The Death Knell

Chapter 1930 Conspiracy Theory Expert

Although Su Ming is not an extreme humanist like the Emperor, what does he think of aliens? That's definitely not going to be a positive thing.

Phoenix blew up the Shi'ar Empire's ship and their star, but what does this have to do with the X-Men on Earth?

Those aliens deserved to die.

The most outrageous thing the Xi'ar did was to find the X-Men to take responsibility.

The Shi'ar know that they can't deal with the Phoenix, but they have to force the people on earth to deal with it. It is obvious that most of the people on earth are not as good as the bird people in physical fitness. Even most people in the Shi'ar Empire believe that the earth is a primitive civilization, and humans and Social monkeys are no different.

Since it is their default common sense that humans are inferior to Shi'ar, why are they forcing the weak to deal with the stronger Phoenix now?

Most probably he knew about the existence of Deathstroke on Earth through some channels, and he also knew that Little Baldy and Deathstroke had a good relationship. If the X-Men had a problem that couldn't be solved, Baldy would definitely ask Deathstroke to take action.

Just like before.

As long as Deathstroke agrees, he will inevitably need to enter the depths of the universe and search endlessly for traces of the Phoenix, so that the Shi'ar can sneak into the earth and plunder the barbaric continent.

They had been coveting it tens of thousands of years ago. After all, the Savage Continent was a park and testing ground commissioned by the Nuvali people to build by the Transcendent Protoss. However, it was not until 18,000 BC that the 'Life Spreaders' were driven away by the second generation of Protoss on the earth. The Shi'a Empire tried to reach out and take away the chestnuts from the fire.

As a result, Odin chopped off their hands, until now.

They have made some small moves now. They may have sensed that Odin is about to die, right? Or maybe he already has some mastery of technology that surpasses the gods, and is sure that he has obtained something in the wilderness to deal with Deathstroke's aftermath?

But whatever, no matter whether they lured the tiger away from the mountain or secretly plotted against Chen Cang, what if Su Ming decided to use the trick and go to the universe to find the Phoenix? When the time comes, let Xiaoka and Merlin switch positions and give them a surprise in the wilderness.

Besides, Mary Earl also lives in 'that village', and the captain of the Queen's Guard in the old Cree Empire is not a free man.


Su Ming, who was flying, glanced at Daisy beside him with his peripheral vision, and his eyes gradually shifted to the hammer in her hand.

I came to investigate the Phoenix incident by chance, and met Thor by chance. As the situation develops, we have to go to attack the Shia people together to prove that Asgard has taken action.

There is no doubt that Daisy is from Earth, but her power comes from the gift of Odin and the World Tree, and she can be regarded as a supernumerary thunder god of the Asa clan.

So the question is, did Daisy come with the hammer, or did the hammer come with her?

Odin, Odin, is sleeping in the boat and is still scheming. He wants to prove that even if Asgard does not have Odin, it can still not be underestimated. Only sending half a Thor can crush the Shi'ar Empire and kill the chicken for the universe. Do the other monkeys in there watch?

It's so dark

Of course, this is just Su Ming's dark reasoning, and the truth is still unknown.

But the Marvel world is full of dangers, and laughter often hides many things. If you think more, you will always be prepared.

But, the Laughing God in Warhammer also planned to play with chess pieces like this before, but in the end, even the chessboard was chewed by Deathstroke. Now Odin wants to play this trick again, but the chess piece Daisy was originally used by him and the mourning girl.

Is it inappropriate to want to use it now without saying hello?

It seems that Odin is still too idle, so we need to find something for him to do so that he doesn't have to peek at things on the earth through crows every day.

I'll call Xiao Wang later and ask him to send a message to Hela. Her two stupid brothers still don't know about the existence of the elder sister at this time. How can this be done?

"God of Thunder, look it's already midnight, can I treat you to a supper?"

While thinking about things in her mind, Su Ming gently discussed the late night snack with Daisy. Su Ming knew her life background very well, not to mention that she had a Caroline by her side, which made Daisy still heavily in debt. .

Nothing that can be solved with money is a big deal. All you need to do is take a little girl like this to a 'super high-end restaurant' for a meal, and then lure her with money and paint some bright prospects.

Then the control over her will be secure.

Odin's omniscience and omnipotence are just a theory. Su Ming is very sure that he does not understand modern economics and does not know the methods of capitalists.

Daisy had been digesting what she had seen during the flight. Most of the time, she couldn't understand or get a word in.

Deathstroke's performance made her feel that the superhero world feels a bit like the entertainment industry in South Korea, where seniority is very serious.

Didn't you see that the old bald man was slapped on the head like a rubber ball because of his low-level death knell?

"Senior, there's no need to eat, right? I don't accept unspoken rules as a superhero." After listening to Deathstroke's suggestion to go to dinner together, she distanced herself with a serious look and pulled up her cloak with her free hand. Covering his chest.


Su Ming was speechless that she could spread her thoughts to that extent. Listening to the changed names, did she think that the superhero circle was the Japanese entertainment circle?

But the female Thor is still young after all, and Deathstroke can see that little thought just by biting the corner of her mouth, so he said:

"You misunderstood. There is no such thing as seniority in the superhero world. It doesn't matter if you debut early. Everyone basically relies on their fists to speak." He did not catch Daisy, but waved her to raise her height: "I hit Charles because I cared about him. His father died when he was young, his mother remarried, and his stepfather and stepbrother were both sadists. I raised him."

In fact, this was not the case. After the First World War at Les Invalides in Paris, Charles traveled around the world on his own, and later participated in the Vietnam War as a young soldier. Deathstroke didn't spend much time with him at all.

But no matter what, his father's revenge was avenged by the death knell. Charles is the kind of person who knows how to repay his kindness and is also very emotional.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have been entangled with Magneto for so many decades. Both of them were capable of killing each other in a short time, but they couldn't kill each other, and even made their subordinates fight harder. Every family is the same.

Sometimes, whether you can do it is one thing, and whether you want to do it is another matter. The complexity of human beings is difficult to explain clearly.

"Oh, that's it." Daisy smiled awkwardly, let go of the cloak in her hand, and turned her face away and secretly exhaled: "You are just like his father. Patting him is an education of love."

"It's good that you can understand. Although I can actually be regarded as his grandfather, interpersonal relationships among extraordinary people are often very confusing, and age means nothing." Su Ming turned over and flew facing the sky He said: "You also saw the bearded dwarf before, right? He is actually an old antique. He was born in 1832. He also participated in the Civil War, World War I and World War II. He is immortal."

Daisy thought thoughtfully, she learned again, she is such a good student who loves to learn: "Well, then he looks young enough. If you talk about it as an old man over 200 years old, hey, is he a superhero? Is there any way to not grow old?"

Taken the bait.

"Actually, immortality is also a manifestation of self-healing ability. It is a very precious ability. I heard that you have a New York accent. You must not be a genuine Asa protoss, right?" Deathstroke's tone paused: "You want to pick it up?" It’s impossible for Hammer to live forever, but it’s not difficult for me to maintain the beauty I have today. Let’s find a place to eat and talk.”

"Okay, but let's say it first, I don't accept unspoken rules." Daisy followed up carefully.

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