The Death Knell

Chapter 1840 Breaking the Formation

"It doesn't matter. The lack of his left hand doesn't affect much of his combat effectiveness." Su Ming dragged him to fly at high speed, dodging enemy attacks and said considerately: "I don't expect you to be able to blow them up anyway. As long as your mouth and brain are still there, Then I can complete my arrangement."

Wade looked at him resentfully, like a little girl who had been wronged:

"That's because you can't understand the relationship between me and Xiao Zuo. She accompanied me to sleep on so many sleepless nights and comforted my injured heart. Even later, Da Zuo and Da You also joined the girlfriend team, but Xiao Zuo Zuo is still my favorite.”

The black and yellow mask turned to him: "Wait a minute, I can still understand Xiao Zuo and Xiao You. What are the Big Left and Big Right you are talking about?"

Wade didn't answer, just shook his feet in the air.

"I can't even imagine how you did it. Don't tell me. I can't vomit now. It's during the battle." Su Ming understood instantly, but after understanding, that scene was really unbearable. Imagine.

When Wade saw that he wanted to explain in detail, he quickly interrupted. After all, based on his hunch, he thought it would be disgusting.

With his peripheral vision, he glanced at Wanda, who was floating and hiding in the distance. She was still stuttering and casting spells, and it seemed that she was communicating with a certain demon.

There's no telling who she'll find, but she still needs to buy some casting time.

"You'd better attack their feet. The flight posture nozzles are there. I'll cut them on their heads." Su Ming raised his hand and threw Wade away. His cousin was like a foul-smelling red and black cannonball, shooting towards them. The enemy's legs.

Wade is sick most of the time, but after losing too much blood, because his brain cells will be shut down a lot, he will become calmer.

When Deadpool is chattering, it is not scary for the victim, but when he is completely silent, it is even worse when Deadpool is silent.

My cousin was in a similar state now. He was still looking at his bare left arm during the flight, and his grief and anger could be felt through the mask.

The red and black figure was thrown like snot on the feet of the yellow god group. He slipped and slid to the feet of the other party.

He didn't know how it was done, but just a few seconds later, Su Ming saw an explosion at the feet of the giant statue, and bright flames emerged.

Space is a vacuum environment, and there will be no fire in the explosion, but Wade just did it, and it makes sense.

Su Ming's own plan was to try to break up the formations of the gods and cause them to kill each other.

The three of them float together back to back. Seen from above, the shoulders that are joined together can be regarded as the three sides of a triangle, and the head is the midpoint of these sides.

The heads of the gods cannot rotate 360 ​​degrees, so Su Ming just needs to plunge into the center of the triangle formed by the three giant statues. If they don't disperse, they will be stabbed from behind.

If you spread out and use rays to chase tiny humans in flight, you may accidentally injure your companions.

The plan was formulated and implemented immediately. He flew through the empty space, and the fine particles rubbed against the surface of the armor, which made his whole body glow with a faint light.

Pulling up and swooping down, two of the three-color light beams followed behind him, and everything disappeared wherever the beams of light swept them.

But that's it. Deathstroke successfully got into the center of the enemy's formation, and the triangular turtle formation was broken.

As expected, there really was a god's gaze ray chasing him, and as a result, he accidentally injured friendly troops when he turned around.

The yellow robot removed one of the arms of the orange one.

As if cut off by a lightsaber, the light flashed away, and the orange arm was severed from the shoulder and flew out in a spin.

Their armor is completely unable to stop the weapons they carry.

Su Ming's main attention was immediately focused on the yellow replica of the god. After all, he was going to kill it while it was sick. Wade was also working under its feet at this time, so they worked together to get rid of it first.

The gods are watching these two people, and Wanda, who is the killer, is safe. When the powerful demon is summoned, the final decision will be made soon.

Unfortunately, even if Su Ming broke up the formation of the gods and fought guerrilla warfare like a mosquito for a long time, the progress on her side was not smooth.

Maybe it was ignored, maybe it was because the price could not be negotiated, and there was no result.

That's the way magic is. Borrowed power may not be able to be used at critical moments.

The demons and gods may feel that killing a single god is tantamount to silencing them, which is very safe.

When the three gods are together, they will have their own considerations.

"You still have to rely on yourself."

Su Ming let out a breath and started to play the old trick again.

It just flew around the neck of the god, and every now and then he would strike out with a sword, leaving a scar on the neck.

From a simple point of view, this injury is not fatal, but as it accumulates, the wound becomes deeper and deeper, and gradually turns into a sunken collar.

At this time, Wade had already started to trim the pedicure of the god with a knife, flying back and forth on the soles of the yellow giant statue.

Carbon-sodium steel is very good for dealing with people with self-healing abilities, but it obviously can't break the god's defense, but it can be disgusting, such as pretending to defecate on the god's feet, or spitting everywhere.

He attracted the attention of the gods again and again.

Gods have no emotions, no likes and dislikes, and logically should not care about the excrement of living creatures at all.

But they should have regarded Deadpool, whose body was festering and scattered, as a source of corruption similar to the Blue Zerg. The gods who died of infection before were obviously not only the Yuanzu and the Sorrower, but maybe on other planets. Others of their kind also die from bugs.

The aura of death on Wade's body, coupled with the rancid appearance, made him sick at first glance, and he was seriously ill.

Deadpool's disease is cancer, an abnormal disease of tissues and cells, and he has been subjected to strange genetic experiments. This kind of rot at the genetic level is very much like being infected with the Bruvirus.

The gods didn't want to get infected, so they lowered their heads and attacked the red and black bugs crawling on their feet again and again.

This tactic is also effective against the Celestials. Due to the limitations of the machine, the Celestials' knee joints can only bend backwards. They also don't have big hips, so it is impossible to lift their feet from the side to catch humans on the soles of their feet.

Their only way is to separate from each other, fly to the feet of the yellow god, and use their sight to clean it up.

But Su Ming was waiting for this opportunity. The orange god was missing an arm, and another blue god flew below.

The Supreme Mage took the opportunity to accumulate cosmic energy and slammed into the yellow god's head.

An earth-shattering space vibration occurred. When half of his body exploded again to expose his bones, he also broke half of the god's neck. Various pipelines and energy densely packed inside poured out from the crack, and the yellow god began to shake violently. .

Su Ming quickly moved away with the magic floating cloak. Just now, one of his lungs was broken. While waiting for the strangulation to repair his body, he communicated silently with it: "Is it still a little short of it? Without Cytorak's help, we can break it together as expected. The power is still not enough.”


Strangler doesn't think so. It thinks that it is not strong enough. If it could be as big as the symbiote planet, it would be useless for the host to use such self-destructive tactics. It would crush the god itself.

"No, you did a good enough job. You are the best symbiote." Su Ming spat out a fragment of internal organs and re-kneaded the mask: "Let's hit it from the other side again and take off its head. The energy you reserved Is that enough?"


The symbiote repaired that half of the body, and then turned into a bean sprout and popped up on the host's shoulder. It said that after eating Perpetua, its cells had sufficient energy storage and it was about to suffer from anorexia.

As long as it has stored energy, it can divide into new cells almost infinitely, and use its own tissues to fill in the host's missing organs and body, ensuring that there is no loss of combat effectiveness.

"Very good, let's go." Su Ming dragged out the cosmic energy again and flew towards the yellow god.

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