The Death Knell

Chapter 1875 Easily eliminated

Eldar shuriken guns are very elegant weapons, especially at night. When fired, they resemble fairy wands spitting sparks, with blue-white stars or other bright spots swarming out of the muzzle.

The technology they use is somewhat similar to what humans use on battleships and tank engines, but it is more advanced, at least humans cannot imitate it.

The magazine is actually a whole piece of single crystal. When the weapon is fired, a small piece of the crystal will be peeled off through a high-energy pulse, and then accelerated and launched through the magnetic rail. It can be regarded as a combination of plasma weapons and Gaussian weapons.

An ordinary shuriken gun can fire hundreds of rounds of ammunition per second, and a magazine crystal can support almost a thousand rounds. The only drawback is that these guns have no rifling, and can only use strafing to make up for the accuracy problem.

Perhaps because of the Eldar's need for beauty, these launched star darts are also shaped into many styles, such as small star shapes, triangles, circles, heart shapes, etc.

Different bullet shapes have no difference in armor penetration and killing ability. It mainly depends on the pattern the user likes. These sharp small blade-like bullets can make the target fall apart and die in a beautiful scene.

Space Marines would never use such an unorthodox weapon. After all, what is a three- to four-meter-tall macho man with a 'flower stick' in his hand? Fire up a volley of fireworks and wash your enemies' faces with careful patterns?

But when these weapons are placed in the hands of slender and elegant Eldar warriors, watching them stand on the street corner, dodge and roll in the air, and then shoot out balls of energy fireworks is really as enjoyable as a dance performance.

It's just that their armor is a bit weak, and Su Ming can pierce them with just one punch.

After jumping off the raiding boat, he quickly overtook Gunnar and rushed to the front of the team. The nun was very familiar with this pattern, so she simply held up her sword to make a show and ran after him.

Sure enough, even if those shurikens drowned the death knell like a downpour, the black and yellow figure was not affected at all, and it was swept away by a sledgehammer when it broke out of the wind and rain.

A group of Eldar rangers were smashed into pieces, like glass, with large and small pieces of flesh spraying all over the ruins on the roadside.

Su Ming then changed his target to a five-meter-tall Eldar light mecha.

The ghost swordsman in the patrol is a kind of "spiritual bone weapon" that walks upright. The driver is the soul in the "spiritual stone". In order to prevent the soul from being taken away by Slaanesh after death, the Eldar will carry a goose egg. An oblate stone the size of a stone that sucks out their souls after they die.

In this way, if the follow-up troops win on the battlefield, they can recover the spirit stones, which is equivalent to bringing the soul back to the ark to obtain another kind of eternal life.

These spirit stones have many uses, one of which is to drive the Netherworld mecha.

Unfortunately, if there was anything Su Ming disliked in the Warhammer world, it would be all kinds of humanoid mechas.

After all, no matter what kind of mecha it is, its legs are just decoration, and those high-ranking officials will not understand.


Su Ming slipped to the side of the mecha and stretched out his foot to trip it. The mechanical transmission device at the knees of the mecha broke, and the bipedal mecha immediately lost its balance and fell to the ground.

The Eldar's will to fight is still very strong. Even if they fall down, the mecha still bares its teeth and claws like a tortoise with its cover turned upside down, trying to fight with the huge long knife and death knell in its hand.

But it was useless. Speed ​​had always been Su Ming's advantage. He just jumped lightly between the gaps between the swords and swords, stood on the chest of the mecha, and struck down with the sledgehammer.

A small shock wave spread along the ground, and the dust and gravel on the street were blown up. The nearby ruins made a dense rustling sound like rain hitting banana trees.

When the smoke settled, only the limbs of the mecha were left at Deathstroke's feet, while the tall war machine body and drop-shaped head had disappeared without a trace.

To follow the same example, Su Ming had already smashed a group of ghost swordsmen before Gunnar and the others came over. When Efilar rushed to his side, he found that he was taking out the mecha hand. The big sword inside is being studied.

"What are you looking at?" She stretched her head out curiously. The other Eldar rangers were basically entangled by the wild wolves, and it was only a matter of time before the battle ended.

Su Ming casually stuffed the big knife into his pocket: "I'm looking at the forging process and the material of the weapon. Is this what spirit bones are like? Can they be used to make weapons or build houses?"

"I don't know about this, but it does look much better than the weapons of the greenskins." The nun shook her head. She looked at the destination of everyone's trip: "But thanks to the Eldar's firearms being silent, Our fight here didn’t cause much movement, is this what you call a perfect infiltration on the road?”

"Yes, this is the perfect infiltration. As long as the speed is fast enough and they have no plans to send out communications, no one will know that we have been here." Deathstroke instilled the true meaning of infiltration into the nun. Although she is not an assassin, Yiduo is not suppressed. body.

Efilar nodded as if she understood. She picked up a spiritual stone on the ground and rubbed it in her hands a few times: "You are indeed the fastest person I have ever seen."

"Huh?" The words sounded a little awkward, but let her think whatever she wanted: "The patrol in this direction has been wiped out. Judging from the rules I have summarized these days, if another patrol turns here, at least there will be Thirty minutes, map.”

The nun didn't bring a servo skull, but Gunnar's men brought one over.

The skull floating in the air cast light from one eye, forming a three-dimensional map of the nearby terrain. Su Ming drew a line on it and clicked on a location: "Let's go this way, surrounded by There are tall ruins, and there are many corners. Not to mention concealment, even if you encounter an enemy, you can greatly suppress the opponent's long-range threats."

The wolf master shook off the blood on his hands and sniffed: "Okay, tell the proboscis behind to follow. We will try to destroy this material storage point as silently as possible. I have always been curious, how did you know this place?" Is there a distribution center for Eldar supplies? Is it through the webway?"

Su Ming rolled his eyes. Webdao knew him, but he didn't know Webdao.

"Seeing through the eyes is just like your sense of smell. My eyesight is very good. I can see clearly from dozens of kilometers away." Deathstroke patted the long-toothed man on the shoulder and asked to take the skull to everyone. Take a look at the route: "While on the relay tower, I noticed that there were often different Eldar vehicles coming and going from there. We know that shuriken weapons consume ammunition very slowly, so the large ones that need to be transported most often Probability is food.”

The Wolf Lord has no doubts. This reasoning is in line with common sense. Although the spirit tribe eats very little, some people can even survive completely relying on spiritual energy.

But they are still mortals after all, and ordinary Eldar soldiers have to eat every day, just like humans.

He had already begun to dream about what he could rob, hoping for wine and meat, although this was unrealistic, because the barbecue was too fragrant, and the Eldar did not dare to eat it for fear of becoming addicted.

"There's about two thousand meters left, we'll be there in a single charge, boys! Get ready to move things!"

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