The Death Knell

Chapter 1794 Coming Out

There was only the gentle ticking of the monitoring equipment in the ward, and the air was filled with the faint smell of disinfectant. The place formerly known as the Brooklyn Nursing Home was renamed the Holloway Charity Hospital after World War II and became a place where Comprehensive hospital.

Steve always thought it was him who introduced Holloway as a teammate to his godfather and got him investment.

The conditions here are much better now than they were then.

The snow-white ward, the equipment full of technology, the corridors that no longer smell like urine, and the very professional and kind medical staff, everything is perfect.

It's just that it would be best if you don't have to go to the hospital.

The person lying on the bed was Bucky, and the glasses he regarded as his true identity were placed beside the bed.

In a battle with the counterfeit Red Skull ten years ago, Bucky was unfortunately hit by cosmic energy. Although he was rescued and saved his life, he has been in a vegetative state to this day and has not awakened.

Since then, Steve has completely ignored SHIELD affairs. Even if Fury came to him countless times to ask him for help, he had no intention.

Because those are not major events related to the survival of the earth. In fact, they are just actions against other countries to help the Security Council eliminate dissidents.

The real Captain America will not participate in such things. The United States itself is becoming more and more Nazi. It continues to conduct a series of experiments on "weapons", builds giant robots that kill people, and builds concentration camps to brutally suppress mutants. In the international community, Anyone who disobeys will be beaten.

How is this different from the Austrian corporal back then?

Whenever Fury, dressed in black, comes to see him in the middle of the night, Steve always says when he refuses:

"They have ten divisions of 'New Captain America' and you have a lot of dark secrets, but I'm not going to help the military or S.H.I.E.L.D. rule the Earth. I've spent my whole life fighting dictators of all kinds. Fighting terrorist organizations, but unfortunately today's America is the same as my former enemy, and I can't take action against my country... Get out of my home, Fury, if you're not going to kill me."

How could the braised egg kill the captain?

He was actually very wronged. Although he was not a particularly clean person, the things Steve said were all done by the US military.

"I'll see you next time."

Fury would always walk away in despair, secretly arranging people to help Steve fend off the military men.

In short, Steve has lived a relatively peaceful life these past few years. He spent most of his time in the hospital, brought his own drawing board and tools, and often worked on drafts in the ward.

The comics he drew are still serialized in the Daily Bugle, and he has also published many stand-alone volumes. His results are not particularly good, nor are they particularly bad.

This is now his largest source of living besides pension and veterans' security.

There are also advantages to working on a manuscript in the ward, that is, after drawing for a while, you will think about standing up and massaging Bucky's muscles all over his body. By the way, he can check whether the parameters on the equipment are normal, which can change his mind.

Steve, who was not very good at these technological devices, is now half a doctor.

It was dark again, so he put away the drawing and locked it in the bedside table. After giving Bucky a massage, he prepared to go home for dinner. He patted the old man's arm and promised to come back tomorrow.

"Are you ready to go home? Do you want to come with us?" A head appeared at the door of the ward. It was a woman with blond hair, looking at him with a smile.

Steve smiled back, a young nurse who was new to the hospital last year.

He accidentally discovered that she was his neighbor. The streets were not particularly safe at night, so the two often went home together.

"Of course, do you want to eat something first?" Steve covered Bucky with a quilt, walked out of the ward, and saw the girl who had changed out of her nurse uniform: "I know an old store will still be open at this time. If you don’t mind having dinner with an old man.”

The girl smiled, turned around and walked beside Steve:

"Who would refuse to eat with Captain America? Besides, you don't look old, you still look like you are in your twenties."

"Well, it seems it's impossible for me to look mature."

Steve smiled and shook his head, and the two of them walked out of the hospital and onto the street.

Midsummer nights are still the same, and the city of New York always feels wet. Maybe it’s the moisture brought by the wind from the sea, or maybe it’s the sewage left by poor roadside drainage.

But the two of them talked and laughed along the way. Even though most of the conversation was about Bucky's condition, the girl always listened patiently to Steve's views, which was completely different from Paige's attitude.

Paige and Steve were still having a cold war, so she simply went back to live in England, saying that he would come back to her when he figured out what to do about their affairs.

But Steve couldn't leave, he had to take care of Bucky.

As a result, the relationship between the 'old lovers' has become even weaker. No one will take the initiative to contact the other, and they don't know how long this situation will last.

After dinner, the two returned to the old residential building and said good night to each other at their respective doors. Steve smiled, and after closing the door, he hung the key ring around the soldier's neck on the cabinet next to the door.

It was his own soldier, a gift from the Wilson fast food chain. Every time a new shape came out, a set would always be given to him.

Over time, he also managed to build up an 'own army'.

"If I were you, I wouldn't put the key so close to the door." A hoarse voice came from the darkness, but the living room was dark, as if there was nothing.

Steve's hand paused, then pressed the light switch.

Sure enough, Fury, who was invisible in the darkness, was still sitting on the sofa, he just couldn't see it just now.

"No matter where I put the key, don't you still come in whenever you want?" He took off his brown jacket and hung it behind the door, revealing the military green T-shirt he was wearing underneath. His strong muscles made the clothes tight. : "What do you want to drink? I have a strong drink and milk."

Fury has hardly smiled since he became director, but here in Captain, his expression is much more relaxed.

"It's still my working time. Forget about drinking milk. I'm here to ask you to help me protect New York." The black man took out his tablet from the pocket of his windbreaker, clicked on a video, turned around and held it in his hands. Show it to Steve.

Steve walked into the kitchen first, took out a bottle of orange soda from the refrigerator, took a swig, and then took over the tablet. The beginning of the video had passed.

He only saw a giant green lizard-like creature swimming in the sea, and Howard's son, now Iron Man Tony, was fighting it with tickling air strikes.

"What is this? Is the military using lizards to experiment with gamma rays again?" He put down the soda bottle and scratched his hair: "If they always carry out endless experiments on weapons that try to destroy mankind, I can Supporting your campaign for president may put an end to these evil plans."

The black director stood up and waved outside the window. The Quinjet appeared directly outside the window, and the rear cabin was aimed at the window of the living room:

"It is not something created by the military, but it is indeed heading towards New York now. When you and the young girl were eating pasta, did you notice the white light in the sky? Get on the plane and I will explain it to you slowly."

"You're spying on me again." Steve sighed, but he still walked to the bedroom and dragged out a large box from under the bed. His uniform and shield were there: "I noticed the white light, but I thought it was Which car passing by didn’t turn off its high beams?”

Luodan pushed open the window, climbed out first, and jumped into the cabin: "That's not surveillance, it's protection."

"Let me tell you first, I am fighting to protect New York and innocent people. I will not listen to any orders from you or the military, but will make my own decisions. At the same time, I cannot let this monster land. I need a more professional team. , not this kind of flying toy for children.”

Steve pointed at Tony on the tablet. Although the mechanical armor was good, the person wearing the armor was not a qualified warrior.

Fury stretched out his hand and pulled Steve, who had quickly changed his equipment, into the Quinjet. His hands were still as black as they were decades ago: "As we said before, you are the team commander. ,team leader."

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