The Death Knell

Chapter 1954 The battle proceeds

The battle has just begun. These ordinary small aircraft are just a drop in the ocean to the overall military strength of the Shi'ar Empire, and they are all cannon fodder of little value.

Shi'ar's strength lies not only in the huge fleet they have, but also in the strong men they have.

Relying on the research of Macallan Crystal, the strong birdman can use faith to condense the energy of the universe. As long as he masters the energy, he has the basic right to speak in this universe.

People who can use cosmic energy like this have an entire army of hundreds of people in the Shi'ar Empire, which is the famous Shi'ar Royal Guards.

The captain of the Guards, Du Jian, is known as one of Marvel's supermen. He has almost all the abilities that Clark next door has, and he doesn't have the weakness of Kryptonite.

He possesses superhuman physical fitness, and can also use cosmic energy to open hyperspace channels, reaching several times the speed of light. However, because he does not grasp the concept of time, this speed cannot allow him to travel through time.

He can survive in the extreme environment inside a star, and can withstand supernova explosion-level impacts. Except for several legendary magical plagues, he is immune to almost all diseases, radiation, and viruses.

The most difficult thing is that because of the sword fighting setting, as long as he has "confidence", he can increase his strength infinitely like the Hulk's "anger".

However, Su Ming had been prepared before he prepared to deal with the Shi'ar Empire. Mental weaknesses are often easier to target than physical weaknesses. That's why the 'Bitch Spare Tire' Peter was added to the team. If the sword fight comes, Give him a surprise.

Although not as lethal as Wade's 'disgusting', Peter's 'sand sculpture' is also a very effective weapon in Marvel.

Besides, as the Supreme Mage, Deathstroke holds the Time Stone. Although using the energy of X metal to drive that thing is not a conventional method, when necessary, it can reverse the enemy's time and turn it into a baby or fertilized egg.

This trick is ineffective against demons with their own dimensions, and the investment and return are not proportional to those with too long lifespans. However, it can be very effective against enemies such as Shia or aliens whose lifespans are similar to humans, and can eliminate threats very effectively.

Now that I have made a big fuss here and destroyed a squadron of fighter planes in Shia's atmosphere, hundreds of planes and their pilots were dead. I think some regular troops should come next.

Only after the conventional troops and weapons were unable to defeat the three men did it become possible to see the Royal Guards.

But Su Ming estimated that Qin Gray should have appeared before that.

At this time, the plane on the rooftop across the street exploded. In addition to the debris flying everywhere, there was also a thigh bone flying over with flames.

Su Ming stretched out his hand and grabbed it in the air, blowing out the open flame on it in one breath, leaving only wisps of green smoke. He handed the stick with a thick bone at one end to Peter:

"Exactly. I'll give you a microphone. You're still getting angry."

Peter took it and realized what he was holding in his hand. He wanted to throw it away, but the intimidation in Captain Deathstroke's eyes prevented him from doing so. He could only smile awkwardly:

"Isn't this not good? Although I like music, I'm not the type to play death metal."

Su Ming stared at him with merciless eyes and drilled his temples with his fingers: "What does this have to do with death metal? Although the Xi'ar are also carbon-based creatures, to put it bluntly, they are oviparous birds. You may have been away from the earth for a few years. But think back to when you had fried chicken legs at Wilson’s, was it hard to sing a few lines to the chicken bones?”

Peter sniffed, don't tell me, after listening to the death knell, he smelled it carefully and found that the bones really had the aroma of roasted chicken.

It was simply the taste of the earth. Although he left the earth with his parents when he was 6 years old, he was in the United States before that. People in this country love eating chicken too much.

"Hey, it smells so good."

After being persuaded, Peter showed a somewhat silly smile, blew on the hot black bone, and tried the microphone.

The bone density of bird creatures is very low. Although this leg bone is large, it is not very heavy. He can wave it with one hand.

Daisy felt something was wrong. Why did the Shi'ar become a species similar to fried chicken in Deathstroke's mouth? No, fried chicken is not a species, chicken is

But seeing how happy Peter was, she decided to listen quietly out of a disciple's mentality.

"Does it smell good? We humans are a civilized race. We don't have to eat the Xi'ans, but we still can't smell the smell?" Su Ming patted Peter's shoulder with a look of relief and started eating after smelling the smell of the meat. After a while, Peter went back to eat. Eat some more vegetarian meatballs: "I have the opportunity to introduce you to a dancing prodigy. That old man is very good at handling chickens and cows. If he comes here, the whole Xi'a family will be on the menu."

"Dancing wizard?" Peter's attention was not on the chicken.

"Yes, that old man has strong muscles. His famous song is 'I Love Your Mother'." Su Ming looked at the smoke-filled sky, lit a new firework again, and watched it explode above his head. If anything He said thoughtfully: "I feel like he will definitely like you and teach you the secret method of fried chicken."

Recalling the scene of Colonel Sanders tearing off his vest with his bare hands after his clothes were exposed, Su Ming felt goosebumps coming out.

Peter yearned for it and raised his young face to look at the fireworks in the sky: "Boss, please introduce us to each other. I like eating fried chicken and communicating with dance lovers."

"It's easy to talk, as long as you obey me." Deathstroke took care of him.

"The enemy is coming." Daisy always felt that the song Deathstroke said was not a serious song, so she focused on the surrounding rooftops.

Sure enough, some soldiers wearing golden armor and holding various weapons appeared from all directions. They surrounded the three people through different building rooftops.

Those armors seemed to be worn by people in the cold weapon era, but the weapons in their hands were obviously not cold weapons. Although they also had the shape of swords and halberds, they had muzzles on them, which were obviously a combination of hot and cold weapons. body.

"Are you curious about their gun blades and blunderbuss?" Su Ming saw her eyes and answered the question about the enemy's weapons: "This is a special feature of Xiat. It converts the extra recoil of slashing and stabbing into electrical energy and stores it in the weapon. Here, it will be emitted in the form of plasma when it fires. If you want, you can just pick it up from the corpse."

"No, I think Meow Hammer suits me quite well."

Daisy shook her head and began to rotate the weapon in her hand again. She had fallen in love with the pleasure of mastering thunder and lightning.

If we talk about the massacre of humans, she definitely can't do it, but when it comes to killing aliens, not only does she not have any psychological barriers, but she is also a little excited. She has watched so many movies about killing aliens, and she can finally practice it, right?

No matter how much they look like humans, Deathstroke said they are chickens, so they are chickens, and there is no mistake.

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