The Death Knell

Chapter 1797 Phoenix Influence

Jean Gray refused at first. She couldn't help but find someone for him when the Supreme Mage said he wanted to use a brainwave amplifier.

After all, Professor

Although Charles seems to be very talkative at ordinary times, when it comes to matters of principle, he is very serious. If the professor who went abroad to buy upgrade materials comes back and knows that he has read the memories of all humans in America, I am afraid that he will be kicked out of the X-Men. Bar?

She has been brought to the school by her professor since she was a child. This is her home, with her boyfriend and lovely students, and she is reluctant to let go.

But the Supreme Mage made the matter very serious, as if if he didn't help him find the person named Star, the earth would be destroyed.

She felt that she couldn't make the decision on such a big matter and was very entangled.

However, there seemed to be a voice in Qin's heart that kept urging her to do this, letting her experience the joy of entering everyone's brains and burning all their thoughts to ashes, so that new ideas would be reborn in the flames.

She quickly shook her head to get these thoughts out of her mind, sat on the sofa, picked up the tea cup to hide her panic, and didn't even notice that she was sitting closely next to Wanda, which earned the witch a surprised look on her face.

In recent years, in addition to hearing and visual hallucinations, she has always suffered from amnesia or lost time.

For example, she went to bed on Monday night and woke up to find that it was Wednesday. However, her students and friends said that she was active in school as usual yesterday, and organized a very good bbq conference in the garden after class. ...

There were also times when she suddenly came to her senses and found herself dissecting the unconscious Logan in the dormitory, as if she was conducting some experiment.

The key is, how did this happen? She has no memory at all.

That was what happened just now. She originally felt like she was floating in the empty sky like a fugue, but when she came back to consciousness the next second, she found that the unconscious Wolverine had been disemboweled and fell on the floor of her dormitory.

It is suspected that she took out the man's internal organs with her bare hands, because she was covered in blood, and there were suspicious burnt particles scattered on the surrounding floor...

When she heard someone ringing the doorbell, she quickly used her ability to modify Logan's memory, stimulating brain waves to wake him up, making him think it was still a series of experiments on self-healing ability. She went to the bathroom to wash off the stains all over her body. Blood.

Logan is easier to fool. He also suffers from frequent amnesia. He believed it after a little change. He sat on the ground and waited for a while for the recovery to complete. When he heard someone knocking on the door, he grabbed a new T-shirt nearby and put it on. Open to the beast.

This has happened every time in the past. With his own testimony, Beast and the others have always believed it.

It’s just that her boyfriend Scott seems to have discovered something. Every time Logan leaves her dormitory, he always looks at her suspiciously...

Jean Gray was very distressed about this and consulted the professor more than once. She suspected that she was suffering from mental illness.

But Charles frowned every time and gave her some hypnotic therapy. In short, he used psychic abilities to make her sleep. He said it was because her abilities were too powerful and her physical fitness could not keep up. She needed to strengthen her mental seal. .

Hypnotherapy was very effective at first, and I was doing well for three months after the first treatment.

But as time went by, the validity period became shorter and shorter, and her attacks became more and more frequent, and she began to fear.

It would be okay if he just used Logan as an experiment when he lost control. After all, he has the ability to heal himself and has the Adamant alloy skeleton, so he can always recover.

Although she felt very guilty towards Logan because of this and would usually take more care of him as compensation, this was already a blessing among misfortunes.

What she was afraid of was that if she came back to her senses that day, someone else would appear on the floor, her boyfriend, or a certain student...

Qin simply couldn't imagine such a scene.

She felt that maybe one day she found that she couldn't control herself any more, so it would be better to leave here voluntarily to avoid hurting her friends.

"Miss Grey?"

Su Ming found that Qin Gray seemed to be a little distracted. Her eyes had no focus. She kept holding the tea cup to her mouth, and she didn't know whether she drank it or not.

He sighed and waved his hand in front of her eyes.

Why was Charles the first choice for this mission? It's not that his psychic abilities are stronger than Jean's, but when you talk to this woman, you never know which personality will answer you.

Is it the pure and kind-hearted Jean Gray, or the crazy dark phoenix in her body.

Qin's hand shook for a moment, and then she came back to her senses. She put the teacup on the table and distanced herself from Wanda without leaving any trace.

"I'm sorry, Supreme Mage, but I can't do what you asked for." She lowered her head and rubbed her temples with her thumbs, as if fighting against herself, and said with some difficulty, "I can't read the minds of ordinary people."

"Not everyone. I just need you to help me read the minds of madmen and fools. Their brainwaves are different from ordinary people and mutants, and they can be easily distinguished."

Su Ming noticed her situation and secretly sighed that he might have come at the wrong time, or it might be the will of the world that was causing trouble, but he still tried his best.

Qin covered her eyes and buried her head on her knees: "No, please don't force me. If you can wait until the professor comes back, let him judge whether you can do this. But I absolutely can't, use Brainwave amplifiers are too dangerous, both for me and for everyone."

After speaking, she grabbed her head in great pain and even hit her head on the armrest of the sofa. Cyclops and Beast both ran to her side and protected her.

Among them, Cyclops' fingers were still on the temples of his glasses. He seemed to think that Wanda had done something, and he looked like he was about to take action.

Deathstroke raised his hand and pressed Cyclops onto the sofa so fast that he didn't even react.

The Supreme Mage himself stood up. It seemed that Jean Gray was in a mentally unstable state, so there was no need to waste time here.

"Don't be excited, Qin, take a deep breath. It seems like you need some rest. Let's say goodbye now." He turned his eyes to the beast and shook hands with the big blue cat: "I'm sorry to bother you, but when will Charles come back, help me." Give him a sentence, just say 'Phoenix can't do this', and he will understand."

Now that the entire North America is completely closed, no one can get out from the sky, underwater, or even digging holes in the earth's crust. Charles will not be able to come back for a while after going abroad.

But this blockade cannot last too long, otherwise people will find themselves trapped in North America by an invisible 'ghost wall', and all kinds of crazy comments will appear. Maybe there are enthusiastic people who don't know why they will try to attack the barrier. That's not good.

Therefore [pencil] Su Ming can only adopt a backup plan.

Separating from the beast's big furry hand, Deathstroke turned to Wanda, who was still playing with the tea cup, regardless of his thoughtful look on his face:

"Open the portal, let's go to Boston."

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