The Death Knell

Chapter 1842 Different positions

The earth always looks very beautiful from outer space. At least as far as human aesthetics are concerned, the blue fluorescence after reflecting sunlight is very beautiful. Of course, the Sovereigns don't see it that way. They like the atmosphere to appear golden. planet.

The gray moon once again appeared next to the three of them like jumping, and it returned to the starting position, and the dark side of the earth once again faced the gaze of the death knell.

The lights in the city can also be seen in space. Su Ming finally understood why literati often describe civilization as light, because whether it is firelight, electric light, or more advanced lighting methods, they are undoubtedly wisdom. The living thing's own light.

"Are you sure you can do it?"

Wade took out a flip phone from his pocket and checked the time. The time in the 40k main world coincided with the start of his favorite late-night cartoon theater, but for his cousin, he didn't have to watch today's show! He can stay and help, as long as he adds money, a lot of it:

"Countless cartoons and games have told me that the bad guy squad leader is much stronger than the miscellaneous soldiers."

"Go to the place where you can control this place. If you don't obey, you will be deducted."

Su Ming stared at him angrily. Deadpool was too boring and there was no use staying here with more people.

After hearing the words about deducting money, Wade immediately reached out to grab Wanda and pressed the red and black button on his belt with his immature left hand.

A blue light flashed, and the two men and the cat disappeared.

"Fuck! You asked Qiu'er to spit out the judge."

Su Ming covered his forehead. Apart from anything else, acting with Deadpool mainly highlighted his tiredness.

When the enemy is tired, his own side is also tired, and he will always be in various situations.

Fortunately, Wanda did not forget this incident, and the two of them came back the next second.

Wade scratched the fish tank sheepishly:

"It seems that I forgot a crucial step."

"Yes, you opened the refrigerator door and closed it again, but the elephant was not put in." Su Ming answered him in a helpless tone, and the voice that passed through the voice changer sounded like an innocent ghost.

"piece of cake."

Wade took out a piece of dogtail grass covered with rotten skin from his underwear, and approached it step by step under Qiu Er's horrified eyes. Before he could slap the thing on the cat's face, the orange cat had already vomited. .

Not only did the judge vomit out, but also a lot of debris like tractors, refrigerators, whales, etc.

Perhaps because he was afraid of deducting the money, Wade took Wanda and disappeared before the rolling judge could see their figures clearly.

The Scarlet Witch finally looked at the Sorcerer Supreme with some concern, but all this was dissipated in the blue light.

The red judge stabilized his figure. He did not notice the two Deadpools leaving, because there were three headless corpses of gods floating in the nearby space, and a human wearing black and yellow armor was standing on one of them. On his chest, he slowly dug a small hole with his giant sword.

As a member of the God Team, he has no concept of hatred, and will not hold grudges when seeing his teammates die.

Its first reaction is to recalculate human combat effectiveness, determine the surrounding environment, and re-authenticate human identity.

After being tortured by humans using space capabilities, it seems to have become a little smarter.

He originally really thought that this human being was the Star Devourer Yin Tamama. He never expected that any creature would dare to lie to the Celestials. Now, seeing this yellow and black armor combined with the known universe data from the past

At first glance, it turned out to be the Supreme Mage Deathstroke!

Those who operate as a "trio" in the demon group are not easy to mess with. The Weishan Emperor, the Ash Trisolaris, and the Anti-Trinity are the only ones who can check and balance them.

The Supreme Mage is the title of the spokesperson of Emperor Weishan.

Judge Arishe began to review the previous contact strategy, and starting a war with Weishandi's spokesperson did not seem to be in line with the work logic?

It's not that he's afraid of death, as the Celestial Team has no fear, but because the demise of the Creator means that the promotion inspection of species in the universe has failed.

In order to collect materials for the next experiment on Earth, it is undoubtedly illogical and wrong to cause the most important mission at the moment to fail.

After calculating, he planned to negotiate a peace.

"Star Eater/Supreme Mage, if we postpone the next Earth experiment, can we cease the war? We have a more important mission, for the sake of the universe."

Su Ming's digging movement paused, and the giant sword turned slightly left and right: "The universe is actually the same without you. Galactus can perfectly replace your work, isn't it destruction and rebirth? He can also reshape the planet. "

"Negative, we are older and more stable." Arishe's eyes flashed, and it had its own set of logic: "The planet devourer, the life giver, the balance of payments is unbalanced."

Deathstroke shook his head and looked at the judge's chest: "He has humanity, but you don't. Sometimes low-level creatures like me care more about the means shown by others rather than their original intentions. Please ask me to pick a few from the earth. It’s okay for me to do experiments for you personally. I’m happy to cooperate with the upgrading work of the universe. But if you want to choose people to do experiments by yourself, that won’t work. We can only live and die.”

"There's no real difference, I can't understand it."

The judge does not understand human logic at all. If the number of test subjects is equal, does it matter who chooses?

"It's very simple." Su Ming wiped the sword body with his forearm and glanced at the silver blade: "You, the founder, didn't understand my situation at all before coming to Earth, right? My point of view is 'the greater the ability, the better. The more choices you make, the more you don't let me have the right to make my own choices, then I will use my ability to kill you."

"The right to protect the Earth was claimed by Odin hundreds of thousands of Earth revolutions ago. We have made preparations to understand Odin, but human evolution has led to accidents." Arishe replied mechanically, and it began to prepare for war: " Even so, humans must obey our management, and we should have the right to dispose of experimental products."

Business sighed under the mask of the death knell, as if blowing the blinds: "Huh, you still don't understand, and it's all my fault. What's there to explain to a machine like you? Die!"

Before he finished speaking, colorful flames rose from his armor, and the energy of the universe converged on him again, and hunger and bloodlust also arose.

Using the giant sword as an arrow, he instantly crossed a distance of thousands of kilometers, suddenly held the weapon in both hands, and stabbed the god in the chest.

The giant sword used to dig holes in the corpses of the Celestials was not for fun, but to check which angle was easier to penetrate the armor and hit the energy pool in their chests.

God clones are still machines after all. They operate with cosmic energy, and they must have channels for energy flow or places to store energy in their bodies.

The goddess once showed Zhang Heng the alien species in her body, and Zhang Heng also left a historical record of her.

The posthumous book "Xuantu" says, "The daughter of the sky covers the universe and brings out the vitality."

Constructing the Qiankun is almost the same as having the Qiankun within. The outer armor covers the inner things.

Yuan Qi, the theory of 'Qi' has been popular in China since ancient times. The so-called Yuan Qi, to put it bluntly, is energy.

Tuoyuè, also written as Tuoyuè, refers to the device used to blow wind and fire during ancient smelting. The ancients also used this word to describe the respiratory organ in the human body, its working principle, and the lungs to regulate Qi. machine functions.

Su Ming guessed that Zhang Heng's record most likely refers to the location where humans have lungs and where gods have installed energy cores.

Thanks to asking Zheng Xian not long ago, otherwise Su Ming might not be able to understand what it means given his own level of education.

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