The Death Knell

Chapter 1950 Archeology Successful

Pieces of memories are provided to the host by the symbiote, and a large number of messy and disordered fragments need to be analyzed. Probably only Deathstroke's brain can cooperate with the symbiote in this way.

The little black bean sprouts popped up and spread their hands: ‘Can other symbiote hosts do it? ’

‘Stop making trouble, you’re going to eat the alien’s brains to death. Be serious. ’

Deathstroke touched Douya's head and pushed it back.

After more than ten seconds, the intelligence collection was completed, and the tentacles were pulled out from the alien's ears, shaking off some of the remaining blood and brain matter, and retracted into the host's body.

This was a quite prosperous civilization a day ago. The race called the Kuikui people living here were a gentle trading civilization and were famous in nearby galaxies for their advanced feces processing technology.

They look like grasshoppers, and they also eat grass to survive. Their recycling technology can reprocess the feces into usable 'plant fiber pellets'. As long as there is water and minerals as food additives, it can achieve almost infinite recycling. .

Thanks to the abundant food supply, this planet supports a huge population, and the small life is... very enjoyable.

But that was all in the past. Nowadays, among the tens of billions of Kuikui people who still have whole corpses, I am afraid that only a few are left in front of Deathstroke.

Being able to hide in an underground bunker at the end of the day shows that their identity is not simple, but they still died, and the cause of death is unknown.

Fortunately, their valuable information was left behind. The equipment here was once connected to satellites in outer space. These people obviously died a few minutes later than the people outside, and even insisted on seeing Phoenix leave.

From these brains, Su Ming not only learned the whereabouts of Phoenix, but also obtained a full set of Kuikui technology from a scientist, including a feces food conversion machine.

There's just one question.

In the memories of these people, when the flaming phoenix was flying towards their planet, satellites and space remote sensing equipment also observed a strange small spacecraft hidden in its wake a few light years behind it.

I don't know who is also eyeing Phoenix at the same time, and is following him.

"It's so dark, Peter, please turn on the light."

Daisy and Peter also followed at this time. When she got in through the hole in the wall, her head still hit an unknown place in the darkness.

It didn't hurt at all, but she was afraid of scratching her face in the dark, so she quickly asked Peter to turn on the lighting tool on his spacesuit.

"Oh, I'm looking for a switch...this one!"

This was the first time that the gigolo went to the tomb. He was so excited that he became a little carried away. Even his breathing became rapid. Only after he was reminded that he realized that he needed lighting instead of relying on the light of the weapon in Deathstroke's hand.

Attilan's spacesuit is also made of ancient Kree technology. Unlike human spacesuits, which only have a small flashlight fixed on the helmet or chest, their lighting uses special materials to make the spacesuit, and the whole body will glow when powered on.

So Peter became like a human-shaped light ball, which better matched his identity.

Then both of them saw the corpses on the ground. Under the snow-white light, the faces of these dead corpses were covered with a layer of gray light, and each of them looked dead.

Daisy sighed. Although she roughly guessed that there would be no survivors when she saw the condition of the planet, she didn't expect these people to die so miserably.

Fortunately, it's a weird-looking alien, so it'll be fine.

The future Star-Lord has a significantly higher tolerance for corpses. His short legs stepped over several bodies and pools of blood like hurdles, and came to the death knell. A muffled voice came out from behind the mask of the spacesuit:

"Boss, I have a bold idea."

Su Ming raised an eyebrow, looked at the dead grasshoppers on the ground, and then looked at Peter:

"Are you so bold? Your bottom line is so low that it's beyond my expectation."

Peter rubbed his hands and laughed twice. He planned to walk around the underground facility and search for some valuable things. Of course he was not afraid of corpses. He was indeed very bold, right?

"Can you give me some free time?" Peter didn't know that the two of them were talking about the same thing. He just wanted to search the body and the room.

Su Ming turned around and kicked the body on the ground: "Well, that's fine. Pay attention to safety and don't get sick."


The gigolo began to move his hands up and down the body on the ground.

Anyway, Deathstroke only promised Jason to take his son out for a walk, and he couldn't always take him with him in the future. After this experience, Peter would definitely want to explore the interstellar world on his own, and letting him explore on his own was a good way to teach.

On the other hand, there was an unknown figure following in the direction Phoenix left, which was a bit interesting.


Peter was done in a few minutes. He didn't find anything valuable, at least these people obviously didn't take any property with them when they fled for their lives.

He did find a few boxes of things labeled food, at least the cosmic translator told him they were food.

There are about a hundred small boxes in one box, and they are packed very tightly. After opening the paper box, which is as big as an adult's palm, there are 12 small balls in one box, which are slightly smaller than table tennis balls and taste a bit like celery. Mixed with the taste of mint water, it is refreshing and refreshing.

"Do you want to eat?"

He stood between the main and co-pilot seats, stretched out the box to make way for the captain and first mate, and sucked his fingers with relish, as if eating chocolate balls.

Sure enough, the bottom line is always broken inadvertently. In the past, Peter's bottom line was to drink urine, but now...

Su Ming naturally rejected the kindness of the third-in-command gigolo. He just focused on piloting the spaceship. Daisy originally extended her hand, but found that Deathstroke was winking at her, and she changed the subject and refused.

"If you don't want this, then it's all mine, hehe."

The gigolo smiled proudly. According to the rules of the looters, if the captain and first mate both gave up the distribution of spoils, then he, the third-in-command, could have the monopoly.

It is indeed much better than being on the Modu ship. How could such a good thing happen to you while you were there?

The first space archeology was a great success!

Although there is no gold, silver, jewelry, or advanced scientific and technological knowledge, food is also a kind of hard currency in the universe.

He dug out hundreds of kilograms of food, which was considered a small profit. In order to commemorate this precious first time, he did not plan to sell the food, and was going to keep it for himself to eat slowly.

"These plant fibers are quite chewy, have a moderate amount of sugar, and don't have too many calories. They are really healthy." As Peter spoke, he pulled out a long piece of plant fiber from between his teeth, which was a bit embarrassing. He showed off a bit, then stuffed it back into his mouth.

Su Ming sighed and winked at Daisy: "Children like to play with chewing gum with their hands, which is actually quite disgusting."

The female Thor understood that what Deathstroke meant was that it was not chewing gum but something disgusting, but the child would just eat it, so it was best not to remind him.

"Shall we go find Phoenix now?" She changed the subject.

Deathstroke took out a cigarette and stuffed it into his mouth: "We already know the possible location. Check all the stars in the nearby star system on the route it leaves. We will find it soon. But there is another one before us. A group of people are also looking for Phoenix, let’s wait and see what happens.”


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