The Death Knell

Chapter 1890 Relics of the War in Heaven

Copy the data on the battleship, study it slowly at the relay station, and then lend the ship to Orpheus for a trip to Antarctica to pick up the first company of the Dark Angels.

Why does Su Ming know that there must be a group of people from Dark Angel? In fact, it is easy to reason. When the Wolf Group and the Dark Angels airborne at the same time, the former brought a Terminator team, a long-nosed predator boat, and a variety of heavy equipment.

The Dark Angels had nothing but a few heavy blaster teams, which was obviously wrong.

Judging from Ophis's attitude, he obviously values ​​this planet more than the wolf group, and refuses to leave even without officially notifying the empire, which shows that the Dark Angels must have a big plan here.

Then they should pay enough attention to it. In other words, it is possible that two companies were airborne at the same time, but the other stronger company was not in the "Big City, Little Love" theater.

Who will come? Do you have to be good at landing battles and critical battles? Definitely not the Reconnaissance Company.

So based on some information he saw in his previous life, Su Ming guessed that they were the "Death Wings" of the Dark Angels. They were very famous, and they were a large company with all members wearing Terminator power armor. They were very powerful.

Terminators have different models. Like most ordnance, there are technological gaps. Each generation is not as good as the last. The best one should be the 'Achilles' type Terminator equipped by the Emperor's Custodian Army, and several initial interstellar battle groups. The quality of the terminators is similar, but the quantity is very different.

But generally speaking, it is much stronger than ordinary Space Marine power armor, and can be compared to a humanoid tank when worn.

The priest had never said anything about the other company before, but now it seemed that the Grand Master had given him a new mission, or that the other side had encountered some trouble, which gave Orpheus a plan to get Deathwing over.

As soon as the battleship arrived, he actually offered to borrow it, just as Su Ming expected.

This is of course a good thing. By strengthening one's own combat power, we can resist the line longer. As long as the Space Marines can prevent other forces from harassing them, wouldn't it be much more convenient for Su Ming to take the nuns to go around and secretly dig graves?

Now it's a matter of how to crack the encryption of the Inquisition files, and the nuns can help in this regard, at least they can be regarded as leading the way.

By trying the keys that have been used in the past one by one, and using some technical means, a large amount of information can be analyzed.

"Hey! These chaotic bastards actually accused you of so many crimes. Did you kill their mother?" Gunnar laughed when he saw that there were hundreds of crimes against Efilar in the document.

The nun didn't laugh. She also saw that in addition to several major crimes such as abusing psychic powers, colluding with aliens, being suspected of corruption, etc., some old stories from her past were also revealed, including the fact that she disobeyed orders during several battles and was killed. It became 'a sign of betrayal'.

It seemed like what Deathstroke said, the Inquisitor was determined to kill her.

"I am the Emperor's daughter, and I deny these filthy frame-ups."

She rolled her eyes and told the tech sergeant not to waste his time on this.

Anyway, Deathstroke has already thrown all the blame on the Inquisition. As for whether it is right or not, the nun no longer thinks about it. As long as she can avenge her sisters, she can do anything.

Gunnar patted the technical sergeant on the shoulder and wiped his beard. He was in a good mood to have his revenge, and said with a smile: "Just do as the nun said, she knows more about the Inquisition than we do. As for these I don’t believe any of the frame-ups in the records. It’s impossible for heretics to exist under Deathstroke’s nose.”

Call Gunnar stupid, but he has the cunning spirit of a small village resident. Sometimes he doesn't say anything, but he actually has his own ideas.

But he is smart, and his thoughts are very simple. For example, now, he completely believes that Deathstroke is the Primarch, and has spread this trust to the nuns.

How did he identify Deathstroke as the Primarch, perhaps the scent of a wolf? Maybe it's evidence of combat effectiveness? Maybe he got the physical examination report from Dark Angel?

No one knew, and he understood it silently.

"Let's take a look at the reply from the Adeptus Mechanicus first. After your fleet left the sector, this important communication was intercepted by the Inquisitor. Who knows if she betrayed any information to her Chaos master."

Su Ming changed the topic and once again handed the charge of chaos to the inquisitor.

"It makes sense, hurry up and do it." The Wolf Lord slapped the technical sergeant on the head: "Why are you so lazy, you brat?"

The technical sergeant didn't know whether to laugh or cry. You were the one who wanted to watch the fun just now. You took the charges brought up as a joke, but now you suddenly changed your mind and made it look like the sergeant himself wanted to watch.

However, the Wolf Lord is like a chief to a large company, and in Fenrisian culture, the chief's orders are absolute and cannot be contested.


"They are all deceptive things. The information those guys gave is just like talking in a dream. I know there are Necron here, but the Mechanicus said that several necropolises discovered were 60 million years ago. I don't believe it. .”

The sacred format and signals answered some of the questions raised by the wolf group in an almost cold and intuitive language. Of course, more questions were answered with no comment. Only after the wolf group was willing to formally reach a cooperation agreement with them, they would Further information will be provided.

The Skitarii fleet cannot enter the sector, but it would be nice for the Wolves to have someone in this lost world of the Crown.

The Mechanicus can remotely guide the excavation work through the equipment invented by the Great Sage, and the wolf group will be responsible for the effort. The good things dug out will then be sent to Mars for reverse engineering of technology. A new STC may be created in a few hundred years. Standardized equipment templates will be given priority to the wolf group at that time.

Isn’t it beautiful?

Some basic information was passed over, which should be used to whet the appetite, but in Gunnar's opinion, the information provided by the Mechanicus was completely crazy.

Su Ming just looked at the last flashing cursor on the screen. The sacred format of the transcription ceremony seemed to say that it was to be continued. He thought for a moment and said:

"There must be a large cemetery, otherwise there wouldn't be so many metal bones. As for 60 million years... we can't be sure for the time being, but if you are really a guy from that era, you must have experienced the heavenly war. Or called - the war in heaven."

Gunnar looked confused. Most people had no idea what War in Heaven was about, but this was originally meant for the nuns on the side.

She read books in the Black Library. Those books were from the Eldar, who were the creations of the Old Ones.

To put it bluntly, the War in Heaven is the ultimate battle between the Star Gods and the Ancient Saints. The war between the two super civilizations swept the entire universe and left behind many super weapons that people today cannot imagine.


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