The Death Knell

Chapter 1746 What is a hero?

Tony's arrangement was very smooth. If you have money, you can do whatever you want. He was responsible for paying off the little pepper first, so he left after making a few phone calls.

As for Wade?

Although the marijuana he bought couldn't be resold for the time being, it didn't have a shelf life. He was quite happy to be able to join the song and dance troupe temporarily. After all, he and Thor would only get $10,000 each for a few casual dances. , such a life is really rare.

Wade can tap dance, just the African version.

Ireland's Riverdance should actually be counted as a wooden shoe dance. The more popular tap dance today actually originated in North America around 1820.

African slaves brought the war dance used by their ancestors for sacrifices, while Irish immigrants brought the wooden shoe dance, plus the kick dance from the woolly bear, and finally the dance of the Broadway show.

The ancient war dances of each race of the black uncles are different, but generally they have something in common. Many times they light a bonfire, roast an antelope or a living person from a hostile tribe, and then hold a spear in the right hand and a skin in the left. Shield, bare feet, and quickly kick dirt and sand into the fire.

The feet need to fly fast, and what is needed is the kind of energy that makes the flames sway and fill the sky with dust and smoke.

Wade naturally learned this when he was a soldier in Rwanda, but Thor suffered more when rehearsing with the song and dance troupe. As an Asgardian, even if he had been to the atrium before, his range of activities was only that of Northern Europe. A small place.

It would be fine if he drank or wrestled, but dancing happened to be one of his weaknesses.

Fandral among the Three Friends of Asgard is good at these things. The blond man with a mustache who likes to wear green clothes is also good at playing the harp and telling wisecracks. He likes to hang out with the ladies.

He also gave up his divine power and went to the Atrium to experience it. That was seven hundred years ago, and he went to England, which was relatively prosperous at that time.

Although Odin and the Ancient One had an agreement that the 'god' of Asgard could not enter the earth at will, but if that god gave up all his divine power and came as a 'human', the Supreme Mage would turn a blind eye.

Fandral often bragged about that story to Thor and the others when they were drinking, going back and forth that he was living in Sherwood Forest with some mortal companions, wearing his favorite cuckold, and plundering with bows and arrows.

He played with those cruel lords and bishops like a game, snatched their gold coins and food, and distributed it to the poor people in the forest. He also married a mortal wife named Marianne, and he was extremely happy.

At that time, he didn't think that gold coins were of any use. Anyway, he lived in the forest and was self-sufficient. Whenever people received the gold coins they robbed, they were very happy. Like honey, hold him to the sky.

Therefore, he tried his best to get some gold coins every time he grabbed food, just to distribute them so that others could brag about his honor.

At that time, people called him the embodiment of chivalry, and even invented a word specifically for him called outlaws in the green wood, which contained countless honors.

Fandral also promised that if anyone from Thor or the others went to the atrium to inquire, the mortals would definitely still remember the story of Robin Hood, which was his pseudonym at the time.

But when Thor, who was drinking happily, took the opportunity to ask, 'Where is your wife? 'when.

The cuckold mustache always sighs softly and then changes the subject to another topic without leaving any trace.

The life span of mortals is so short, what good results can be achieved by humans and gods? You can only have it once, but you can’t have it forever...

Fandral, who had stories and wine, could only continue to be his prodigal son in Asgard, because he foresaw that the strong minds of the Asgardian female warriors would be his final destination, but he did not want to enter the marriage grave so quickly.


Thor was wearing a vest that all tap dancers need to wear, but he was too big, so when he danced, he looked like a bear stepping on a big ball in a circus, but it was somewhat unique.

The professional dancers naturally looked down upon his performance, but asking these two laymen to join tonight's performance was the request of the sponsor, so they could only admit it by pinching their noses.

When the rehearsal was over, Thor also told Wade about Robin Hood, but this only let the mercenary know that the rich second generation in front of him had another delusional friend.

You can't expose the delusional dreams directly, as that would make them sick on the spot, so Wade told the story of the masked vigilantes who are active today.

Tony's yacht was so big that it was at the critical point where he couldn't tell whether it was a yacht or a cruise ship. Wade led Thor to the entertainment room in a familiar manner, ate snacks and drank wine, and turned on the TV.

"Just right." Wade was happy when he watched the TV and pointed at the advertisement currently playing: "Speaking of the masked hero, we can't help but mention this veteran. He has been active since World War II until now. Many people in the United States have You can see him everywhere.”

Thor had never seen a TV before. He stared at the big box with moving images inside and forgot to drink the wine in his hand.

The picture shows a man wearing a blue, white and red uniform and carrying a star shield on his back, climbing a snowy mountain. The cold wind is howling, snowflakes are flying, and you can feel the biting cold through the screen.

But the man's eyes were determined, and he just pushed through the waist-deep snow and climbed up the mountain.

The screen uses a simple method to reflect the difficulties he encountered along the way, such as almost falling into a glacier crevice, fighting with a group of snow wolves that appeared, and suddenly encountering an avalanche, etc.

He remained undaunted and continued to move forward despite all difficulties with a straight face.

Finally, he stood on a high mountain peak, and the surrounding snow-capped mountains seemed to surrender under his feet. The golden sunshine in the sky filled his body, and this man was as radiant as a god descending from heaven.

Just when Thor was about to drop the cup in his hand and cheer for him...

Unexpectedly, the scene suddenly turned to the front of the person. The man smiled and took out a small rectangular box from his arms and put it next to his ear. He touched it with his finger and the box lit up, showing various Plant colorful patterns.

He showed a sincere smile and said loudly in the wind and snow:

"Wilson's titanium alloy mobile phone is wrapped in old cowhide imported from the Netherlands, has a diamond screen, 1G of memory, and a 100,000-pixel high-definition camera, paying tribute to a successful life."

"Exclusive one-to-one confidentiality key, automatic alarm when human and machine are separated ten meters apart."

"If you forget to bring it, you will be reminded. If you lose it, call the police. If you don't forget to bring your mobile phone, the secret will not be leaked."

"Invisible dialing, encrypted calls, traceless communication, dual SIM cards and dual standby, no interference with each other."

"Success is not about being far-sighted, but about standing on a high place, strategizing, and controlling the future. This is a titanium mobile phone, and this is having the world in mind!"

After a long advertisement was finished, the screen also showed a close-up of a mobile phone spinning in the air. On the side were the trademarks of Wilson Enterprises and Stark Industries, and below was a long list of six-digit price tags.

Captain America smiled again, holding the phone to his chest and giving a thumbs up, just like he had done in the past few decades - OK, that's it!

“Call the toll-free number at the bottom of the screen to order!”

The captain roared, and the wine glass in Thor's hand fell to the ground. The brown wine soaked a large area of ​​carpet under his legs, as if he peed on the floor.

The simple God of Thunder opened his mouth and couldn't think of anything to say. It wasn't until a long time after the commercial break that the TV station started to broadcast the NBA 2002 Finals that he came back to his senses with a face full of confusion.

"...Are all the heroes in the Atrium like this?"

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