The Death Knell

Chapter 1964 Bald head in the crowd

Things that have been triggered in the past have been tacitly ignored.

The Shi'ar Empire will not pursue her for destroying the planet, but Deathstroke will not pursue the imperial fleet's march into the wild continent either.

With the sincerity of this preliminary agreement, Shuangfa will then discuss the formal transaction.

The princess was not angry at the Supreme Mage conjuring a more ferocious and taller black chair to sit across from her. She even ordered the guards to bring more chairs for Daisy and others to sit down. chat.

She told the story of how it all started in a beautiful voice.

It turned out that decades ago, for some unknown reason, one day suddenly, the royal family's ancestral tomb on Mengyu Planet exploded, and all the ancestors inside were resurrected in the form of zombies or skeletons, wreaking havoc on the planet.

These undead creatures made Deken very troublesome at the time. After all, even he could not blatantly order the army to fire on the undead ancestors.

There were hundreds of emperors, not to mention coming from different families, and many of them were legendary heroes. Even if we could always find a way to eliminate their corpses, we couldn't do this.

Although Deken is the Mad King, he is not the Fool King.

It's just that the undead are like wild beasts, biting everyone they see, sucking blood and eating meat, and even if they are damaged, they will be repaired by the mysterious black light.

Deken thought hard and finally found a solution after a few months, which was to try to activate the McCullan Crystal and use the power of a higher level to erase the existence of these undead.

He entered the noble dimension left by his ancestors and touched the huge crystal on the order of Emperor Xia.

Unfortunately, Crystal didn't give him face and turned him into a vegetable.

The emperor's coma could not be concealed for long, so the overt and covert battle for succession began.

The earliest competitors were not just Lilandra and the Deathbird sisters, but also people from other branches of the royal family. But Deathbird didn't know when she got close to a strong person, and everyone who opposed her was mysteriously killed without warning. kill.

Only Lilandra was left, a peaceful and kind-hearted woman, or so she claimed.

She did not want to compete with her sister for inheritance rights, but Death Bird did not believe her words. After her sister secretly won over the imperial prime minister and parliament, she launched an assassination and a series of military coups against her sister.

Fortunately, the crown was in Lilandra's hands from the beginning, and the Royal Guards obeyed the regent unconditionally. They repelled the assassin with a sword fight and protected Lilandra from Feather Star and came to Zen Emperor. Ra rallied the royalist forces.

That assassin was Vulkan, a terrifying avenger. He originally planned to kill all the Shi'ar, but the Death Bird successfully hooked him and expressed his willingness to marry him and share the prosperity of the world in the future.

As long as my sister and her people are eliminated, this empire will be my dowry. With it, ruling the universe is no longer a dream, so why destroy it?

Vulkan's ambition awakened, and he was moved by the wind on the woman's pillow. Even if the unconscious Deken fell into his hands, he no longer had the desire to kill the enemy and avenge his mother.

Deathbird proclaimed herself queen, claiming that she was the legitimate one, and used Deken to make corrections, and cooperated with the Imperial Council to start propaganda, making it clear that her sister Lilandra was not in the right position.

But Lilandra was the regent appointed by Deken before going to the crystal. Now that her sister and brother-in-law wanted to kill her, she had no choice but to fight even if she didn't want to fight anymore.

With the support of the royalists in the military, she also mobilized the fleet and the army, and the small-scale battles between the two sides have not stopped since a few years ago.

This civil war is very hidden, at least neither side wants to be known by outsiders like Kerry or Skrull, who may take advantage of it.

Until today, Vulkan suddenly attracted the Phoenix and the Supreme Mage, wanting to use external power, breaking the balance and unspoken rules.

Su Ming sat on the chair and nodded frequently, as if she agreed with the eldest princess's statement. Even when she got emotional, the Supreme Mage also looked indignant, scolding the Death Bird for not being a thing, and actually trying to bully his sister and destroy his ancestors.

Of course, no one knows how much of Lilandra's own statement is true, and it doesn't matter. Su Ming is just acting in line with her emotions.

"Then, Your Highness, what kind of help do you want us to do, and what price are you willing to pay?" After the story was told, Su Ming looked at the princess who was still lowering her head to wipe her tears, and asked the question without any pity: " If you want us to help you regain the other half of the Shi'ar Empire, this is big business."

"Technology, resources, manpower, comrades-in-arms." Lilandra raised her head, her long eyelashes still filled with moisture: "Except for the McCullan Crystal, we can talk about everything."

"I have also heard about the crystal. It is said to be a portal to billions of realities and can modify our universe and reality. It does sound good." Su Ming leaned on his throne and supported his face with his fists. : "But there is also a 'Great Swamp' on the earth. Although that passage is also dangerous, it is much more stable than your crystals, so I am not interested in crystals."

The Maclan Crystal was snatched away by the Shi'ar after they wiped out all the Maclans tens of millions of years ago. After being laundered and publicized, it became an artifact left to future generations by the twin gods of Shi'ar.

But if it is really that powerful, will the Maclan people be exterminated? Thinking about it, I know it’s impossible.

Shia is a unique system of parallel monarchy and parliamentary system, or it is an alternative 'constitutional monarchy' in which the emperor has great power. The members of the parliament come from different civilizations that they conquered, as long as they do not use any 'artistic weapons' to disgust them. Basically, even if the Shi'ar were defeated, there was no danger of annihilation.

But the McClans died cleanly, and even their family heirlooms were taken away. There must be something fishy about this.

Referring to the comic information I have read in my previous life, the McCullan Crystal is like a wish-making machine that works sometimes and sometimes does not work. It also requires paying an unimaginable price. When a person touches it to make a wish, there are often three kinds of things. result.

There is a 30% chance that your wish will come true and the reality will change.

30% of the time there is no reaction at all. You have not successfully activated the crystal at all, or you are too weak and the crystal is too lazy to mess with you.

The remaining 40% possibility is much more complicated. The crystal may throw the contactee into a time tributary, an extra dimension, a parallel universe, an imaginary dream, and other weird places. As for coma, become a vegetative state, or die suddenly on the spot, It's all possible.

There is a saying that crystal has its own thoughts and considerations, and it likes to distort other people's wishes and make things go the other way.

There is no use for Su Ming to come to something with such overwhelming uncertainty.

Modifying reality sounds high-end, but Marvel has too many tools to achieve this effect.

The Cosmic Cube that is still in Karma Taj can do it, the reality gem hidden somewhere can do it, Wanda's chaos magic, Wade's plot rationality gem, which one is not more reliable than the McCullan crystal?

This kind of ability would be even less valuable next door. Batman can resist reality modification by relying on his willpower, without even taking out the bat prop in his pocket.

As for the time-travel function that comes with the crystal, Su Ming already has a spider web and doesn't even bother to study the 'passage' in the Minnesota swamp. Why come here to share an unstable passage with the Shi'ar?

However, there was indeed something in the reward that Lilandra mentioned that made Deathstroke's heart move.

"Let's do this, Your Highness Princess. In principle, I agree to this deal. My men will discuss the remuneration with your men. Now, this Ms. Qin Gray, the parent of the Phoenix host, contacted me not long ago. I want to talk to you."


Lilandra breathed a sigh of relief. At least the Sorcerer Supreme and the God of Thunder were able to win over each other. Her sister and brother-in-law could only steal the chicken but lose the rice.

As soon as he finished speaking, a circle of light appeared next to Deathstroke's throne, and a wheelchair was pushed out by a girl.

The man in the wheelchair smiled kindly and nodded gently towards everyone. His voice was as soft as the spring breeze, mixed with the special effects of spiritual energy. There was no need for any translation at all, and his thoughts could be directly understood by any race.

"Hello, alien friends, I am Charles Xavier, the principal of this red-haired girl. I come with good intentions, and I will bear all her troubles."

However, when he was supposed to be very handsome and responsible, he only received a slap from Deathstroke on his bald head:

"Qin doesn't have any trouble at all. I'm here to take care of you! I thought it was an urgent matter that you pestered Master Merlin to contact me, and that's it? Are you here to cause trouble for me?"

"Master, please don't hit him." Before Charles could say anything, Princess Shia stood up instead. She stared at the reflective bald head excitedly, and then sat back with a blushing face after a moment: "He's here... ..fine."

Daisy and Peter, who were beside Deathstroke, stretched their necks and tilted their heads at the same time. Their eyes wandered back and forth between the Queen and the Professor. They felt that something was wrong.

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