The Death Knell

Chapter 1956 Phoenix Problem

Jean Gray's condition was not very good. Not only did she look shabby, but even her uniform was in tatters.

Su Ming used to feel that the old uniforms of the X-Men were indescribably rustic.

I won’t talk about the retro style of the loose jumpsuit, but the body part is made of yellow fabric, the limbs are blue, tied with a red belt with an X logo, and a pair of yellow boots, it’s simply... ....

This fully reveals that Charles's aesthetic level is probably still stuck in the 1960s.

If worn on a beautiful girl like Mysterio or Phantom Cat, it's barely lookable, and the color scheme is cartoonish, making it look quite cute. But when Wolverine and Colossus put on such a suit, they looked so earthy, even more earthy than a kangaroo bone dug out of the Australian desert.

"Miss Gray, it took me a lot of effort to get here."

Su Ming smiled and shook his head. In the nearby sea of ​​blood and corpses, he took a deep breath of the blood-smelling air.

"Sorry." Jean Gray lowered her head and rubbed her face helplessly: "I don't know how to explain it to you, but the me before was not me, no, the me who controlled my body... ..I can’t explain clearly, my mind is very confused now, I want to be quiet.”

Sure enough, Star-Lord appeared at this time, and he asked a silly question like a robbery: "Who is Jingjing?"

"Relax and drink some soda." Su Ming grabbed Peter's ears and threw him to Daisy. Then he smiled at Qin and motioned for her to take a few more sips to calm down her shock: "I know everything about Phoenix, you forgot about me. Who is it?"

"You are the Supreme Mage." Qin forced a smile. She stretched out her fingers to comb the roots of her hair, and seemed to suddenly realize: "Then what should I do now?"

Su Ming flicked the ash from his cigarette and handed her a pack of Wilson noodles with Captain America on it: "Charles asked me to take you home, and that's what I meant. Just go back and continue living your normal life. What should I do if anything happens?" ?”

"But I, I'm afraid I can't." She looked around at the burning buildings and mountains of charred corpses: "So many people died because of me, and my hands are covered with the blood of innocents... .”

Su Ming waved his hands repeatedly, as if he had heard a joke and was overjoyed:

"Stop, stop here, I think you want to laugh me to death so that you can inherit my company. You or Phoenix, it is true that you destroyed two planets and a star, but you want to say that you killed me Man, I didn’t see that, isn’t everyone on earth okay? You didn’t hurt anyone.”

He knew that Jean Gray had been taken to the academy since she was a child and had been deeply influenced by Charles, but she had not learned the dark side of the little bald head.

Qin's little hand stopped squeezing the crispy noodles, and she tilted her head suspiciously: "But in my memory, that energy, and that flame...the other one I ate them, tens of billions of people."

"No, first you blew up a colonial star in Shi'a and killed tens of billions of chickens." Su Ming stretched out two fingers holding a cigarette to show her: "Then you destroyed nearly tens of billions of chickens on a planet. Roast the grasshoppers and eat them, Daisy, tell Miss Grey, how many chickens do Americans eat in a year?"

Daisy barely thought before opening her mouth: "The United States consumes 9 billion broiler chickens a year, and the country across the Pacific Ocean has almost the same number."

"You actually really know?"

Su Ming originally just wanted to use the tool man to ask and answer questions, because asking questions and telling the answers himself after no one answered would help improve his persuasion, but he didn't expect Daisy to actually know the answer.

The female Thor scratched her head with the hammer handle and smiled: "I actually also opened a small cake shop. I am also engaged in the catering industry. As fast food, hamburgers and hot dogs are direct competitors."

"I thought cake was a dessert, are you overthinking it?" Peter was still holding the thigh bone.

"You are the only one who talks a lot!" Daisy stretched out her evil finger.

"Ah! My ears are about to fall off! Boss, save me." Peter grinned and screamed.

Su Ming ignored the friendly exchange between the two and looked at Qin: "You heard it too, there are just tens of billions of chickens, what do you have to be responsible for?"

"But they are...intelligent creatures." Qin frowned, she still couldn't accept it.

Seeing her tangled look, Deathstroke shook his head: "There are many intelligent creatures in the universe, but what does it have to do with us humans? I am the supreme mage of mankind, not the savior of the universe. Aliens are not humans. They are just some human-like animals. In my eyes, they are nothing more than chicken, duck and fish meat. If they are not eaten by the phoenix, they will be devoured by other strong men. If you want to blame them, just blame them for their own bad luck."

The person holding other people's ears and the person being held kept nodding.

One of them has long accepted the view that "aliens are not human" in various movies, and the other is directly a space mercenary. Someone else's planet exploded, and tens of billions of people died. This is rare in this vast universe. What? Already numb.

Qin didn't know if she was right to think so, but there was a voice in her heart that kept screaming, telling her that the Supreme Mage was knowledgeable and she liked him very much, and the surging vitality in him sucked...

Seeing that Qin's pupils seemed to be gradually turning red, Su Ming knew that she was probably affected by Phoenix again, and he was fine. But Peter was so close, and Phoenix might be burned to ashes if he went mad.

So he showed that he didn't care at all, and said: "Actually, I have already given Charles a suggestion and asked him to have a good talk with Phoenix. It is not a bad thing at all that it likes to eat the lives of aliens, as long as it does not harm the earth. As well as its human allies, the aliens can just fly out and eat whatever they want, there is no need to take it so seriously.”

"Really?" A strange smile appeared on Qin's face, the corners of her eyes were raised, and her eyebrows seemed to become full of heroic spirit in an instant.

"Of course it's true. You can come back to Earth with me now. You can go out to look for food whenever you are hungry. But rabbits know not to eat grass beside their nests. As a Phoenix, you should understand this, right?"

"What? Is he a Phoenix?" Daisy blocked Peter behind her and grabbed the hammer warily.

Su Ming raised his hand to signal her to relax. There was no need to be so nervous: "Relax, the Phoenix has just joined the communication, it has not yet gained control of the body."

Just as he said, the red color in Qin's eyes quickly faded away like burning flames. She bent over in pain and gasped violently. .

Just now, just a little bit closer, the phoenix came out.

"I can't return to Earth. I'm too dangerous. I think the most appropriate choice is to let you kill me." She raised her face and shook her head towards the death knell, but she seemed to have made up her mind and wanted to Die together with the Phoenix.

Su Ming put out the cigarette in his hand, put away the cigarette butt, and let out a long sigh:

"If you were my student, I would definitely throw you into the dark dimension to be with Dormammu. You are really stupid. The phoenix is ​​the energy of the universe. Without you as a host, it will still exist forever."

"Then what else can I do?" Jean Gray fell to her knees, buried her head in her hands, and cried helplessly.

Su Ming picked up the crispy noodles she dropped aside, crushed them for her, tore open the package, and put them into her hands: "Rather than going to extremes, it's better to think about how to live in harmony with it in the future, such as giving it a name. A kind name, call it...Nine Lama? I know a person who lives in harmony with the cheat in his body because of this name."

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