The Death Knell

Chapter 1958 Past Events

"It's definitely not a good thing." Daisy interjected. She left the co-pilot with some distress, huddled together with Qin, put her arms around her shoulders and comforted her: "Don't be sad, who wouldn't meet someone like this?" Where is this scumbag?"

This kind of comfort can be said to be false. Scott definitely wanted to save Qin, but when his brother acted together, he had no say at all.

His younger brother, Gabriel Summers, codenamed Vulcan, is a violent supremacist with a paranoid personality.


Everyone knows about the Cyclops family. The tragedy began when the family was traveling by plane when they were young, but they were kidnapped by a reconnaissance plane sent to Earth by the Shi'ar Empire.

After all, the Shi'ar know that the earth has a master and that there is a Supreme Mage. They may not know about Deathstroke, but who hasn't heard of the Ancient One?

Although he covets the wilderness, he can only send out a stealth spacecraft to observe secretly.

But once when a reconnaissance ship passed by the United States, the stealth device suddenly malfunctioned, and it was seen by people on earth flying not far away.

The spacecraft commander panicked, because if this news reached the ears of the Supreme Mage, then there would be a big problem. The warship entered other planets without permission, which was the same as declaring war. What should I do?

The legendary Ancient One Master, the corpses of the people she killed could circle the Milky Way several times hand in hand. It would be bad if she approached the Shi'ar Empire.

So the commander made a wise decision, which was to kidnap the bystanders and take them away. Wouldn't no one know about it this way?

Yes, even though there were dozens of different weapons on the Shia reconnaissance ship, he never thought of destroying the small plane and pretending to be an air crash. He just thought of kidnapping the witnesses.

This small private plane belongs to the Summers family. Their business is doing well and they are quite wealthy.

When it was shrouded in white light, there were only two parachutes on the plane. Father Christopher let his two sons put on the parachutes and jump out of the plane. However, he and his wife, who was two months pregnant, were captured by the tractor beam of the alien spacecraft.

The two eldest children who jumped out of the plane were Alex and Scott, who would become "Havoc" and "Cyclops" in the future. Because they had no experience in skydiving for the first time, they lost their memory due to the strong impact when they landed, and they worked as thieves for a while. , was later rescued by Charles and brought to the academy, so I won’t say much more.

On the other hand, Christopher and his wife Kylena were kidnapped to the Feather Star and imprisoned. During this period, Christopher tried to escape, which angered the then Shi'ar Emperor Deken.

I am worried about the undead at home. The original pet I captured is not obedient and must be dealt with.

So 'Mad King' Deken dismembered Kylena and killed her in front of Christopher. He also dug out the three-month-old baby from her womb and threw it into a technological incubator for cultivation, preparing to use it as a slave hound.

Then the Mad King planned to sell Christopher, who had gone crazy because of the tragic death of his wife, to Saka, but the cargo ship was hijacked by looters on the way.

Sometimes the plunderers are hungry, but they will rob you regardless of which faction you belong to.

However, after opening the warehouse, it was discovered that what was looted was not food or property, but a ship of slaves.

The Shi'ar Empire was not a professional slave trader, so it naturally did not have slave ships full of stasis cabins. This group of plunderers was not extremely vicious, but instead released these poor Shi'ar prisoners of war.

But Christopher wanted to avenge his wife, so he voluntarily joined the predators, and in the days to come, he became a captain with his excellent business talent and strategy.

This raider fleet is called the Star Blocker, and he also named himself Corsair. He has been accumulating power in the universe, waiting for the day when the Shi'ar Empire reveals its flaws.

The baby who was thrown into the incubator was Gabriel Sams. He was thrown into the arena to fight space beasts since he was a child, which inspired his mutant abilities and eventually escaped control.

He may have met his father, or he may have learned about the past through other means. Now he is obviously looking for the Shi'ar Empire to avenge his mother.

There is no paradise on earth where mutants are treated as gods. Even the Celestial Empire is controlled by regulations. It is impossible for Scott to want to take Qin to 'elope' after dinner for no reason.

Where did he know that there was such a good place that even the professor and Magneto didn't know about? If there really is such a good place, why can't we bring all our mutant friends there?

Because there was someone who wouldn't let him take so many people.

The false news about the paradise was given to him by Vulkan. It was also Vulkan who took away the unconscious Scott from the college infirmary. Everything was his revenge plan.

No wonder no traceable traces were found during the strangulation, and later the White Queen's brainwave scan found no trace of the person.

His plan was half successful before Deathstroke arrived. As long as the phoenix broke out on Zentira and he made some moves on the other side, the already unstable Shi'ar Empire would probably collapse in an instant due to internal and external troubles.

The Shi'ar Empire sent an expeditionary force towards the barbaric continent of Earth. This move was not to steal anything, but Vulkan deliberately wanted to anger Deathstroke and let the Supreme Mage deal with Shi'ar.

In this way, someone in the Shi'ar royal family was helping Vulkan, at least someone who could mobilize troops legitimately.

Why do the Shi'ar seek outsiders to deal with their own people? Undoubtedly, it's still the issue of inheritance.

According to the information given by Gao Tianzun during the chat, the Mad King should still be in a coma at this time, and the eldest princess Lilandra is in charge.

Her sister ‘Death Bird’ has always been ambitious, and she should be the woman who was seen by Qin, who was traveling with Vulcan.


"I have seen through his tricks. Although Vulgan looks ugly, he still thinks beautifully." Su Ming leaned on the chair and took out a bottle of wine to taste: "There are many people who want to take advantage of me. , but it’s not okay if you don’t pay the mercenaries.”

"Do you understand what happened?"

Daisy looked admired. Qin Gray didn't say anything, so why did Deathstroke know about it?

The answer is of course because there are stories from the 616 universe for reference.

"Yes, one minute and twenty seconds have passed since we entered the spacecraft. The Shi'a space fleet has not launched a new attack, and even the ground troops have not harassed us again. This shows that there are still smart people among these chickens. I'm afraid they can see it. This is a conspiracy, and the next step is to negotiate peace, and I will negotiate terms with them."

Su Ming replied calmly, Vulkan was already a dead person in his eyes.

Regardless of whether that guy has a blood feud or a reason why he has to do it, this is not the reason why he can scheme against the Supreme Mage, nor is he qualified to use the secrets of the earth as bait.

40K Earth is Deathstroke’s Earth, and it cannot be touched by other people’s dirty hands.

"Dang, dang, dang." There was a knocking sound on the spaceship door at this time, and at the same time, someone shouted outside: "I am Karlak, captain of the Shi'ar Imperial Guard, please meet me, the Supreme Mage."

Su Ming stood up with a smile and let Strangler make the armor more ferocious, adding some spikes or blood stains on his shoulders:

"It seems that they have found out my identity. This is a sword fight. Are you ready? Are you ready to fall out if we can't reach an agreement?"

"Are you okay? We just killed so many chickens." Daisy pressed the hammer on her waist, a little worried.

"The lives of ordinary people are not as important as you think in the eyes of the empire's top brass. Nearly a hundred planes, thousands of soldiers, a colonial star and its population will all become small things in the face of greater interests. Misunderstand'."

Deathstroke pressed the button to open the hatch, turned around and folded his arms, waiting for someone to come to the cab:

"What's more, just a sword fight is not my opponent. I have a plan... Peter, get ready. When I tell you to start singing and dancing, dance immediately. Do you understand?"


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