The Death Knell

Chapter 1928 The situation expands

The misunderstanding is relatively easy to explain. After all, Logan's sense of smell is also very sensitive. He did not smell anything wrong, and as soon as Storm opened her mouth now, he knew that the professor was manipulating it.

Although he was unhappy with Charles treating people like puppets, Wolverine still walked into the room.

When passing by Su Ming, he suddenly came over, his nose twitched a few times, and his eyes lit up: "It's Natasha's fragrance."

"Expert, you have lost your memory so many times, but you still remember her smell?" Su Ming pushed the little dwarf's head away. After living in Fenris for a while, he was a little tired of wolves.

Logan's memory is better than Wade's. Although Romulus often gave him some tricks, he could still remember some crucial things.

Not a very clear memory, just an impression.

"I'm her little uncle." Logan looked at the professor's reaction and asked, "How is she doing lately?"

"At least it's much better than your situation. Let's get down to business now. Why did you come to Charles?"

Logan was reminded, his face elongated again, and a pair of small eyes looked at Storm, who had an indifferent expression.

Then he felt something was wrong and lowered his head to look at the lying professor, but it was a comatose person whose spirit was inhabiting Storm. So after Logan repeated the motion of raising his head and lowering his head, he still spoke to Ororo.

"Professor, what happened to Qin? She, no, what is that terrifying existence that is not her?"

The wolverine is also a beast with a very keen sixth sense. When Qin lost control, Logan, who was sleeping in his dormitory, felt it instantly. After waking up from his dream, he jumped out of bed, broke through the window and ran away. Got out.

The feeling was just like the atomic bomb exploding above his head. But when he rushed to the backyard and saw Qin being swallowed up in the flames, he couldn't even reach out to save her.

It was as if I was facing the end of the world at that time, and the endless pressure made it difficult to move forward.

"Well, it seems that I shouldn't hide it from all of you. The problem will have to be faced after all." Storm sighed arrogantly: "Go and inform the other teachers. Let's have a meeting and discuss the matter together."

"What's the point of having a meeting? Which one of you can enter the universe?" Su Ming slapped his bald head again, so hard that the body on the stretcher almost sat up: "You can't even prioritize things, listen to me! You go first now Mind-reading Scott, he should be the last person besides you to communicate with Jean."

"The two of them had a quarrel during dinner. I don't know if something happened after that."

Wolverine is the most anxious. He somewhat likes Jean Gray, but she only loves Scott. Originally, he was a little happy when he saw the two of them arguing during dinner tonight. Who would have expected that such a thing would happen.

He pushed Charles on the stretcher chair and was the first to run out of the room. Su Ming and others followed him to the infirmary. Cyclops was touched by the little naughty boy for seven or eight seconds, and he was probably unconscious for a night.

Although Logan's legs were very short and he was 1.6 meters tall, he moved his short legs very quickly when he walked, and he directly knocked open the door of the infirmary.

There was a person in the room who was wrapped like a mummy, lying motionless on a white hospital bed.

"No, Scott is missing." Logan walked around the hospital bed with someone in it, came to the other bed and smelled it carefully: "There is a strange smell, someone stole him!"

The more he talked, the angrier he became, and his claws popped out from between his knuckles.

‘Hey. 'Strangling also confirmed this silently. A person came in here once. The smell did not belong to anyone in Xavier Academy. The other person swept away the unconscious Cyclops a few minutes ago. He was very careful and did not have any other clues. Not a hair fell down.

"Huh? Why is the Punisher here with you?" Su Ming pointed to the unconscious wounded man on the other bed.

"I picked it up when I went to New York to buy parts for a motorcycle a few days ago. Is his name the Punisher? Leave him alone for now. Are there any clues about Qin?" Wolverine grabbed Su Ming's arm. Let him take a closer look at the hospital bed.

Su Ming shook the little man away with a shake of his arm and shook his head: "This is Scott's hospital bed. How can I see the whereabouts of Jean Gray from here? You are in a hurry."

"Oh my!"

Logan was so anxious that he didn't know what to say. He took two steps back and forth, squatted down on the spot, and scratched his hair.

It seems that he also learned something from Japan, and that is the Asian squat.

"The person who took Scott away has not been gone for long. If we activate the brainwave amplifier to search North America now, there is a certain probability that we can find him."

Su Ming still gave an idea, but he also knew in his heart that the person who took Scott away should have nothing to do with the Phoenix incident.

The incident happened suddenly, even Phoenix had escaped when he and Daisy arrived. Who could have predicted in advance that something would happen here tonight?

It would be equally unreasonable to say that a super conspirator arranged the awakening of Phoenix and then took the opportunity to take away Scott.

First, Scott's coma was completely unpredictable.

The professor's ability completely restrained Cyclops. No one could have predicted that Charles would drop the chain and defeat Scott by the little naughty touch instead.

And if you originally wanted to take away the conscious Cyclops, you had to do it silently under the eyelids of dozens of mutants. It was almost impossible. Although the guy was weak, the movement of the beam attack was very huge.

Second, Scott is the least valuable of the X-Men.

Rugrats, Storm, and even Hank are all worth much more than a brainless guy like him. Who could be so full that they would lure the Phoenix just to kidnap him?

If you give it to Su Ming for free, he will be useless.

"But Qin is not here, and the professor is in this situation, who can use the brainwave amplifier?" Logan scratched the floor with both hands.

Storm, controlled by Charles, suddenly spoke: "There is indeed another person, and she is in the United States, Emma Frost. Logan, you and Twinkle go to Massachusetts College to find her, and say that if she is willing to help, I I owe her a favor.”

"Massachusetts College? Not the University of Massachusetts?" Daisy, who had been studying the communication methods between superheroes, interjected a question.

Charles smiled at her very politely. After all, he was the one who came with Deathstroke. He controlled Storm's body and wrote the address: "I'm right, it's the academy. Let's leave now. I have to return my body." It’s for Ororo.”

Wolverine didn't think too much, and he never thought about things like what to do if someone wasn't willing to help. He took the address, glanced at it, and rushed out to find Flicker.

At this moment, the beast came running from the other end of the corridor, his glasses drooped to the tip of his nose. As soon as he entered the door, he said: "Charles, it's bad, the Shi'ar Empire sent a communication, requiring us to hand in a message within one earth rotation cycle." Come out of Phoenix, or we will declare war on us X-Men."

"Huh? Why?"

Storm had just taken back her body and was about to move her neck when she was controlled again.

"The energy that the phoenix shot into the sky. Do you remember that fire? It was the one that destroyed the cruise ship that the Shi'ar mentioned before. It was called the Princess." The beast nodded towards the death knell and wiped the hair on his head. sweat.

Storm Girl's expression relaxed, she breathed a sigh of relief and then said to Su Ming:

"Uncle Slade, do you think you can act as a middleman to negotiate compensation between us and our alien friends? It's impossible for us to hand over Jean, but we are willing to pay financial compensation, such as minerals or energy."

"No, Charles, I haven't finished speaking yet." Beast Hank interrupted the professor, strode anxiously to the stretcher chair, grabbed Charles' shoulders and shook him: "That light also hit Shia after destroying the cruise ship. A colonial star of the empire, all 60 billion people on it died from the vaporization of the planet!"

After hearing this, Professor

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