The Death Knell

Chapter 1934 Predator

While Su Ming was taking Daisy to see the android prostitute, another transport ship not far away from them also slowly opened the hatch. A blue-skinned man wearing a red windbreaker, holding a toothpick in his mouth, walked three steps at a time. Staggeringly walked down the gangway.

As if the cold air here was scented, he took a deep breath, showed his yellow teeth, and spat into the snow: "Ha! I'm back alive this time, boys! Three days off! ! Get out of here after receiving your share! Haha!”

"Captain Beef!"

"Long live!"

"Boss, please share the money!"

"Damn you miss me so much, my technician No. T0032, here I come!"

The air suddenly became quiet, and all the dirty, crooked-looking people looked at the unsociable guy at the end. Even if everyone has technicians they are thinking about, they haven't got the money yet, so they have to brag about the boss first. A wave!

Contrasia is fun, but it’s also very realistic. Without the unique ‘joy tokens’ here, those android prostitutes won’t know who you are.

For predators, the currencies in their hands are often very complicated. There are Xandar credits, interstellar federation energy coins, Sovereign gold coins, etc. Whether a currency can pass through the universe and still have value depends on it. Is the force behind it strong?

That is, whether it can provide sufficient payment protection.

But sometimes it is not enough to have a strong national power. For example, although the Kree Empire is powerful, what they circulate internally is a kind of electronic points, which are divided into military merit and social contribution, and are managed by the supreme wisdom. That is something that cannot be circulated externally.

Contrasia's Happy Coin has gradually become a popular currency in recent years.

After all, this is what all the stolen goods are settled here, and the owner behind the planet will only pay this. Moreover, the goods and entertainment facilities here are very complete. Whether it is spaceship supplies or manpower recruitment, everything can be done here.

Since the looters can get what they want in exchange here, what is spending money that is not a waste? Other currencies are not yet in circulation in New London, so you have to go to the bank to exchange them and be exploited.

Over time, the looters have become accustomed to carrying some happy coins with them, and many people have even regarded this place as their home base, buying a building or something to live together.

The size of cities on the ground is limited, and housing prices are frighteningly high. Fortunately, the airport in space also provides accommodation and trade settlement, making everything very convenient.

There are no officials here, only guards covered in armor, but most of the time as long as you don't speak ill of the planet's masters, it doesn't matter if you kill people in front of them.

Contracia adheres to a very simple rule, that is, 'If your skills are inferior to others, you deserve to die. ’

This is probably the only rule that everyone likes. There are all kinds of aliens here, and the customs are also different. Only the one with the big fist has the final say is recognized by everyone.

Of course, the one with the biggest fist is the owner of this planet. Captain Blueskin has been roaming the stars for decades, and he has long known that the person behind it is not an easy character to get along with.

The life of a predator is not easy, and you naturally have to vent your stress after each business deal. Originally, going to Sakaar to watch the gladiatorial fight was the only option, but then Contrasia, an ice and snow planet in the dying galaxy, was reborn from the ashes and became a new generation. The gold-selling cave.

How to rise from the ashes? I heard that the people behind New London moved a new star to replace the previous one, and it was as easy as changing a light bulb.

No matter how that person did it, he was not someone the marauders could afford to offend, so everyone here always tried their best to avoid conflicts with the guards.

It's not that there were no fools, but those people were all dead, hung in the square in front of the heater and burned to death with steam.

"Fuck!" The captain raised his hand and slapped the thin man who was ruining the atmosphere. He didn't use much force, but the crew member still staggered: "I want to give you some money. You don't say good things about me because you want to Let that prostitute be your boss?!"

Everyone laughed, and they all knew that the captain was not angry, because the captain himself was laughing.

This time everyone went out to rob a Skrull cargo ship, looted all the precious high-grade fruits inside, and then dismantled all the valuable equipment in the cargo ship. They finally escaped from the pursuit of the Royal Fourth Fleet. Now the captain himself I am definitely thinking of finding a place to have fun.

Contracia can always digest high-end luxury goods, and any food, drink, and entertainment items sent here can be sold at a good price.

Is it worth it? It’s not clear. After all, the payment is Happy Coin, which can be regarded as a bargaining chip for independent pricing.

But by comparing the services enjoyed by Happy Coin with the services in other places, it will undoubtedly make a lot of money.

Sell ​​a boatload of fruit to Xandar's black market in exchange for a boring week's rest? Or sell things here in New London in exchange for three days of carnival?

The predators knew this.

It is said that after the death of the Skrulls' home planet, the huge empire was also at a disadvantage in the battle with the Kree. Their success this time was entirely due to the insufficient Skrulls fleet.

"Okay, I'm too lazy to spend time here with you, it's so damn cold, I have to go have a drink. We should follow the old rules, the captain gets 40%, and you guys split the rest, okay?" The blue-skinned man grinned. He opened his mouth wide and raised his hand to touch a red bump on his head, which was covered with snowflakes.

Naturally, everyone had no opinions, or if they had opinions, they dared not speak out, for fear that the captain would whistle.

"Since you don't have any objections, what about the hairless monkey cub? Damn, what are you looking at there? Come here and settle the accounts for everyone!" Yondu turned around and saw that the Earthling he picked up a few years ago was standing at the hatch. He was in a daze, as if watching a man and a woman walking by in the distance.

"Oh, come on, I know I'm the only one among everyone who went to elementary school, but why don't you guys learn division as well?"

Peter Quill, who was called a monkey boy, rolled his eyes and took out a tablet terminal from his pocket. At the same time, he turned on the Walkman on his belt, picked up an earphone and put it into his ear, following the rhythm. Walked down the gangway.

Yondu kicked him and urged: "Settlement quickly, everyone is waiting for you to pay. If you wait any longer, if someone wants to kill you, I won't stop you."

The mothership is docked in the space port, and the payment is transferred to the general account first. This is also the business of New London Bank, and a 6% transfer fee is charged...

"Tch, it's like you stopped me in the past." Peter rolled his eyes and motioned for everyone to start queuing up to split the bill. It didn't matter where they went to withdraw money: "I entered the universe on my own, and I didn't need you to cover me. I."

Yondu folded his arms and looked at the chaotic crowd distributing money, and sneered: "When you crashed a fighter plane into my spaceship, you called it an intrusion? Most creatures with brains call that a suicide attack. I saw You are still a cub, and you dared to steal the Spartan Empire's fighter plane and fly into the universe. You have some courage, so I spared your life to do odd jobs on the ship. If you talk back to me, I will kill you and use it as food reserve."

"Human flesh is sour, and I haven't showered or used the toilet in a week. My stomach is full of shit. Do you want to eat it?"

While paying the bill, Peter answered nonchalantly. Over the years, Yondu had always said he wanted to kill him, about thirty times a day, but he never actually did it.

Besides, the collision with the spaceship happened back then. Now that I am twelve years old, I am no longer what I used to be.

I have learned almost everything I need to learn. Now I only need an opportunity and a spaceship to go it alone.

When the time comes, buy big warships, form a large fleet, rob all the Skrulls, and then round up all the prostitutes in New London, so that Yondu and the others will have to beg him if they want to play! Hahahahaha...

"Fuck! I told you to mess around! I told you to talk back! I told you to laugh!" Yondu's big blue palm knocked Peter out of his wonderful dream: "Don't stop me, I have to kill him today!"

"Boss, calm down!" The thin man next to Yondu was about to cry, desperately trying to break Yondu's hand away: "You can kill Peter, but don't grab my clothes and pull hard. This is the last time I I bought a new one here!”

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