The Death Knell

Chapter 1845 Celebration Banquet

Pay the bill for Deadpool, send Wanda home, and then send the orange cat back to 'that village'.

Su Ming then returned to his home, lying on the sofa and enjoying the pain of self-healing.

Most of the body organs are replaced by strangulation, which is only an emergency measure during battle. After the battle, you still have to rely on your own self-healing ability to slowly recover.

The pain can still be blocked with willpower, but the itching sensation caused by the rapid growth of new muscles and skin is really like a hundred claws scratching the heart.

Su Ming, who had taken back his armor, was like a tattered rag doll, nestling at one end of the sofa and waiting quietly to reduce movement and friction, which was better for self-healing.

"Is our world okay with this?"

Gin came over carrying a wine barrel, threw it on the carpet, patted the ashes on himself in the wine cellar, and asked with concern.

Like most Asgardian women, after a man comes home victorious, his wife always wants to have a drink with him.

Su Ming, whose facial muscles had no skin yet, nodded. Only half of the self-healed eyeballs were in the sockets. It might be a little early to drink now.

With the current injury, any immortal warrior would be dead. How could he go home and drink?

"The white light incident and the censorship of humanity are all over, and the world can grow freely again." Strangler temporarily repaired his lungs and vocal cords so that the host could speak: "The Avengers were established, Thor and Loki went through training, Today, Wade has completed his first mercenary mission, and there is one more Thor on Earth. Compared with the price paid, he has already made a profit."

Gin smiled and flipped up his hair, clenched his left hand with a red gem ring into a fist, punched open the wooden lid of the wine barrel, took out a large horn cup from the drawer of the coffee table, and scooped up a large glass of brandy. come out.

I'm afraid it's not about a kilogram.

She leaned against Su Ming and brought the wine glass to his mouth: "Then why do you look a little unhappy?"

"I just feel that the road ahead will be difficult." Su Ming reluctantly took a sip. The alcohol made his esophagus, which was still healing, painful, but he looked into Gin's eyes without changing his expression and reached out to touch her. Face: "The upgrade of the universe will be completed soon. This symbolizes that we have entered a higher level and have entered the sight of higher-level existences. The wave of the times is officially coming to us. Next time, things may not be so simple. "

Gin rubbed his metal bone hand and took a sip on the horn: "Although I also want to say that the path of a warrior is to advance without retreating, but remembering that you don't believe in the Immortal Palace, I might as well forget it."

"The path of a warrior requires well-founded advance and retreat. What you did back home was reckless and killed too many people." Su Ming touched the TV remote control on the coffee table and switched to the news station: "But the path to transcendence is You can’t stop or look back, but it’s not entirely wrong.”

Valkyrie thought for a moment, nodded, stood up, held the wine glass and exhaled, pretending to be relaxed and said: "Let's not talk about that anymore. Today I want to celebrate your victory. Let's go cook. Do you want to eat roasted whole chicken?" Beef or whole roasted pig?”

Su Ming took a sofa cushion and hugged it in his arms. He hugged it tightly, as if he had breathed out all the air in his lungs: "Bake some fruit, cherry tomatoes or bananas. I have used the Time Stone too many times today. , I’m so dizzy right now, it’s like I’ve been hollowed out.”

"Nonsense! How can I meet people in the future without meat at the celebration party? No way."

Gin's eyebrows rose. She was the mistress of the house, and she had the final say in what she ate.

According to the tradition of my hometown, when the men go out to fight, the women stay behind to support the family and go out to hunt to prepare a banquet for the men to celebrate their victory. If they are all vegetarian, doesn't it mean that the woman has no ability?

Although she has lived on earth for decades, she still hopes to take good care of her men as per tradition.

"Wait a minute. I went to the Sahara Desert today to hunt some wild camels. We will have roasted whole camels for dinner."

After Gin finished speaking, she drank the wine in the horn glass in one gulp. The droplets slid down her snow-white neck to her chest, soaking her clothes.

She didn't care that her clothes were stained, so she swiped her small mouth with her backhand boldly, threw the wine glass to the ground, and rushed to the basement in high spirits.

The kitchen was not in the basement, but the armory where Su Ming usually used to practice target shooting was there. She should have gone to get the flamethrower.



Both the host and the symbiote on the sofa in the living room sighed at the same time. As long as they go home, gin and wine will cook every meal, whether it is barbecue or the fairy-like flavor with just a handful of salt.

It’s because tradition makes her believe that food full of wild flavor can provide the eater with more wild power, similar to the Eastern saying of ‘you get what you eat’.

Although eating barbecue all the time is very satisfying, it is also too irritating.

"Strangle, write a letter! Cloak, go and deliver the letter to Xiao Wang, ask him to help in the kitchen, and bring hundreds of kilograms of spices with you. Next, you go to Kama Taj to deliver the second letter to Hamil, and ask him We arranged for people to come over for dinner, and there were several roasted camels.”

Gin's back disappeared at the top of the stairs, and Su Ming immediately threw away the pillow and issued a series of instructions.

The collar of the cloak was rolled up, as if making a shrug, as if it was gloating.

No need to take in carbs, it’s just so capricious.

However, it still rolled up the note written by Strangler in imitation of the host's handwriting, and flew out of the fireplace chimney, because it knew too well that if the death knell was not painful, it would definitely find a way to make it less painful.

The mages came one after another through the portal, and basically everyone brought some small gifts. For example, Modu brought a small basket with some jam he made.

"Where is she?"

Wang's expression was solemn. If it were just roasted camel, how to cook it to taste would be a challenge, not to mention that it is even more difficult now.

She couldn't overwhelm the guest, she had to make Gin feel like she was the one cooking.

His task is to secretly modify these hard dishes to make them less greasy, especially the roasted camel hump, with the least chance of taking action.

Before Su Ming could answer, the firelight in the garden showed through the window of the living room, which seemed to be a test firing of a flamethrower.

Xiao Wang has seen a lot of blowtorches used for cooking, such as baking icing or chocolate on cakes, but using a flamethrower for cooking

All I can say is that it is indeed the choice of the Supreme Mage, and others cannot understand it at all.

He picked up the sack of spices and walked heavily toward the backyard, while the others stayed in the living room and asked the master what happened and why he seemed to be seriously injured.

The trauma only seemed severe. The biggest burden was the repeated use of the Time Stone to delay the automatic return of Timeline 6, which made Arishe confused.

Su Ming roughly told them what happened, but did not go into details about the demon gods. He just told them to send a message to the mages stationed in the three major temples now. They must strengthen their defenses recently and send the Antarctic Holy Saint to them if necessary. All are also connected to the network.

While they were talking, Hermione also arrived via teleportation, and she also brought her new partner, a three-flowered Ellu cat.

She was shocked when she saw the professor's injury, and quickly took out the magic potion to give it to him, but Su Ming said that it was not necessary. Physical injuries were never a problem, but injuries to the soul could not be solved by magic potions.

"My injury is just a minor injury. Compared to that, can your Elle cat know how to cook?"

The professor asked a question that she had not expected at all, and looked seriously at the cat hiding behind her thighs.

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