The Death Knell

Chapter 1962 It can’t be so fragrant

As for how a monkey was jumping and squeaking excitedly around him, Su Ming pretended not to see or hear it.

The few white warships that landed in the dark sky were very gorgeous, and the white flags held by the Shi'ar soldiers were also fluttering in the wind. It can be seen that the military looks solemn and well-trained.

Although to people on earth, the white flag means surrender or France, the Shi'ar military flag is indeed white. There is a golden open triangle in the middle of the flag, as if it was painted to resemble a musical instrument called a 'triangle' .

Deathstroke calmly smoked a cigarette and squinted at the Shi'ar soldiers lined up outside the window, watching them lay out red carpets and lights, and prepare a podium like a press release officer.

You must know that Su Ming's spaceship is parked on the roof of a certain building, and all these Shi'ar people are also working on the roof. Not far away, they can be seen recovering the bodies of their killed compatriots, but there is no trace of color on their faces. Any look of resentment or sadness.

"Lilandra should soon issue a new law, relaxing the ban on art." He held Peter's head and asked him to look out the window together: "If you face the Shi'ar in the future, singing and dancing may not be of any use. Big.”

"Actually, I don't understand. If they are so afraid of art, what if the enemy keeps playing music or dancing during the battle?"

Peter still had an excited look on his face, he was shaking as if having a convulsion, and he was still happy about getting a new code name.

"There is something called AI, and the Shi'ar army is also equipped with unmanned warfare weapons based on Beijing." Su Ming leaned on his seat and said quietly: "There was once a person on the planet who tried to use this method. The resistance to the Shi'ar conquest did kill some Shi'ar soldiers, but their planet was gone the next day. The Shi'ar regarded the entire planetary system as an 'epidemic zone' and detonated the stars in it, destroying the planetary system. Erased from the universe."

Shi'a has very strong technology, including star gate technology, virtual reality, combat AI, stealth technology, etc. Their star-destroying weapons do not directly act on a certain planet, but act on the enemy's planetary system, triggering The chain reaction causes the star in the enemy's planetary system to explode into a supernova state, destroying everything.

Just think about what would happen to the earth if the sun went supernova.

Peter tilted his head and thought for a while. He couldn't see anything from the aliens outside the window, but he was immersed in his own fantasy:

"What if I sneak into the Shi'ar planet secretly, build a loudspeaker, or use an Internet virus to let everyone hear the music or see the dance? Can I destroy the planet by myself?"

Su Ming sighed and knocked Peter on the head. His thoughts were too beautiful. Did he really think that there were no other smart people in the universe?

"I tried it more than ten years ago, and nothing happened except causing chaos. The emperor would issue an amnesty order, for example, it would not be illegal to contact art during special periods. Although it is said that the two gods believe that art will make people Degenerate, but I doubt those two people exist at all. Shia can be regarded as a **** country, and what the emperor or queen says is an oracle."

"In other words, if you come into contact with art, the emperor still has the final say on that person's life and death." Peter was immediately disappointed. In fact, he had thought about whether he could snatch some planets from them if he wiped out all these chicken people in the future. Play.

Captain Deathstroke nodded and put out the cigarette butt in the ashtray: "Usually tens of thousands of people are executed for a trivial matter. They follow routine procedures and are handled by the royal guards in accordance with the law. But if it involves issues at the planet or galaxy level, what laws? , all dogmas can be changed. Rules are dead, people are alive, and you can’t expect a monarchy that mainly follows the trend of science and technology to be very pious.”

Star-Lord looked at the cigarette butt and sighed with emotion: "What a pity. I thought I really found some weakness of the Shi'ar people."

"The history of our universe is tens of billions of years, and the Shi'ar Empire has existed for tens of millions of years. It is a true forerunner civilization. It is not something you, a child, can do to develop to this day." Su Ming stood up with a smile. Patting Peter on the shoulder: "Tactics can deal with a few Shi'ar people. If you want to catch up with a country, you still have to rely on strategy and strength. Cleverness is useless. Only strength is the foundation."

Star-Lord touched the grass balls in his pocket: "Like a phoenix?"

"Phoenix is ​​not enough. The Shi'ar Empire also has a trump card. Although the Maclan Crystal is very difficult to use, once it is activated, it can easily erase anything that exists in reality, just like an eraser." Su Ming stayed away from eating. Peter was a little embarrassed and withdrew his hand: "The only thing that can resist the rules is higher-dimensional rules. Now I tell you, you can't understand why the two ladies haven't finished yet? Shouldn't they have to do it after taking a shower?" Skin care?"

Star-Lord also retracted his thoughts, scratched his hair, and showed some impatience on his face: "Women are really troublesome. When I have my own ship in the future, I will never take women to play with me."

Looking at his little adult look, Su Ming smiled: "Why are you so sure that you can fly solo in the future? Maybe I won't let you go?"

"I'm not stupid." Peter rubbed his nose: "You have the earth to take care of, Contrasia, and maybe more forces. I don't know. Naturally, you have a lot of things to be busy with. You definitely can't do it every day. Will you take me around the universe?"

"You're quite smart, just like you said." Deathstroke took out a bottle of soda and gave it to him: "But the fourth rule of mercenaries I want to teach you is, don't say anything too full, you now The more you resist something, the more you will giggle and say 'it smells so good' in the future, and then rush to accept it."

Peter rolled his eyes, took a sip of soda nonchalantly, and waved his little hand: "Are you talking about the female crew members? It's impossible. Even if I jumped out of the space and froze or starved to death in space, I would be dead." It is impossible to accept any female crew members."

Su Ming looked at him thoughtfully and said nothing more.

More than an hour later, just when the Shi'ar soldiers outside the spacecraft seemed to be unsteady from waiting, the fragrant Daisy and Qin Gray finally came back. I don't know if they washed together, but now their hands They were holding hands, talking and laughing, and it seemed that their relationship had improved a lot.

Su Ming sighed, turned off the spacecraft engine, leaving only the battery-powered system, and turned around with a half-smile:

"Have your Highnesses finished bathing? I thought I would have to send a gigolo to rub your backs later."

Daisy ran over with a smile, grabbed a strand of her long black hair and dangled it in front of Deathstroke: "Isn't it just that it took a while to put on makeup? After all, I can't embarrass the people on earth. Do you smell my fragrance?"

She smelled a little like shower gel, a little sweet and a little cool, and she was dressed up beautifully, which made the time spent painting seem worthwhile.

Deathstroke shook his head and stood up, first walking out of the boat: "It smells so good."

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