The Death Knell

Chapter 1903 Regicide

There were many Necrons walking around inside the pyramid, including patrolling guards and busy technicians. Although they all had expressionless metal faces, Su Ming could vaguely feel that they were different from each other.

There is no need to silence the skeletons passing by, they just need to fly over their heads, and through the suspended 'slate elevator', the two followed a necromancer technician deep into the ground.

The skeleton was holding a pile of slates carved out of black stone as if it were a pile of documents. The nun floating above his head peeked over the metal bald head for a while, then reached out and poked the death knell, gesturing for him to look at it too.

Su Ming, who was wrapped in a cloak, looked at her helplessly. Skeletons had no brains, and strangulation couldn't gain the ability to recognize their words through old methods. What else was there to look at?

Only then did the nun react. She grabbed Deathstroke's hand and used her fingers to write in the palm of her hand.

"The Lost Soul Curse."

Deathstroke nodded. He had heard of this in his previous life. When the Necrons lost their flesh and blood, their souls were long gone. They are now machines controlled by digital simulation personalities.

The so-called Lost Soul Curse is simply a program disorder.

However, in the previous battles, no tombs of the undead were found to show a state of lost souls. Could it be that this dynasty is actually still fighting some compatriots in the underground network at the same time?

Just remember it first.

This slate elevator will not issue a 'ding' prompt when it reaches the station, and there is not even a car around. The situation on each floor can be seen clearly while descending.

The technician holding the document stopped at a certain floor. Su Ming saw the densely packed Guards in front of him, as well as the small pyramid nested in the big pyramid.

Yes, the ceiling on this floor is quite high from the ground. There are also some coffin-like block buildings on this floor, as well as a much smaller mausoleum.

‘This burial is too troublesome, with separate coffins and coffins. ’

The Pharaoh is just different. Those undead soldiers outside can only use a "shoe box" each. This is a pyramid and a building within a building.

Su Ming complained in his heart, but at the same time he followed the technician and flew out, slowly floating over the head of the undead army.

Maybe there was some wind noise, and several skeletons below raised their heads, but it was obvious that the sensors in the eye sockets could not break the cloak's invisibility, and in the end nothing was found. They became as motionless as statues again.

Deathstroke and the nun arrived at the door of the small pyramid. Her expression was very strange. Su Ming knew what she was thinking. In fact, she was thinking that there wouldn't be a smaller pyramid inside, right?

Wouldn’t that become an infinite matryoshka doll?

But it's a pity. If it were on Su Ming's battleship, because of the existence of the Traceless Stretch Curse, it might actually be able to do nesting dolls.

But the Necrons don't know psychic powers and magic. Their space technology is on the line of sealing and stasis fields. Judging from the size of this small pyramid, it is slightly larger than the Pyramid of Khufu on Earth. It’s limited, and it’s impossible to put any smaller ones inside.

As expected, the entrance to this last pyramid was an extra-long staircase. Above the hundreds of black steps was the black stone throne with green light constantly flowing.

At this time, a tall undead man wearing a flat crown on his head and a worn feather shawl on his shoulders was sitting on the throne holding a sun staff. He should be waiting for the technician just now to report something to him.

He also wore a torn leather skirt, no one knew where it came from.

Su Ming blinked at the nun silently, and she looked at him at the same time. The green light shined through the cloak, making their faces green, but this did not affect the eye contact.

The next second, the cloak lowered its height and spit out Efilar. The nun in red power armor made a flexible backflip in the air and landed firmly. She raised her hand and shot out the spirit towards the guards standing on both sides of the long steps. Can lightning.

The destructive power of psychic energy is also uncertain. Even if it is the same move, the effect used by your chapter's think tank will definitely be very different from the effect used by the Emperor himself.

As a psychic entity that was noticed and changed by the gods, the nun, even if she did not use all her strength, blasted several of the 'Three Holy Guards' into debris with a burst of lightning. The staff of oath in the hands of these skeletons rolled down the stairs. It makes a crisp collision sound.

The pharaoh on the throne stood up. The mouths on the faces of the Necrons were actually carved. They couldn't open them at all, let alone make any sound. They relied on silent signals to communicate with each other.

The remaining guards immediately lined up on the steps, uniformly raising their long staffs and pointing them at the uninvited guests.

The Staff of Oath can emit energy to burn organic matter, and can also generate an energy field and serve as a power weapon. It is often only used by high-level warriors among the undead. These silent warriors in front of the throne should be the most elite force in this dynasty. .

This was a silent battle, the psychics made no sound, and their weapons made no sound. If it weren't for the lightning and green energy flying all over the sky, no one would even know that there was a war going on here.

The nun's main task was to distract the guards so that Deathstroke could lurk close to the Pharaoh, so she just kept hiding between the tall pillars in the hall, and used psychic energy to strengthen her egg-shaped shield.

The Pharaoh obviously didn't notice anything. He was still holding a long staff and posing in front of the throne at the top of the steps.

Su Ming had actually lurked behind him. As long as he raised his hand, the Night Sword could cut the Pharaoh in half. But the biggest problem now was that the fragments of the Star God were not here, and the cloak did not sense the existence of any high-level energy body. .

Su Ming didn't know what the Star God fragment looked like. After all, it was an invisible thing, but if the undead sealed it, there should be something like a green energy box, right? A coffin like a stasis chamber?

But after seeing the nun being chased by the violent storm of energy rays, Su Ming still took action. It was okay to kill the pharaoh and then slowly look for things. He couldn't let Efilar use his psychic powers too intensely.


The sound of metal friction resounded through the majestic hall. Su Ming accurately launched a backstab from behind, chopped off the pharaoh's head with one sword, grabbed it in mid-air, and held it in his hand.

The guards at the bottom of the steps seemed to sense something, and they instantly turned around and began to attack the death knell, as if they planned to snatch the Pharaoh's remains.

After all, to the Necron, a lost head is just a minor injury.

The mercenary waved the giant sword in his hand, swatting away the beams of light like a Jedi Knight. At the same time, he continued to approach the group of guards. The nuns hiding behind the pillars also showed their heads and launched a sneak attack from behind the enemy.

The individual strength of this kind of ancient Necron Guards crushes ordinary Space Marines, especially the dynasty 60 million years ago. It is said that the farts during the War in Heaven were stronger than the current 'Wow Boss', ancient spirits Each clan is like a land god.

But ordinary humans like Su Ming, not even the Pharaoh, could resist. The elite Three Holy Guards were reduced to pieces within ten seconds in front of the sharp giant sword.

The green eyes on their skulls were not extinguished, and their broken limbs were still trying to reach the weapons on the side. Su Ming raised his foot and crushed a scarab that came after sensing a damaged warrior, and lifted the pharaoh's head in his hand. Get up and face your own face.

"Your Majesty, can you tell me where the fragment of the Star God is? If you tell me, I will arrange a happy one for you, otherwise I will throw your head into the green-skinned shit."


"Alas, the language barrier is still a big problem, Efilar, I leave it to you."

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