The Death Knell

Chapter 1920 Transaction Details

The projection of the emperor in the subspace is the pale sun. This is information that Su Ming has known for a long time. Although it is not an indescribable demon god, it is generally somewhat similar to the 'heaven and earth law' in the fantasy world view.

Now that it is known that the Emperor has an advantage in this regard, Deathstroke will definitely have a targeted plan before entering the battlefield of the Webway, which is to use the law of cause and effect of his little cousin to restrain it.

The Webway is the home of psychic energy. Here, Su Ming and Wade may not have the ability to throw bad-faced images into the sky through technological or magical means, but Efilar's psychic energy can, or in other words, the person standing behind her can The Laughing God can.

With such an interesting plan, Su Ming guessed that the Laughing God, who liked pranks and comedy, would be willing to try it. After all, how to exert power in the world of the Web is a specialty that the Eldar have studied for tens of millions of years.

He must also want to see if the Emperor will vomit, right?

Things were just as Su Ming expected. The Laughing God took action in secret. Not only did he ensure that the nun would not vomit through crazy jokes, but he also used her to amplify the psychic effect, attracting the attention of both demons and humans.

Because he is the first clown in the universe, the clown always attracts attention when he appears on the stage. Some people will be happy and some will be afraid, but it is difficult to ignore the existence that makes a weird laugh.

Efilar was originally a dispensable chess piece of the Emperor. The Laughing God took her back to the Black Library and transformed her, gilded her with gold, and then threw her out, intending to use it as bait to trap the Deceiver. Fragments, because there is a joke trap in her memory. Be it fraudsters or Tzeentch, they all like to read other people's memories.

It's just that the Laughing God didn't count the outsider's death knell, nor did he expect that the nun's chess piece would be picked up by him. In the end, things went in a completely different direction.

Deadpool destroyed all the Imperial Guards and demons with one move. This was not the reason for the Emperor to admit defeat. There were other very obscure points that neither party said.

One is that the Emperor knows that there is a way out, and giving up his tools now is a loss-making business.

It's like a farmer driving a tractor to haul the Ganoderma lucidum he planted to the 4S shop in the town. He thinks that when he gets to the town, he will sell all the crops and use the money to buy an Audi and go back to the village to install it.

But halfway through the drive, he learned new news. It turned out that Audi was nothing in the big city. If he drove further, there were Ferraris and Rolls-Royces in the city. Moreover, his truckload of crops was sold in the city. valuable.

What would he choose? No matter how old the tractor is, or even if the oil is stolen by the "four idle men" in the village every three days, isn't the best way to repair the tractor, refill it with oil and drive it to the city?

Deathstroke had told him about his attitude towards tool men before. The Emperor initially thought it was due to vulgar human emotions, but after thinking about it more carefully, he realized that Deathstroke's vision was far superior to his.

Putting people first is, to put it bluntly, another way of governing and a masterful way of using human desires to promote social development.

Secondly, the nun showed off the extraordinary psychic skills of the ancient Eldar. The Laughing God behind her just now also showed a small hand. Now the Emperor seemed to be able to hear the wild laughter echoing in the subspace.

Tzeentch lost a soul fragment, but he seems to be very calm at this time, and is still hiding in the dark. At least there are not a large number of his followers in the webway battlefield.

You have to be careful if something goes wrong. The Emperor cannot fight with Deathstroke and the others here about who is stronger and who is weaker, otherwise they may be benefited by the fishermen.

After all, whether Deathstroke or that particularly cheap person, they were both 100% pure-blooded humans, much purer even than the Forbidden Army. The Emperor saw another hope.

Thirdly, when that strange universe connected with his own universe, the Emperor felt that dozens of different terrifying beings were probing the subspace. One of them had even escaped in the form of an upside-down white-scaled snake. Come here, now in the invisible void behind Deathstroke, obviously standing for him.

Strange rules and atmosphere are invading subspace. The most intuitive way to say it is that times have changed.

Many new energies are colliding and integrating with this universe, and some undead have begun to build energy structures like spider webs. Perhaps that is what Deathstroke said, the new future of mankind.

After comprehensively analyzing all the intelligence, the Emperor made a wise choice. He did not bluntly say that he had lost, but was willing to listen to Deathstroke's solution.

The biggest problem of the human empire is not only the intrusion of Chaos, but also all kinds of alien threats. Now this big ship is leaking everywhere.

Su Ming put his arms around the emperor's shoulders and seemed very pleased to hear the emperor's words. He gently patted the golden shoulder armor: "Didn't I tell you before? Wherever you are weak, just make up for it. The artificial intelligence you gave up first was an artificial intelligence." A good place to start, have you ever heard of psionic artificial intelligence programs?”

"This is not realistic. Psionics and technology cannot coexist." The Emperor responded coldly.

"If it is the power of a single universe, it is really unrealistic to achieve this, but if the spiritual energy and technology of different universes are combined, the thing may not be impossible." Su Ming smiled and took back his His arms hugged the emperor like a piece of ice, and his arms were numb: "AI needs a data carrier, and the carrier is the physical object. Spiritual power such as magic and spiritual energy can be used to change the physical object."

Su Ming had actually successfully experimented with the most basic modification, which was to enchant the computer's CPU.

The CPU originally needs a fan to cool down, but if you use the magic of the dnd world to add a cooling circle to it, the effect will be much stronger than a fan, and there will be no noise.

Reducing overheating during operation is equivalent to improving chip performance and lifespan. No one can say that this is not a perfect combination of technology and magic.

Of course, this kind of low-level application is still very shallow, and more combinations have yet to be developed, but perceptual AI is obviously a feasible direction. It depends on whether the emperor dares to think about it.

"..." The emperor looked into the distance in silence, obviously thinking.

"As for you think your tools are hard to use, impure, and have the risk of corruption? That's easy to handle." Su Ming took another dose of strong medicine and showed a warm smile like a businessman: "I'll take a 100% pure tool. Bloody human, how about replacing you with a space warrior? As long as they leave this universe and my ghost universe keeps the four gods of chaos here, then your tools can be used again in my hands, and you will also get If you buy a purer and more advanced tool, you will make a lot of money."

"Pure-blood human?" The emperor became excited when he heard this. What a precious seed it was.

"I'll pay you ten if you fake it. I'll let you see it all at that time. Whichever one is impure, I'll pay you ten." Su Ming patted his chest. He said that he might not have other resources, but he had the manpower. Think of a way. It can always be worked out.

For example, if you find a post-apocalyptic world and offer survivors a place where they can have enough food and clothing, there will always be someone willing. After all, life is better than death, right?

Marvel has so many parallel universes, and when its own Earth 40k is upgraded, then it can start targeting those universes.

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