The Death Knell

Chapter 1918 The Secret of the Past

"Your Majesty the Emperor, I am here to negotiate terms."

Su Ming used energy to vibrate the space to speak to the other party, because there was no air in this webway. It was the emperor's spirit that made people here think they could breathe.

"Death knell."

The giant's figure flew thousands of miles in an instant, and even before the cold voice reached Su Ming's ears, two golden thighs appeared in front of him.

It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a Titan. This body that looks like a mountain is not human at first glance.

The stars flicker and fade when the Emperor blinks, and a cold wind hits his face when he speaks. An indescribable pressure fell on Deathstroke's shoulders. The strangulation did not feel the weight, but Su Ming felt as if he was carrying the entire universe, and his heart was beating wildly.

He has experienced this feeling before. When he destroyed the third dimension in DC, it was this kind of weight when he used his magic hand to catch reality.

Many concepts, such as time, space, life and death, all fall on one person's shoulders.

The cloak that had eaten so much and slept shook a little, and the next moment the pressure dissipated, as if nothing had happened.

"I didn't expect it to be like this in the Webway. How much of it around us is reality, and how much is illusion?"

As Su Ming spoke, he stretched out his hand to touch the emperor's leg armor, while the surrounding humans were still fighting with the demons, as if they could not see them at all. Maybe both sides had entered different secondary planes.

"Everything is true, but it is also false," the Emperor answered him.

Deathstroke's hand passed through the air and only caught a handful of ripples of light.

As the illusion fluctuated, the divine body suddenly shrank, and he turned into a mortal, strong and young.

Instead, he put his hand on Su Ming's shoulder, and the touch felt like cold zombie claws.

"You are a little weaker than I thought." Su Ming grabbed the hand on his shoulder and shook his other hand: "I thought you should have the strength to crush the four gods of chaos."

"Maybe there were before, but I can't remember clearly." The emperor remained expressionless, his angular face sparkling: "I already know your purpose. I originally only ordered the tools to discuss with you, but seeing it with my own eyes After seeing you, I found that you are worth seeing."

"Tools? People?"

Su Ming smiled and let go of the emperor's hand. The current supreme human being has experienced thousands of years of bloody battles. The cruel and endless battles have worn away his human shell, leaving him in a completely rational state, neither human nor ghost. Next, everything is just based on pure pros and cons.

He was good at making deals with smart people, but was the Emperor really a human being like this?

"Guilliman is my most satisfying tool so far, and you are the human being that I cannot see through."

The Emperor repeated what he had said to the Primarch. For him now, he no longer bothered to hide it.

The Primarchs and Space Marines were all tools, and only the Custodes created using the Emperor's own blood could be considered his children.

The code of absolute loyalty is incorporated into the gene seeds of the Space Marines, but the Emperor obtained this manufacturing technology from the Four Gods of Chaos. When those guys collect debts, they will naturally have a way to break this defense.

Only the Imperial Guards were different.

"Although I sometimes use tool men, when you said it like that, Guilliman must have been embarrassed at the time, right?" Su Ming looked at the battlefield with a smile. A blood demon rushed towards him waving a flaming sword, but from He passed through the body: "I was injured for the empire and fell asleep for ten thousand years. When I woke up and went to visit you, you called me a tool, tsk."

"This is just a fact. His life form is destined to be just a tool." The Emperor was not even curious. He didn't care at all how Deathstroke knew about the psychic conversation between him and the Regent, but went straight to the point: " I know you come here because you want a speck of dust or a chess piece, and I can reward it to you, as long as you make a suitable contribution to humanity."

After hearing this, Su Ming smiled. The emperor's current situation was similar to what he expected. It could even be said to be even more emotionless than Marvel's supreme wisdom.

So he chose to talk back with words:

"Reward? No, my business has always been a fair transaction. People from other worlds like me don't need your reward. Why don't you go to my cousin's crotch and be a flute boy, eating well and drinking spicy food every day? Wouldn't it be beautiful? ?”

The emperor obviously didn't understand and had no interest in the details:

"Transaction, such a familiar yet unfamiliar word, maybe no one has mentioned it to me for tens of thousands of years, so let's get started."

"Generally speaking, both of us can be regarded as manipulators of different human civilizations. Although the methods of manipulation are different, I can probably understand people like you." Su Ming looked around. The two of them were now in the middle of the battlefield. , but not on the battlefield: "First of all, let's talk about the matter of the rabbit dying and the dog cooking?"

The emperor's body emitted a bright golden light, and his appearance became blurred in the light. Only his voice could be heard without any hindrance: "My choice was not wrong. Only pure humans deserve to enjoy the future."

"Tsk, I know. Because of the chaotic computer virus, which is what you call the electronic devil, both AI and UI are very easy to corrupt. There seems to be nothing wrong with banning electronic intelligence technology, but it is a precautionary measure." Su Ming He strengthened his energy output and prevented himself from being completely enveloped by the Emperor's light. He spoke eloquently: "But if you look at all the traitors together, you can see that you have carried forward double standards and still allow other things to exist. .”


The Emperor didn't even breathe. He clearly had a physical entity, and the light fluctuated with his heartbeat, but he didn't breathe. He just said a noun flatly.

Yes, the reason why what happened back then was called the Great Rebellion was because all the Emperor's 'tools' rebelled.

For example, psykers, whether they are navigators or astropaths, think tanks or inquisitors, the psionic energy they use comes from the power of the subspace, which is the driving force of the soul, drawn from under the noses of the evil gods.

As long as a person uses psychic powers, he will be watched by the evil gods living in the subspace, and there is a high probability that he will be completely corrupted by the weaknesses of human nature. There were more rebellious psychics than loyal ones.

The gene seeds of the Space Marines were created by the Emperor, but the technology was also sold to him by the Evil Gods. Back then, the rebel Space Marines accounted for half of all Chapters.

And what about the invisible things? There are also fallen machine souls among the many mechanical spirits. Otherwise, where did those Chaos Titans and battleships come from?

There are also humans and mortals. The rebellion is not only involving high-level tools. Ordinary tools, including the Mechanicus, the Astra Militarum, the Guards, officials, and nuns, have all rebelled.

"Yes, tools, that's the problem."

Su Ming took out a cigarette and gave it to the emperor. After being ignored, he lit it and started smoking:

"Brothers Astartes, nuns, machine souls, psychics, AI, etc... They are all your tools, and traitors were born in them all, but why did you kill only one of them afterwards? What about Jue?"

In fact, there is only one answer, and that is that the Emperor believes that artificial intelligence can be given up first.

Because if a person like him who is called an 'omnipotent' person really wants to deal with the electronic demon, will there be no way? I just don’t want to do it.

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