The Death Knell

Chapter 1906 Just having money

"Give me a cigarette. I don't know if I can come back this time."

I don’t know why, but my little cousin suddenly changed his voice to the voice of the western movie star Eastwood. Then he took out a cowboy hat from his trouser pocket and put it on his head. He stretched out his hand and rubbed it with his cousin.

Accompanied by the melancholy and magnetic voice, in the space filled with green light, the red part of his uniform looked like shit yellow.

Su Ming turned around and looked at the nun with a helpless look. In fact, she had already gone to the side to cover her nose. At this time, she also returned a speechless look.

Wade can't do things honestly, he always has to add drama to himself, but fortunately, the symptoms of his hypochondria today don't seem to be live broadcasts.

Deadpool took the cigarette, took out his pistol and fired a shot to light the cigarette, then took a puff through the mask and hit the butt of the cigarette.

He threw the cigarette butt on the ground, turned his head and said to the empty sky:

"Old fellows, watch out. The fragments of the Star God in the Warhammer world are locked up in this ball. Today I will give you a whole new job, 'stewing yourself in a ball of light'! Give me a gift!"

Su Ming: "..."

Are you still running a live broadcast in your head? Gan!

Wade swayed as he walked, resembling a professional fighter, with his nostrils almost pointing upwards. He strode closer to the ball of light, leaving only a long...wet mark wherever he passed. .

If he hadn't known that he had stabbed his pancreas with his 'slippery hand' just now and that the water on the ground was pancreatic juice, Su Ming might have thought that his cousin had peed on the floor.

But the nun didn't understand the situation. When she saw Wade's performance, she felt very unreliable, and finally realized something was wrong.

"You are not actually the Primarch, are you? Because it is impossible for the Primarch to have any cousins."

She finally saw the truth, and there was no doubt that it was what Deathstroke wanted her to see, because things had come to this point and there was no way out.

Su Ming walked in another direction, pulling her to study the Necrontyr instruments and stones around her, and said casually: "Okay, I wanted to get along with you as an ordinary person, but I still got doubts in return. I'm going to show my hand. I am actually the Emperor!"


The nun had a long face. It was over. Now it was hard to tell the truth from the lie. The strength shown by the death knell could be said to be the emperor...

Ignoring the messy Efilar in the wind, Deathstroke pushed her in front of a pile of slates that seemed to be the console: "Don't think about those irrelevant things first, first take a look at what this device is used for, right? It’s consistent with my guess.”


Wade stood in front of the electric giant. He was not as tall as the opponent's feet, but after dealing with the monkey version of the Gods with his cousin before, he was already numb to the big enemy.

First, he circled around the spherical container, then held his chin and thought for a moment, then nodded to himself as if he had an idea.

"Friends, the energy radiation in this sphere is too strong. If I go in directly, I'm afraid I will explode on the spot. Although it is possible to achieve the goal, it will be too painful. I have to prepare outside first before going in. "

Su Ming, who was not far away, heard this and looked at him with a death gaze. After all, super soldiers have super hearing.

As if Wade didn't feel the burning gaze behind him, he dug into his pocket, took out his modified MP3 player, turned the volume up to the maximum, and then changed the track.

Pressing the play button, he performed the posture of a bodybuilding champion showing off his biceps in front of his body, bending down and forming a circle with his arms in front of his chest and abdomen.

As the music full of unique charm sounded, Wade also sang loudly towards the Star God fragments and moved his arms.

"Hey, hey, hey! Hey, hey! The beauty of the alien world, March, the dead are like wine, and you are like smoke. If you have money, come thousands of miles to meet each other, but if you don't have money, it's hard to hold hands with each other. One hundred men can cross the same boat, one hundred thousand Let’s cultivate together and sleep together~~~~......"

It turned out that it was not a bodybuilding posture. He was dancing with his arms pushing and pulling back and forth. It was Wade imitating the boatman paddling.

But even though this star god fragment is covered with lightning and is so blue that it turns white, it is not a white lady! You must know the difference between the indigenous gods of other worlds and monsters on earth! This is a pyramid, not Leifeng Pagoda!

Deadpool didn't know that his cousin was complaining about him behind his back. He sang and danced, but it was very exciting. There was no air circulation in this underground facility, and it was really hot after just a few dances.

He put down the paddle in his hand, wiped the sweat from his head with a smile, took off his mask and stuffed it into his trouser pocket.


The Star God fragments in the light ball hadn't noticed him at first, but after he took off his mask, his face attracted attention like a black hole in the universe.

Star God just glanced at it inadvertently, and a crack opened under his smooth face, which originally had only a pair of shining eyes, and a colorful energy stream spit out like a human mouth.


The nun who was trying to crack the device that controlled the undead also vomited. She originally only heard the music, but inadvertently turned her head and glanced away, and saw Deadpool's face.

It was more disgusting than any Nurgle demon she had ever seen, and human instinct caused the stomach to shrink, and willpower had no effect.

"Alas, it is still like this, hurting the enemy and hurting yourself." Su Ming closed his eyes and shook his head, pulling out the nun who almost fell to her knees in the vomit: "You go and guard the elevator, I will study these equipment. "

"No, it's me, vomit..." The nun wanted to help, but she couldn't control her body's reaction at all. It was as if it was controlled by higher rules. Seeing that face was the cause, and vomiting was the cause. fruit.

"Okay, don't force it, and don't feel inferior. After all, even Star God fragments can't compete with the multiverse law of cause and effect. It's normal for you to vomit."

The nun didn't answer, she just wiped her mouth and cast a resentful look.

As for the other side, his cousin didn't stop him this time. Wade finally finished singing and dancing the whole song with satisfaction. When he saw that the star god in the light ball had vomited and knelt on the ground, he showed a molting smile.

With a tap of the teleport button on his belt, he suddenly dodged into the big ball and was immersed in a waist-deep pool of energy vomit.

"I'll wipe it, it's quite warm."

The bitch felt the energy around him. Although he didn't know what kind of cosmic energy it was, it was really a tangible thing like water, so he started swimming around the Star God in the liquid pool.

Backstroke, butterfly stroke, breaststroke, dog paddle, etc., with a fake smile on his face like a synchronized swimmer. He smiled so proudly and proudly, as if he was about to win the championship and reach the pinnacle of his life.

Star God waved his hand suddenly, and his cousin evaporated, leaving only an empty shell of his uniform. He swam forward a few times and gradually sank.

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