The Death Knell

Chapter 1835 Unexpected Assistance

Once the Celestial Group enters combat mode, they will not say anything, as if the only obsession in the program is to eliminate the enemy.

Before its big hand slapped the back of the neck, Su Ming had already drawn out his giant sword and pulled Wanda away quickly. The half of the body that was only a skeleton healed quickly with the help of strangulation.

"Very good. We have discovered a lonely clone of the god. The energy of each piece of its body is about 50 billion times that of the same weight of beef. Maybe you can eat it if you remove the head?"

An attack that hurt others and himself gave him a tactical advantage, but Su Ming needed to calm down the bloodthirsty desire in his heart. He hadn't suffered such an injury in a long time.

Tell a joke, regulate your breathing, and everything you see through the red eyepiece is red.


Strangler repaired the host's body, using its own tissues to imitate human cells, so that the host's body could return to its original state almost immediately. Sharing the memory, it also asked the Celestial Group if it was crispy and chicken-flavored.

Su Ming raised the giant sword and wiped the blade with his forearm, and slowly exhaled: "It should be very crisp, but the skin is a bit thick."

Deadpool, who was carrying a small jetpack, also flew over, handed the cat in his hand to Wanda, and greeted Su Ming: "Hi, dear cousin, have you figured out how to deal with it?"

"We still have to find a way to get inside it to destroy it."

Su Ming shuddered. Deadpool not only disgusted his enemies, but also his own people. Using his willpower, he made tactical gestures to signal everyone to disperse, avoiding the rays of light emitted from the Collector's eyes:

"I once dealt with a alien god, entered the god's armor, and was thrown to an unknown point in time by the chaotic concepts in his body. Only you and I can come back from this situation."

"Ah, I know." Wade shrank his neck, and the beam of light swept over his head: "The audience told me that, I guess, because the Celestial Group is the creation of the First Sky, even if they are replicas , they still passively carry all the original concepts in their bodies, and even they themselves cannot understand the unusable power, so you were thrown to a different timeline before."

Su Ming glanced at him, and then continued to choose the place to start on the collector: "Your thinking is a bit broad. To be honest, I don't know. There is a sea of ​​machinery and light in the Celestial Group. I really can't describe it to you. .”

"It doesn't matter, you don't have to think too much about killing it anyway." Wade decided to attack the soles of the Celestial Group's feet because they looked like propellers. He flew downwards: "I borrowed this jet from the raccoon. The backpack, it's a little tight, get rid of them quickly, I have to get it back before that stuffed monster finds out."

"Rocket is not a raccoon, it just looks like a raccoon. And you are not borrowing it, you are stealing it." Wade went to attack the legs, and Su Ming went to attack the head. The first target was the ones that can be used to shoot beams. To the eyes.

Deadpool flew under the god's feet and stuck his head out like a car mechanic: "Our world is really sick, the orange cat is not a cat, the strange duck is not a duck, the big tree is not a tree... .”

"Your chrysanthemums are not flowers, so do it quickly. If you keep talking nonsense, I will make you bloom."

Wade's head retracted from the edge of the god's feet with a whoosh.

Su Ming circled around the heads of the gods, selected an angle, and swooped down. The flames of cosmic energy enveloped his body. He dragged the giant sword across the sky with both hands, aiming for the eyes of the gods that were spraying energy.

From a distance, the pairs of eyes on the god's face are just holes arranged in an orderly manner, but if you look closely, each eye is larger than a swimming pool.

These deep pools are also covered with colored ice, and destructive energy is constantly gushing out from under the ice.

There was no particularly good chance to make a move. All the collector's eyes were on full fire, emitting energy non-stop. Those rays of light were like plows shooting back and forth through the universe, chasing Su Ming.

It seems that it has recognized that the human who put on the icon armor at this time is the silver mother. After all, the nature of the cosmic energy can be used to identify the identity.

"Wanda! Delay its turn!"

Regardless of whether he was recognized or not, Su Ming shouted the order through the energy of the universe. At this time, Wanda was holding the cat and flying around in the distance, as if she didn't know how to help.

"what should I do?"

"Cytorak Red Belt, attach it to the moon!"

Su Ming made a barrel roll, dodged the passing beam, and flew as far as possible into the visual blind spot above the god's head.

Only then did Wanda notice that everyone was outside the orbit of the earth, and the gray natural satellite was not far behind her.

She opened her eyes wide and didn't understand at all that the Celestials were so dangerous. Why did Deathstroke choose the battlefield next to the Earth? Wasn't he afraid that the Celestials would blow up the Earth?

But there is no time to think about it now, we have to start casting the spell immediately.

This is a spell that requires communication with the devil, and she is not very skilled at it.

However, to be chosen by Sithorn as the 'door' and 'messenger', there is no doubt about Wanda's talent. As she took out her fingerprints and recited the spell, the tyrant of the crimson universe generously lent his power.

‘The envoy from Sithorn asked me for help? Interesting humans...'

The red-skinned otaku turned over in his own universe, and the red waves full of energy surged like a tide and were gathered together.

The space in front of Wanda was shattered, like an invisible mirror. The space fragments were flying everywhere, and the red vortex covered under it looked like some kind of monster opening its mouth.

The luminous energy tide spurted out from it like boiling water vapor or sharp teeth.

The Crimson Tyrant personally opened the passage between dimensions and projected his will here.

Densely packed, red hair-like energy ropes shot out, directly entangling the collector.

The god's arms, legs, and body all became like candied haws on a spindle in an instant.

Although the glowing red thread looks fragile, it is extremely strong.

There was no need for a moon to fix it. The red belt was suddenly retracted, and the collector was stuck in the dimensional gap leading to the crimson universe, like a mouse stuck in the small eye of the manhole cover.

It struggled, trying hard to move its limbs, lowering its head and trying to use its eyes to emit energy to burn these threads.

However, it is useless. Even if some threads are annihilated, more will continue to emerge from the cracks. An unrivaled force is dragging it into another world full of chaos.

Su Ming glanced at Wanda. She looked a little pale at this time and looked down at her hands, perhaps worried about the price of magic of this scale.

However, the Supreme Mage feels that the problem is not big. The worst thing is that she will also use the unknown people. Those crazy monks have long been looking forward to reaching bliss as soon as possible. As the Supreme Mage, she has to give people some hope from time to time.

The god was basically unable to move. Such an opportunity could not be missed. While thinking about Wanda's problem, Su Ming did not stop. He flew directly in front of the collector, his sword moving along its 'eyeball'. Pass by.

The collector's eyes are arranged somewhat like the eight cakes in mahjong, and this blow changes it into the shape of six cakes.

The top two eyes exploded, and the aftermath was very violent. Liquid offensive energy spurted out from the broken and twisted eye sockets, splashing everywhere.

The explosion pushed Deathstroke several somersaults in the air, before he stabilized his body near the orbit of Mars.

The irregular splashing of energy caused a large number of holes to be punched in his body. The flesh, flesh and armor were atomized. The abdominal organs that were not protected by x-metal were almost all blown up. The massive blood loss caused hunger and bloodthirsty. Feelings come to mind.

But this is not a serious injury, at least not to the symbiote host.



The black tentacles stuffed the host's intestines back into the stomach, and began to use their own tissues to reconstruct the belly and armor, and Su Ming also launched a charge towards the god again.

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