The Death Knell

Chapter 1809 History of the Sky

Old Zheng was meditating on the tower, and Su Ming simply took Wanda to find a place to sit by the sea of ​​flowers, and explained to her the origin of the Celestial God Group in detail in English.

A story he understood from his previous life.

Before everything, the Marvel Universe was just a void, maybe just an idea, maybe just a dream of high-dimensional creatures.

A collection of energy and concepts was born in this void. It is the first sky, traveling in the endless dark void.

As time passed, it awakened its consciousness and felt that it was too boring, so it used its own energy and some materials in the void to make some small toys. Although these small toys were each hundreds of kilometers tall, they were not the same at the first In front of the sky, he is as small as an ant.

Because there was darkness in the void at that time, it added luminous white lines to these little things, so that they could bring a little light and a little fun.

These toys are the Dark Celestials set.

There was nothing in the void except the First Firmament and its creations. The bored Creator kept repeating the process of building figures, cutting off a small piece of energy from himself, and building the little figures to play with.

There are more and more of these creations with energy and form. As time goes by, they also awaken their own minds and gradually have different ideas.

Most of the Dark Celestials worship the First Firmament crazily and strictly fulfill the mission for which they were created, which is to please their Creator with everything they have.

And some have other ideas. They are not opposed to serving the First Sky, but the various performances over the years have also made them bored. They want to create another level of servants, so that the servants can We please the Creator on our behalf.

Wouldn't it be much easier this way?

The Dark Gods with this idea gradually formed a scale and power. In order to distinguish themselves from the traditional factions, they turned themselves into colorful appearances, which is the origin of the Colorful Gods Group.

The Dark Faction considers the ideas of the Color Faction to be blasphemous and heretical, so how can they create garbage to serve their Creator?

The colorful faction thinks that the dark faction is backward and stubborn. Maybe the servants may not be useful at first, but they can be improved gradually. The master will be happier when he sees many kinds of creations, right?

As a result, neither side could convince the other, and the conflict between them gradually developed from verbal to physical, from the ideological level to the material stage, that is, an all-out war.

The First Sky saw the changes and confrontations among the creations and found it very interesting. There was actually a war between the creations that it made up?

Just to argue about what is a better way to please yourself?

so fun.

He was overjoyed to see his figures fighting. He just floated in the void and watched, watching both sides use their own power to fight each other, and use creativity to create various new weapons.

First Sky also continued to cut energy from itself, extract matter from the void, and replenish troops for both sides.

As they played, the two factions of gods, the dark and the colorful, became stronger and stronger, but the First Sky spent too much "bone and blood" to create them and became weak.

By the time it came to its senses and wanted to help the dark gods deal with the colorful gods, it was already too late.

In the final battle between the two factions, the colorful gods used a more advanced analysis of the concept to create the super weapon "God Destroyer", which destroyed the dark gods with just one shot.

This attack that almost affected the entire space also swept through the First Firmament, which was cheering for the Dark God Group.

It was so weak that it lost its strength at some point and was killed by this attack.

After winning, the Colorful Gods team immediately ran out of ideas. The struggle was successful, but the creator was accidentally killed. What should they do?

But then the most powerful god in the faction stood up. It named itself oaa, oneaboveall, the strongest existence in the void after the creator's death.

It takes on the job of guiding everyone in the way forward.

All in all, it was definitely right to resurrect the Creator first, so the Gods pinched the remains of the First Firmament, which was only a small piece after the battle, and turned the Creator into an egg.

However, after being taken care of by the gods, the egg failed to hatch.

The birth of the First Firmament was both destined and coincidental. How concepts and energy merged with higher-dimensional expectations was completely beyond the comprehension of the deity group at the time.

The egg exploded, forming a new form in which various materials were ejected from the central origin and densely packed inside a sphere. This was the formation of the 'original universe'.

And a new collective consciousness was born in this universe, which is the second firmament.

It was unclear whether the attempt to resurrect the Creator would be a success or a failure, and the gods could not tell whether the Second Firmament was their master or their creation, so they decided to hide back in their homes in the void to see its own subsequent development.

On the contrary, this new material existence called 'universe' is surprisingly interesting.

With stars, planets, star fields, and the Milky Way, the darkness is much more interesting than before. All kinds of creative inspirations are surging in the programs of the gods.

But the Second Sky appeared, and it was unreasonable for me to just watch and not take care of it. So according to the original idea, the Celestial Group created their first batch of servant races, exterminators (exterminato) to serve it.

Not surprisingly, after a long period of time, the Destroyers no longer wanted to do it. They also wanted to study the universe, so they decided to create another first-level servant race to serve people in exchange for their own leisure.

But this time the colorful gods did not agree. In their view, the actions and thoughts of the Destroyers were tantamount to betrayal, so the Celestials began to hunt down the Destroyers in the new universe.

They made the Destroyer too strong

Even if the 'God Destroyer' that defeated the Dark God Group was taken out, it still could not completely kill the Destroyer, and instead blew up the Second Sky.

The gods had no choice but to cut the body of the Second Sky into pieces, shape it into small eggs of different sizes, introduce the concept of space and cultivate them separately, so as to carry out the efforts to resurrect the Creator in multiple processes at the same time.

Hatching eggs, explosions, just like always.

The new universe formed after one of the small eggs exploded was used by them to seal the 'Destroyer' who could not be killed at all. This universe is today's Earth-295, and the different universes formed by other eggs were also given different serial number.

This is the origin of the Marvel multiverse system.

The group of gods brought together the wills of all these parallel universes to form the third firmament. The new collective consciousness of the universe also gave birth to one of the creation gods, 'Infinite', who represented 'space and dimension'. This was not very popular at the time. Powerful conceptual entity.

Next, following the previous experimental steps, the Celestial God Group conducted experiments throughout the newborn universe and at the same time created a new servant race, the 'deathseed', to serve the Third Firmament.

Then? The experiment went awry again.

The ‘death species’ see the gods being at ease and doing what they like in the parallel universe, so why should they take care of the third firmament?

This creature rebelled against the Celestial God Group again and fought against the rebellion as usual.

Restart, make eggs, explode.

By this period, because each new firmament was formed from small fragments of the corpse of the previous generation, its strength was vastly different from that of the first firmament. Therefore, the third firmament was destroyed with just a little aftermath of the battle.

Unfortunately, the death species still couldn't die, so the gods set up a separate parallel world to lock them up, then repeated the past experiments and began the third effort to resurrect the Creator.

So the Fourth Firmament, which has two conceptual entities of 'infinity' and 'death', was born. In order to avoid the embarrassing situation of not being able to kill their own creations from happening again, the gods learned their experience and lessons and let the Fourth Firmament bring its own The concept of 'death'.

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