The Death Knell

Chapter 1856 Rooftop masturbation

The Dark Angel's fleet launched a jump. They did not notice that in the shadow of the planet several light years behind them, a small battleship belonging to the Heretic Tribunal and emblazoned with the sacred I symbol also followed them secretly.

At the same time, because the Dark Angels did not want anyone within the empire to know where they had gone, they did not formally respond to the emergency communications and record them. After all, they only needed to recapture and purify the planet, complete the secret mission, and then report the records.

Under normal circumstances, it is possible. After all, even if other war groups receive the communication and come to the rescue, the Dark Angels will have already completed everything.

But sometimes I'm afraid of what might happen.

There was another war group that happened to pass by the nearby star field. It was almost the same distance from the Gladius system as the Dark Angels. They also received this request for help at about the same time.

After they officially responded to the call for battle, the fleet belonging to the battleship Glory of Russ also made a jump towards Gladius.

This situation would never happen originally. In a normal crisis, only one battle group would respond.

There is not much cooperation between the Space Marine Chapters. After all, the universe is so big, only sub-groups that are already close to each other can act together.

For example, during the Second Founding of the Army, the Dark Angels split into sub-groups such as the Angels of Redemption, Angels of Absolution, Angels of Vengeance, Angels of Vigilance, Oath Keepers, Disciples of Caliban, etc. These sub-groups are now solely responsible for the Space Marines. The responsibilities of the war group, but because of their close blood relationship, they have a good relationship with each other.

And there are people with good relationships, and there are people with bad relationships.

"I couldn't hear what the communication said, it was just noise."

The loudspeaker fell off the equipment console without Su Ming moving it. He turned to ask the nun who was listening attentively.

She kept blinking her eyes, obviously not understanding it, because the voice coming from the communicator just now didn't sound like a human voice at all, but shouting and laughing.

"I don't understand either, but they call themselves Zaizi?"

"Tsk, maybe it's the influence of subspace fluctuations." Su Ming didn't hesitate anymore. Using the ladder on the terrace, he climbed up to the top platform of the tower that had been transformed into a giant oven, where a huge bonfire was still burning.

The repeater signal amplifier, which was like a satellite pot, was now placed on a large inferior stove made of scrap iron and stone. The oil inside was boiling, and there was a burnt squig inside. Black smoke.

The fart who cooked it has been killed by Efilar, and his head is also in the oil pan. There are also a few boys on the edge of the rooftop who want to eat before the meal. Their corpses exude the same fishy smell as always.

Efilar also followed, and she discovered that this man seemed to be very concerned about the food in the pot.

In this era, many people attach great importance to the various foods that may be eaten, such as those who have lived in the hive city since childhood.

The hive city is a completely urbanized planet. Due to the limited living area, people can only live in a three-dimensional structure like a honeycomb. The residents at the bottom have difficulty seeing the sun throughout their lives, and face only exhaust gas and acid rain every day.

There, every breath of air and every drop of water are precious resources, even if they have been recycled by hundreds of thousands of people.

As the name suggests, recycling is recycling in the literal sense. For example, after a series of purification treatments, the urine of one person will become drinking water for another person, and the second person will maintain his life after drinking it. His urine will be the third person’s drinking water, and so on.

Hive worlds often experience population explosions, and only in this way can they support the survival of more people.

Of course, this is talking about the people at the bottom of the hive capital. In fact, the officials and senior staff who live in the middle and upper classes of the hive capital don't have to worry about eating, drinking and having fun.

However, they are the most prone to corruption and corruption.

Efilar still remembers the first time she acted with the Heretic Inquisitor. They went to a hive world. When the green fat mutant maggot was dragged out from a smelly room, she almost vomited in it. In a tactical helmet.

The scene of filth and evil shocked her soul, and the depravity and impurity made her tremble with disgust.

That official obviously had a very high social status and enjoyed the glory granted by the great emperor, but he wanted to pursue the false eternal life, and was corrupted by Nurgle.

He secretly cultivated followers in the hive and spread the plague. His crime was unpardonable. The inquisitor pronounced him dead on the spot, blasted him to pieces with a plasma gun, and ordered the nuns to burn the building together. PC::/

After she and her sisters burned all the filth with flamethrowers and returned to the monastery, her sense of smell also failed for several days.

"You don't really want to eat that, do you? I can probably understand your respect for food, but unclean food will not make you feel satisfied, it will only make you weak."

She seemed to be moved by the scene, and rarely said a few more words to persuade the man not to want to eat everything.

"It's nothing at all." Su Ming waved his hand and kicked the pot down. The hot oil flowed everywhere, and the orc corpse on the ground made a sound like an omelette: "I just thought it might be Oil and fire affected the signal.”

The air on the rooftop was filled with the smell of fried durian, and then was blown away by the more foul-smelling wind from the distance, but Efilar breathed a sigh of relief:

"Perhaps, let's go down and prepare for defense. After the equipment is restarted, Oak should also be aware of our presence. They will rush up soon. I'll block the stairs, and you block the terrace?"

"It's actually already here."

Su Ming raised her chin and asked her to look behind her. The group of helicopter guys who were watching the excitement below had climbed not far away.

There is no doubt that when they saw the two of them, they let out shrimps! Xiami! . :m.x

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