The Death Knell

Chapter 1863 Seeking the Enemy

"What are you looking for?!"

Amidst the howling wind, the nun tried her best to make her question heard by him. She always felt like he was stretching his neck to look into the orcs.

The two men rode on motorcycles with only the frame remaining and quickly wandered behind the greenskins. There were too many enemies, and almost everywhere they looked was green.

They would suddenly appear from the ground, street ruins, in the sky, behind them, and from any angle, screaming strangely and chasing after the two of them.

In the past, Efilar has been operating with the Heretic Tribunal. She is good at dealing with Chaos and various corrupt monsters. It is rare to see such a large wave of green skins. And this is just an ordinary city on the entire planet. What you see in front of you may be just One billionth of the total number of greenskins.

"Find the biggest, greenest beast, their war boss!"

Su Ming replied loudly, "There is no way. The engine of this old motorcycle is as noisy as a tractor. The greenskins like this kind of energy, but normal humans will never ride such a thing that may fall apart at any time."

"Are you looking for the enemy's leader?" The nun chopped at the enemy like a knight standing in stirrups. The blood in the green-skinned headless chest was wet all over her body due to the speed of the car. She just wiped her eyes: "But I am completely I didn’t feel that the enemy was being led, they just rushed in disorderly manner.”

"The greenskins we encountered have a high proportion of technician boys and flying boys, as well as a large number of war machines." Su Ming said his thoughts. This greenskin is very unusual: "This time waaaaagh! The war boss is very... Maybe he’s a big tech guy with a bunch of mechanical modifications added to his body.”

For an ordinary green-skinned person, if he has a smart mind and likes to think, he may become a technician boy, or a "junk boy" for short. His main job is to pick up scrap metal to make guns, repair cars, and direct the goblins to do construction.

And if the technician boy lives long enough, masters more Xunsi experience, and obtains clan status, he will become the overlord of the Xunsi industry because he is bigger and more skilled, and will be called "Big". Skill master'.

There is also a legendary orc technology class above the technical masters, that is, the mysterious "junk guys", which means the real bosses who are good at technology and the transformation of scrap iron and garbage. These orcs are scientists and dragons who have never seen the beginning. Experiments that no one can understand are being carried out secretly.

Efilar had no idea what he was talking about. If she were asked to find the Chaos Champion and Chaos Demon, she might be able to recognize him at a glance among thousands of armies, but the orcs were really unfamiliar.

However, she did understand the mechanical transformation of the body. It was similar to the technology priests of the Mechanicum, or the technology sergeants in the Space Marines, with several auxiliary mechanical arms behind them?

But everything in front of her eyes was green, and it was too troublesome to find an orc on the chaotic battlefield. She glanced around and asked again while her short white hair was flying: "Isn't there a better way to find it?"

"Yes, big tech masters often use various devices to gather waaaaagh!'s force fields to form a protective shield to protect themselves and the greenskins around them. If you use your psychic vision to sense that violent emotion, it may be very difficult. It’s easy to tell him apart.”

This is only a theoretical situation. Su Ming is a complete layman in terms of psychic abilities, but it doesn't cost money to let the nun try it.

Psionic energy is the abbreviation of soul energy, and as we all know, subspace is basically the dimension where various souls and ideas are formed. Therefore, in the human empire, psykers are often subject to very strict management. After all, these people are very susceptible to the will of chaos. Inspiration.

If Efilar had not been protected by the monastery, she would probably have been burned by the star torch, or blinded and become a communication device "Astropath".

Her psychic potential is huge. After all, when Su Ming saw her, the nun had been hit by Space Spare's plasma cannon. She was able to use her willpower to stimulate psychic energy to repair her body. This was like a heresy.

Because there is a famous saying in the state religion, "It is better to have a broken body than to lose one's soul." The original meaning is that one should rather die than surrender in battle. Later, it was extended to various aspects. For example, using spiritual energy to repair one's body is not "loyal". the behavior of.

The arm was hit by plasma? You can totally chop off that arm and replace it with a mechanical or biochemically cultivated one, so that it will be more loyal.

Any talk of high-speed self-healing, regeneration of broken limbs, or resurrection from the dead is all heresy!

The nun also had some little secrets. Su Ming knew about them but didn't reveal them.

After all, tools are more useful if people have their own ideas and needs. He has traveled through so many worlds, and he has never seen a saint who has no desires at all. People will always be sweet, and they will always have weaknesses.

But the world of Warhammer is somewhat different. Everyone here has a secret, big or small.

The nun didn't know what the original body who was driving the motorcycle was thinking. After hearing his answer, she recalled that the other party had indeed seen her using psychic powers. She took a careful look at the Space Marines in the distance to confirm that they each had their own unique abilities. After the trouble, she started to activate her abilities.

Su Ming could feel the hot breath she exhaled on the top of her head, and the scene behind her was revealed, and her eyes were filled with blue-white electric light.

"found it."

In the next second, she patted Deathstroke on the shoulder and pointed in a direction with her power sword, and the direction was closer to the side of the city's cathedral, which was the area where the two had passed through the tunnel before.

"Is it at the rear of the battlefield? It seems to be cunning and vicious." Su Ming wanted to change the direction, but he only used a little force. As a result, the other side of the handlebar also fell off, and he could only hold on to the middle with his bare hands. rudder stock to control direction.

The psychic light in the nun's eyes extinguished, but she continued to fight without any fatigue, wielding the power sword and slashing: "Drive faster, glory is calling us."

"You're wrong. If you just drive over, it's because the mines are calling us." Su Ming not only did not speed up, but also slowed down, and even used his two legs to push forward on the ground: "Don't think the green skinned Silly, many people are often close to death by the time they realize how cunning and ferocious those beasts are.”

Efilar nodded as if she understood. She twisted her waist and used the flamethrower to push back the chasing boys, and said: "You seem to know them very well. I am very interested in what kind of battles you have experienced in the past. "

"It's nothing, I just liberated hundreds of worlds."

Su Ming waved his hand carelessly. In the Warhammer Universe, a planet is called a world. If he liberated so many planets in the Ghost Universe from Darkseid, he would have liberated hundreds of worlds.

The nun took a deep breath, and her eyes narrowed under her white bangs.

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