The Death Knell

Chapter 1826: Filling with fake wine

In the darkness, Loki opened his eyes.

He felt that his head was dizzy, as if he was hungover, the world was shaking, and waves of nausea filled his throat.

He gritted his teeth and suppressed the feeling. He wanted to sit up and see what was going on. Why did he feel like he had lost his memory?

However, the next second, along with the sound of metal, he discovered that his hands and feet were fixed to a bed and tied into a large shape with iron hoops. There were also some equipment making faint running sounds not far away.

"Is there anyone?" He struggled a few times, but after losing his magic, he only had three times the physical strength of a human being, but it was not enough to break steel.

With a clicking sound, the torture instrument that imprisoned him attracted the attention of the jailer. A figure in the darkness turned not far away, its red eyes lit up like a demon, and a voice full of electronics answered:

"Are you talking about humans in a broad sense, meaning intelligent beings, or are you thinking more narrowly, so that humans are specifically humans?"

As soon as he finished speaking, all the surrounding lights turned on. Loki turned his head to avoid the dazzling light, and his long black hair blocked his eyes.

After a moment of adaptation, he opened his eyes again and saw a shining silver armor standing beside the bed. The strange face that seemed to be smiling and somewhat similar to an ant's head was right in front of him.

Loki sighed secretly, he still had some knowledge, this was a robot.

He had seen similar electronic intelligent life on other planets, but he never expected to encounter it on Earth, and it seemed that it had caught him.

No, my hands and feet are fixed, like a fish on the chopping board. This machine is coming from an evil source.

It has to be delayed for some time.

Although he forgot how he got caught here, Thor was not around and he would definitely come to save him.

Then say something nice and chat with the robot to delay its action.

"Any intelligent creature will do. Haha, you are more perfect than humans, so of course you are better."

Unexpectedly, the robot next to the bed raised a hand, and the metal transformed into an electric saw, which started to rotate quickly like the one used to saw boards in a sawmill.

The robot's red light glanced across Loki's limbs, and finally rested on his neck. The electronic voice sneered:

"You actually compare me with lower life forms like humans? I thought aliens like you would be more knowledgeable. It seems you are only qualified to be an experimental sample. Farewell."

The electric saw in the robot's hand came closer, and the skin on Loki's neck could even feel the temperature brought by the saw's teeth cutting the air, which was a cold wind.

"No, it's not what you think!" The second prince of Immortal Palace came to his senses and shouted to stop the other party: "Do you know the true origin of human beings? They are actually very technological."

Yes, no matter which planet the robots come from, they all belong to the technological route, and they are bound to be interested in technology.

"Oh?" The robot stopped the chainsaw in its hand and made a curious voice: "Although I just wanted to scare you and see if aliens are as afraid of death as humans, I didn't expect there would be unexpected gains? Since you If you offer new information, I'd be happy to hear it."

Loki's heart skipped a beat, was he fooled? Did he really lose his confidence after losing his divine power?

If he could still use magic, all robots should be useless in front of him, but now... it's like what is written in human books, a tiger is bullied by a dog.

But although he was angry in his heart, he still had a perfect smile on his face: "What is your name?"

"Ultron." The robot replied, and it raised its hand to push the long hair away from Loki's face: "You can call me that, I am Genesis Online, representing the power of the future."

Loki disapproved in his heart. If nothing else, the magic and technology in the hands of the Supreme Mage Deathstroke were enough to destroy the machine that called itself Genesis.

A broken robot who dares to speak so brazenly without knowing anything will probably not survive long.

"Mr. Ultron, can you let me sit up and talk first? It's not polite to lie down like this."

Loki made a request to test whether Ultron was interested in the news about the origin of mankind and whether he could make concessions for it.

As long as Loki gave in the first step, he would have all the means to make him give in the second step, until he could finally get out of trouble on his own.

"You're welcome. I'm not a pedantic and hypocritical race like humans. You can just lie down and talk. I don't care about politeness. Those are the rules for getting along among humans, not mine."

Ultron didn't know whether he saw through Loki's little thoughts, or he really didn't care about politeness, so he just let Loki lie down and talk, without even the intention of letting go of the prisoner's upper body.

His performance showed that it wanted to hear information, but would not let Loki loose.

Loki's plan was shattered again, and he could only follow the original plan and wait for his brother to save him.

For this reason, there is no other way to sacrifice some of the intelligence of humans on earth.

This robot doesn't seem to like humans very much. It should be an out-of-control AI, and its face looks a bit like an ant. It was probably created by a perverted scientist who loves bugs. Damn it!

Asgard is so powerful, and Odin relies on magic to control the Destroyer Armor. Why do people on earth dare to create robots with independent thinking? It's so crazy.

"I'm a little thirsty, can you give me some wine?"

Loki came up with another plan and chose to ask for wine instead of water, hoping to delay the robot.

This place looks like an abandoned factory. There should be no shops around. If the robot wants to get some wine, it can probably buy a lot of time.

Unexpectedly, Ultron was very happy this time. He flew to the second floor where Loki could not see, the room area made of steel frames and iron plates, and came out with a first aid kit.

The white box has turned yellow, and the red cross on it has faded, but Loki has not only seen a first aid kit, but also learned how to use a fire extinguisher after living on earth for these days.

Ultron returned to the bed, opened the box, and took out a transparent sealed bottle:

"The main component of wine is ethanol, and the bottle in my hand is also the same, with a concentration of 75%. Although the database information shows that humans cannot drink medical alcohol, according to my tests, your physical fitness as an alien is far better than that of humans. This You can drink wine.”

"Don't! Stop! Don't!" Stop! "

Loki struggled and kept turning his head, but Ultron had already opened the cork of the alcohol bottle, and a strong smell of alcohol filled the surroundings.

The transparent bottle came to Loki's mouth, and an iron hand opened his mouth and fixed his head.

Ultron was going to feed the Asgard master wine. It wanted information and the other party wanted wine. This was a fair deal. Seeing how anxious the alien was, he asked him not to stop.

"Tons, tons, tons..."

The bitter wine entered his throat and his heart ached, and there was only darkness in front of Loki's eyes.

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