there are always some guys with strange expressions and imposing auras around.

The music was loud and the lights were dim, it was the kind of place where a murder could happen and no one would notice the next day.

After hiding here for a few days, Wade found that Jin did not come to the door, so it seemed that he was safe.

With his humor and what he considered to be his extraordinary personal charm, he became friends with the weasel, who was telling him about the glorious past of Sister Margaret with a wink.

It turned out that decades ago, this Quaker nun claimed to have been inspired by the Lord. God said that he needed a mercenary to walk on earth for him.

She was his sword and his gun. She responded to the call of the Lord, so she started taking orders in the name of God, and subsidized the church with the income from the killings.

‘Praise my Lord! ’

Then one shot blasts the target's head.

'Amen! ’

Then use a sickle to cut the target's throat and bleed it.

There are additional services when killing people. She will also offer requiem prayers to the victims, praying that they will be tortured in hell.

Although she is not as legendary as the legendary demon "Death Knell", in the mercenary industry, she can become an idol by being able to kill people from the age of 16 until she retires safely at the age of 70.

She doesn't have any weapons she's good at, nor any fighting skills, let alone any tactics or strategies. She doesn't wear any armor except a black nun's robe and a string of rose beads, and only has an extremely pious heart.

But she has never been injured, and her mission success rate is 100%.

Everyone wants to know the secret of her ‘skin care’, but her answer is to pray every night and God is guiding her.

No one can stop God's will, and naturally no one can harm her.

What she did from beginning to end was simply to shoot or swing a knife to take off the head of the target in front of her.

People didn't believe her at first, but no one could prove her wrong.

Many mercenaries fought against her for various reasons, but in the end she was alive and those people were dead.

Her retirement was due to the new divine revelation she received - God wanted a bar for future generations of mercenaries to communicate.

So Sister Margaret followed the instructions in the oracle, spent a little savings to buy a dilapidated building, and dug out a large amount of gold in the basement.

After selling off the gold, she used the money given by God to buy a large piece of land around her and build a new bar.

Seeing that the money came so easily, everyone believed it this time. This incident was undoubtedly very sensational in the small circle at that time. A large number of mercenaries came here to observe and learn, and soon started their activities based on it.

Because Margaret subcontracted many of the tasks she received through her own channels to the mercenaries, forming a special loose organization.

In this way, unprofessional mercenaries do not need to maintain their own agents, but can take orders from here. They can also choose from many tasks. The bar only charges a 10% handling fee, which is very cost-effective.

This also improves security. If the employer wants to take advantage of others, he will have more worries. After all, no one wants to be targeted by God.

This is the origin of Sister Margaret’s Bar. Weasel is actually one of her mission managers, conveying God’s mission to more young people through his hands.

"Ahem..." Wade almost choked to death on the wine in his mouth. This was the first time he heard of the idea of ​​killing people on orders: "Isn't this too fantastic? Do you think God has enough time? Are you panicking? Can’t he just throw lightning down from heaven and kill the person he wants to kill?”

The weasel rolled his eyes and filled up his glass:

"You said he struck people with lightning? That's Zeus. Have you ever read a book?! Besides, sometimes you have to believe in fate. I can see it. You want to become a mercenary, right? So New York There are so many bars, why did you just walk into this one?”

"I'll go, I'm still a little scared when you say that. I'm even peeing. Why do I feel like it's been arranged by God?" Wade said he was scared, but in fact he didn't take it seriously at all. Lying on his small pink schoolbag, he twirled the cup: "But you are right, I do want to be a mercenary. Can you help me with my advice? Is there any suitable mission for a novice? It is best if the employer provides medical insurance. That kind of thing.”

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from behind: "No need to ask him, I will provide you with an easy task."

The visitor sat directly next to Wade, ordered a glass of pure whiskey, and looked at Wade with his one eye, which seemed to be glowing in the dark.

Wade felt that the other party was very familiar, but he even suspected that the other party was gay. He covered his anus:

"Sorry, it takes at least this much to get me to spread my legs."

He stretched out his other hand and showed his five fingers, which probably meant five thousand dollars.

As for moral integrity? Isn't it just for exchanging money?

The one-eyed man didn't answer the question and just laughed as if it was a joke. Then he took out a photo from his windbreaker pocket, put it on the bar, and pushed it in front of Wade with one finger.

The photo looked like a screenshot from a video somewhere. It showed a man wearing a hospital gown with blond shawl hair. He looked like he was going crazy and was being lifted up and taken away by many security guards.

"This is your goal. I'm not asking you to kill him, but to make friends with him and show him the sufferings of the world."

Wade took out a cigarette, pouted his lips and started thinking.

Weasel brought the wine over, looked down at the photos to help with some advice, and asked his employer:

"This seems to be a mental hospital?"

"Almost." Su Ming took a sip of wine, the familiar Skywalker taste.

"Who is this person?" Weasel asked again.

"A delusional person who thinks he is the Norse god of thunder, Thor, is actually just a madman with the same name, but his father wants him to become more realistic through contact with society. I am just a proxy."

Deathstroke, the ordinary client, answered like this. He drank up the wine glass with a tilt of his neck, and pointed his finger at the empty glass to signal the weasel to continue filling it up.

Before Weasel left, he nodded to Wade, saying that this level of intelligence was enough. This was indeed not a dangerous mission. If he couldn't deal with a paranoid patient, why would he be a mercenary?

Wade blew out a puff of cigarette smoke, picked up the photo and stuffed it into his underwear: "You want me to accompany a madman to visit the United States? Then I need a lot of money, and you have to buy insurance for my anus. This guy with long hair can tell his sexual orientation at a glance. I don’t know, I’m afraid that he covets my beauty.”

To put it bluntly, it’s just making excuses and asking for more money.

"One hundred thousand yuan, I'll pay you a 30% deposit first." Su Ming smiled secretly in his heart, but without any expression on his face, he took out a large envelope and a few pieces of paper from his arms and slapped it on the table: "But first sign the contract, I The plane is ready to take you to your target location."

"make a deal!"

Wade laughed wildly, what contract are you looking at?

He signed directly at the end of the paper with his long and flying handwriting, then grabbed the envelope and started counting the money.

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