The Death Knell

Chapter 1848 Start treasure hunt

"Holy Emperor, with boundless power, Emperor, please save me from suffering. From the raging storm and lightning, the great Emperor saves us"

The singing echoed in the dilapidated church, and the fallen and tilted wavy columns reflected these sound waves, breaking them into pieces and spreading them to every corner.

The Battle Sisters are not a choir, their songs are more like majestic war songs. The gorgeous Gothic language is only mastered by a very few people, and is being sung in the most passionate tune at this time.

After Su Ming agreed to accompany the nun, she had been in an abnormal state of excitement. Even when she was reloading her bolter, she was singing a hymn, as if she was ready to die heroically at any time and return. to the presence of the Emperor.

There was some burning smell in the air, and the sounds of chaos on the street came closer from outside the door.

Su Ming was not in a hurry. He leaned against the door and looked outside, with a very calm expression on his face.

Efilar walked to his side. Her power armor was relatively thin, but it still cast a huge black shadow in the light coming through the crack of the door: "We have to leave here first. In the ruins of this city, various Aliens and demons are flooding every street, and we cannot afford to be attacked from both sides."

The nun didn't know that if the man wanted to leave, he could fly away at any time.

So she followed her normal thinking and very seriously suggested that he evacuate first.

Su Ming didn't panic. He moved a stone pillar to block the door first, and peeked out from the crack in the door. The strange smell became even stronger:

"Actually, I also have some questions. Why are you here? Alone."

Battle Sisters are not inquisitors. Most of the time, they will be invited by the Inquisition to temporarily join a certain inquisitor as a team to fight. When the problem is solved, they will return to the monastery and wait for the next time. call.

There are three major tribunals under the Imperial State Church, namely the Demonic Tribunal (ordomalleus), the Heretical Tribunal (ordoheretius), and the Alien Tribunal (ordoxenos).

There are countless unknown small tribunals left, the exact number is unknown. The ones Su Ming knows about include the Plague Countermeasures Tribunal (ordosepulturum), the Assassin Supervision Tribunal (ordosiarius), etc., which are all products of subdivision.

Many people think that the Tribunal is qualified to initiate assassinations. In fact, this is not the case. It is another administrative agency, the Office of Assassinations (Offiio Assassinorum), that trains and controls the Imperial Assassins. The Assassin Supervisory Tribunal only reviews whether the assassination is in line with the emperor's wishes.

The Inquisitor can act alone and only needs to report to his superiors to drive his own ship to pursue any clues he wants in space. He can basically be regarded as an agent controlled by the church.

That's all off topic. Now the question is, why is Efilar, as a battle sister, alone on a planet full of enemies?

Without an inquisitor accompanying her or a nun leading the team, it stands to reason that she has no right to leave the planet where the monastery is located.

She sighed, and her white mushroom hairstyle fell forward. She lowered her head and looked at her red clothes: "I am pursuing my enemy. During the last outing, there was a demon. He killed My sisters, and the accompanying Inquisitors, had their skins flayed into filthy psychic weapons."

"He's on this planet?"

Su Ming finally understood that for the Order of the Holy Blood Rose, their doctrine advocated revenge, and the red monk uniform represented blood debt and blood repayment, which were all issues left over from history.

Efilar shook her head, and she hung the power sword on her waist: "I don't know. I was seriously injured at the time, and my consciousness was blurred. I fell into a crevice and escaped. I only saw his actions and saw him. Escaped into the warp passage. My sisters cannot be sacrificed in vain and be tainted by this. I must recover their remains."

"So you are following the fluctuations in the subspace and acting without authorization. As a psyker, you can sense all this. Even without backup, there is no permission." Su Ming shook his head. He originally thought that the nuns would know what treasures were here. In the end, she didn't know anything: "Then did you see the sign of the demon clearly? As a battle sister who often works with the inquisitor, you can always tell what kind of demon it is, right?"

The air became quiet. At that moment, Su Ming was worried that Efilar would say that he didn't know or didn't see clearly. That would be too confusing.

Fortunately, she was silent for a moment just because of the memory. It was the memory that was too painful and dark, rather than being forgotten.

"That's the beast of the evil demon Xin Liezhi. I will never forget his appearance!"

Su Ming sighed and walked away from the door to the back hall of the church: "Then I'm afraid you are chasing the wrong person. The Chaos war gang I saw on this planet before was the fallen of Salis. You should have discovered it too, right? Those Noise weapons.”

The nun followed his footsteps, and the sound of her boots colliding with the ground echoed in the darkness: "After landing on this planet, I realized that I had found the wrong person, but it doesn't matter, as long as I burn all the demons I saw, Then my enemies will be among them."

"This is not an option. Where is your spaceship? Can you contact the Inquisition or the Space Marines in the surrounding star fields?"

The Emperor's loyal warriors couldn't move when they saw demons, and had to fight to the death with them. Although the Battle Sisters had also undergone some biochemical transformations, they were far less comprehensive and powerful than the Space Marines. Su Ming was a little suspicious of her fighting alone. Can you beat a Chaos Space Marine?

The best way is to let people go, let the Space Marines or Gray Knights deal with Chaos, let the major races on the planet fight, and take the opportunity to find out what the treasure is.

Since the Necrons are also here, the baby is most likely one of theirs.

Su Ming had a guess about the cause of the whole thing. There were ruins of human cities here. Although it did not form a hive or urban planet, it was at least a colonial star. Maybe there were Imperial Guards stationed there.

However, the 'Gravedigger Cult' came here to dig casually, and as a result they dug out bones from deep underground. The undead annihilated all the archaeological team and guards of the Mechanicum, but more and more forces gained access to them. After hearing the news, they arrived on the planet one after another, all wanting that thing.

This kind of thing is not unprecedented. The Mechanicum has a team dedicated to digging graves. It would be news if a Necron was not dug up in any year.

Looking at it this way, this treasure has some background.

Could it be a relic of the Star God? Or the remains of an ancient saint? The super technology of the ribs?

This business must be done, and there is no need to go to Mars. The technology of the Adeptus Mechanicus is just a matter of fun. If you really want to talk about technology, it still depends on the ribs.

"My spaceship was destroyed. I don't even know what this planet is called, but I saw a communication station here before it crashed, right in the middle of the city." The nun spoke very eloquently, and in just a few words she After explaining the situation, Su Ming felt like a breath of fresh air after completing the mission with Deadpool.

This kind of atmosphere of iron and blood is just right. No nonsense, no spoofs, just plain and simple.

"While I suspect there are Space Marines on their way, and perhaps the Skitarii of the Adeptus Mechanicus, the battle in orbit is fierce, and it would be better if we capture the relay station and provide the coordinates to the drop pod. "

Su Ming raised his hand and demolished the back wall of the church. The two of them drilled out of the twisted steel hole and came to another, slightly quiet street.

The nun hesitated for a moment, as if she didn't know whether to let the Primarch take risks, but she actually had no choice and could only raise her finger to point in the direction.

"The relay station is over there, and we now face a problem."

Su Ming also saw the so-called problem. The relay station tower in the ruins of the city was still standing, dilapidated but not collapsed.

But now it has been equipped with a lot of miscellaneous gadgets, like a giant garbage dump. There is also a huge brazier on the top, which has been transformed into a BBQ grill. Some busy and cheerful green figures are surrounding it. Busy with something.

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