The Death Knell

Chapter 1865 Two people competing

Wolf Lord Gunnar followed the firelight and found the whereabouts of the yellow and black warriors. He finally killed through the sea of ​​green skins. At this time, the iron-gray Terminator armor had turned completely red.

He sniffed sharply, and the long sharp canine teeth wrinkled up the corners of his mouth.

Through the powerful talent given by the gene seed, he can smell the blood dozens of miles away in a snowstorm through his sense of smell, just like a real wolf.

At the other end of the alleyway that was isolated by the flames, there was a strong smell of blood and gunpowder smoke. Based on experience, I could tell that the explosive charge was very large, and it might be a mine for reaction armor.

As a personal guard of the Wolf King, he has experienced countless battles. Many times, he can know what enemy he will face just by his sense of smell and experience, which is more accurate than radar.

"Ruth's fangs, that person couldn't have been killed, right?"

He couldn't hide anything in his heart, and what he was thinking came out from his thick lips almost at the same time, which made him startle, who was tiptoeing behind him, planning to stab his heel with a knife.

The wolf master turned to look at his feet, showed a cruel smile to the grunt, stepped down on him and crushed him into a puddle of thick juice, then took a long step and rushed towards the fire.

As for the kids behind you? What does it have to do with yourself whether you can keep up with yourself?

The words he said to his subordinates before were not meant to boost morale. Fenris soldiers were not lacking in morale. He was simply telling the truth. Anyone who moves slower than the Dark Angel will never go to the battlefield in the future and stay in the Long Tusk. Fortress maintenance servants go.

If you say you don't care about them, you really don't care.

He now wants to see the ending of that heroic soldier. Was he really killed by a landmine? Or kill his target and gain glory?

To be honest, when he saw the little man in yellow and black armor entering and leaving the green-skinned front seven times, and in the end he was faster than himself, he admired him in his heart.

Even if the width of the battlefield over there is not as wide as that faced by the war groups on both sides, it is not a greenskin that mortals can deal with, right?

That man also had a battle nun as a teammate, but it was almost impossible to get those powerful vixens to obey the man's orders. How did he do it?

In all his years of living, Gunnar has never seen such a magical scene.

Curiosity was like a wolf's claws, rapidly scratching his beard and making his chest itchy.

The wall of fire blocked many greenskins, and they were jumping around on this side. The Wolf Lord's two lightning claws came together and rubbed together, then swung wildly, tearing the enemy into pieces.

What was not perfect was that just when he was about to pull off the last green-skinned head, a bolt flew in and exploded the little beast's head.

Each bullet of the bolt gun can be regarded as a miniature rocket as thick as a finger. Here we are talking about the finger of a Space Marine. From the perspective of an ordinary person, it is almost the thickness of a 40mm grenade.

Each bolt has not only an explosive warhead at the front, but also a boosting nozzle at the rear. After hitting the enemy, it will achieve both armor-piercing and bursting effects. It is an extremely cruel weapon. The older the bolt gun, the more powerful it is. is powerful.

But Gunnar has never hated the Ancient Bolter as much as he does today.

Although the Wolf Group believes that using guns is not honorable enough, they will not discriminate against brothers who love to use guns. After all, they are all for the Emperor, but the methods of killing enemies are different.

Unless that person is from the Dark Angel.

Gunnar's face suddenly elongated, and his Terminator armor also made an unpleasant friction sound at the joints. The fur of the Fenris giant wolf behind him was thrown up by him, and blood spilled on the floor.

"Are you trying to steal my prey? You dark villain."

The visitor was Ophis, the battle priest of the Dark Angels. Wearing a dark green Terminator armor, he had a bolt gun in one hand and a double-headed eagle ax in the other. He killed the greenskin at a speed only slightly slower than the Wolf Lord. front.

He was used to it when he saw the attitude of the wolf group lord. Yes, he fired that shot just to grab the monster, so what?

"Leon slams, I slam."

His answer was a standard priest, describing the story of that year in simple and beautiful language. Leon Jonson, the Primarch of the Dark Angels, knocked out Leman Russ, the Primarch of the Space Wolves, with a punch. .

Gunnar breathed rapidly, and the anger made a huffing sound in his throat. If the monk in front of him was not a monk Astartes, he would definitely kill this annoying guy.

"Follow the process or fight directly? Don't call us company champions, just you and me."

As the wolf master spoke, he began to rub his lightning claws.

The priest walked up to him nonchalantly and looked to the other side through the wall of fire. His tactical team was soon following, and now they had launched fire cover. They could chat as much as they wanted, or go find that person:

"We'll settle the accounts later. I'm going to find that warrior now."

"Don't even think about it! I saw him first."

The Wolf Lord stepped through the flames first, and the wall of fire composed of incendiary bombs could not stop the Space Marines at all. They could even charge against the Eldar Phoenix tank.

"You don't understand anything. He is not the kind of barbarian that grows in your own sea. Forget about his identity, even if I tell you, you won't understand."

The priest is usually a gentle and noble person, but when faced with the Space Wolves, he chose to strike hard, followed immediately without saying a word, and even used his armor to squeeze the wolf master.

"Fuck you!" The wolf master blushed and pushed back suddenly, trapping the priest behind him. The circle of fur around his armored neck made him look rosy: "Don't you think he might be The Primarch? I know it too, Old Wolf."

Laughter came from under the priest's skull mask: "You know that just saying such words is blasphemy, right? Haven't you fought enough with the Inquisition?"

"The Inquisition is nothing?! I'm not afraid. I'll chop them to death when they come." The Wolf Lord retorted, stroking his beard proudly: "But you, you wear a helmet even when you go to the battlefield, and you are just as sneaky as your battle group. Since you have the same style as Zou, I guess the Inquisition will be more interested in your secrets."

"We came to this galaxy first." The First Chapter had no secrets, so the priest changed the topic and came up with the first-come, first-served theory.

The wolf master ran while pushing the priest: "You did not report or respond, so according to the rules, we are the ones who are in compliance with the rules, and it is you who should get out. Of course, you have to let me beat you before you can leave, haha! "

"Hmph, some people are just barbarians. It's really difficult to communicate with language." The priest squeezed the wolf master with his shoulder and sneered.

"In the final analysis, we still have to fight. It makes me sick to see your hypocrisy." The lord did not give in. After all, the two sides would definitely fight. It was about the glory of the original body, and there was nothing more to say.

The two of them stood side by side, like 'walking conjoined twins' who had sped up more than ten times the speed. Two Ultimate power armors of the same model and different paintings were pinned together, swaying in an awkward posture. Arrived at the street corner.

And when they turned the corner, they saw the man whose appearance was almost the same as Quan's father.

The man was standing on the top of a green mountain with red torrents flowing, stepping on countless enemy corpses, holding a huge head in his hand, proudly showing off his victory to the Battle Sisters.

At this time, both of them were temporarily speechless.

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