The Death Knell

Chapter 1838 Secret

Set, the snake god who masters the rules of 'devouring', 'snake', and 'multiple', is also one of the strongest ancient gods. Even though he had some friendship with Sithorn back then, he should not have responded to the call in person.

But in fact, after Wanda finished reciting the spell, the passage to the 'Sea of ​​Snakes' dimension was also opened.

Even this time, Su Ming didn't even have to do anything. The 'calculator' that had just been spat out by the orange cat was directly entangled by several giant snakes, dragged into another dimension and chopped into pieces.

Through the hole in the space, you can see that there are all kinds of densely packed snakes there. Even the sky and the earth seem to be woven by these scaly animals. It is really a bottomless ocean.

The Celestial God Group does not have the concept of dimensions. The solid defense they are proud of is not worth mentioning in a dimension where snakes are gods. It is as brittle as chocolate.

It was wrapped into a snake ball and submerged into the sea. The scales of various colors that reflected the dim light squeezed gently, and it exploded.

Wade was a little confused, because the Calculator was cyan, and he was a little unsure about which color the Green Goblin liked.

But because of his intensive phobia, he didn't want to go fishing for those fragments in the sea of ​​snakes.

Just looking at the earthworms that seemed to fill a swimming pool was disgusting enough, not to mention that after these snakes crushed the gods, trillions of cold eyes all turned around at the same time, looking at the few people at the entrance of the cave, silently. Gotta infiltrate people.

Wanda quickly cut off the contact. She could feel goosebumps covering her arms.

"It seems that the snake demon Seth also likes you very much." Su Ming joked with the witch. There are seven second-generation founders, and two of them have gone there now. The progress seems to be going well: "But just using the gods group Using energy as a bargaining chip should not allow them to be so proactive, what price did you pay?"


Wanda touched her face and rubbed her belly. There was nothing wrong with her body.

On the contrary, she is in a good mood now because she feels what kind of power she has.

It turns out that I can be so powerful as a traditional sorcerer without using chaos magic.

"I'll try this time. I'll ask Hogs to come over."

Su Ming always felt that something was not right, but for a while he didn't have any clues, so he planned to ask an acquaintance.

After saying that, he asked Wanda to create an area with air in which people could stand in the air.

He took out paper figures, paper horses, paper money and ingots, two paper figures, two plates of cakes and an incense burner from his pocket.

"Huo Huo? Little Huo Huo?" The tribute was lit, and the burning yellow paper was raised to the sky. The flames floated in the air, and it suddenly smelled like an anti-gravity sacrifice. The Supreme Mage called out affectionately: "Huo~Huo~Huo. "

He also used cosmic energy to simulate an echo effect.

Suddenly, a familiar sound of music came from behind Su Ming. It was a piece of music with a strong rhythm:

"Ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho, Huo Jia Quan's routines are flexible, live alive, live alive, live life should be lived to the fullest"

Su Ming, who was burning paper, slumped his shoulders and turned to look at his little cousin:

"Turn off your mp3!!!"

Wade shrank his neck and turned off the BGM, then pointed his finger behind his cousin: "They're here."

Sure enough, the head of a big tiger whose fur looked a little black appeared. Hogs floated in front of them and said angrily:

"Don't talk about your cousin, how many times have I told you not to engage in these underworld rituals again! Can't you be normal and draw a magic circle to summon me like a real sorcerer?"

"Don't worry about these details." Su Ming poured the tribute snacks into the tiger's big mouth: "I called you here to ask, did you see what happened before?"

"What happened with Settorak and Seth?" The tiger's big yellow eyes looked at the orange cat, and then at Wanda. There was no expression on Mao's face: "Of course I saw it, but you don't think I can interfere. What? Emperor Weishan has no plans to go to war with them because of humans, not to mention that they helped you."

Su Ming smiled and patted the scraps of paper on his palms: "Does that mean someone can interfere? And they have already done so, right? I understand."

"Don't be too smart, you'll die." The big tiger narrowed his eyes and poked Su Ming's waist with his beard: "I didn't say anything. I'm here to help you deal with the God Group. Why don't you let one of them out?"

Deathstroke, who probably guessed something, did not continue to delve deeper. He flew to Wanda's side, reached out and touched the orange cat's head: "Can you control which one you spit out?"

The orange cat nuzzled his hand, acting very docile, and nodded its little head.

"Okay, let's spit out the Eradicator and give it to Master Hogs to play with. It's the one that got the weapon in the second Creator, so it's the most difficult to deal with."

"That's a key used to restart the God's Laboratory. It's not a weapon." Hoggs opened his mouth, and the spikes on his tongue were densely reflecting the sun's rays: "I really don't understand why you have to To fight against them, there is no point in killing the clone Celestials, and it won’t be long before new replacements will be added.”

"That's not long for you. Ten or twenty years is enough for humans." Su Ming scratched the orange cat's chin and asked everyone to make room: "Let's get started, at least before the Life Tribunal discovers this place. Settle the fight.”

The mouth of the element-devouring beast looks a bit like an alien shape, or like a snake. Not only can it open to incredible angles, but at the same time, a large mouth made of tentacles will spit out from its small mouth, and the big mouth will spit out larger ones, layer by layer. Like a flower blooming.

Of course, this process requires extraordinary eyesight to see clearly. For ordinary people, they can only see overwhelming tentacles and mucus exploding from the cat's mouth, and a robot is spit out.

It was the purple Eradicator. It was obviously still a little dazed. It was holding a long staff and didn't know what was going on for a while.

But Hogs had already revealed his true form, turned into a huge tiger and pounced on it, hundreds of times bigger than the Celestials. He stretched out his claws, grabbed the Eradicator and stuffed it into his mouth, and that was it.

"The big tiger is still fierce, let him croak, croak, croak!"

Su Ming applauded from below and nudged Wade with his elbow, indicating that they should join in a big fight.

Hoggs didn't bother to listen to these lies at all. He changed back to his small size: "Everything has a price. Go kill ten of the bad guys you think and sacrifice their souls to us. That prison in the Split Domain There’s been a bit of a shortage of prisoners lately.”

"No problem, the person who robbed the lollipop should be considered a bad guy, right?"

The big tiger blew on him, and the wind full of fishy smell blew towards his face: "Whatever you want, the jailer just needs materials to practice his skills. This is a deal between us and Dizak, so don't pry."

Su Ming nodded and agreed: "Okay, I'll have someone prepare it for you. To be honest, if the Celestial Group allows me to choose test subjects, I won't go to war with them. I think there will always be people on earth who are willing to sacrifice for the world. .”

The big cat took away the long-handled staff with a smile on its lips: "That's your problem too. Who asked you to contact them as the envoy of Galactus instead of as the Supreme Mage? In fact, this shouldn't be the case. It doesn’t matter if you’ve reached this point, I’ll take this toothpick and you can continue.”

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