The Death Knell

Chapter 1980 Inquiry

There is a connection between the nine realms. The World Tree runs through the nine realms and is divided into three layers. Its power and branches are like invisible star roads, connecting everywhere with a unique force field, just like in the universe. There are nine balloons connected by strings.

Loki knows many passages from Asgard to other planes, which can actually be understood as bug holes on tree trunks. They go in from one side and slide out from the other end.

The Heim underworld is a special one. It is located under the ethereal root system of the World Tree. It is also the only plane among the nine realms that is not directly connected to the main dimension. After all, strictly speaking, it is also a hell.

Yggdrasil, the world tree, is also an ancient god of the same generation as O Shutu. Although it has taken a different path and has not become a dimension demon, it has formed a special self-sufficient system. This is the instinct of plants.

Asa, Vanir, giants, dwarves, elves and other creatures living in the nine realms, apart from humans, all have dual identities - they are both its leaves and its fertilizer.

What it gives them is bound to be taken back one day.

Human beings are an exception, because the earth was not created by the World Tree, and humans are not created by the World Tree. The soul is the 'recyclable energy' coveted by many beings.

If those races are all leaves, then humans are fruits. The difference is that the leaves will rot after falling and become nutrients for the new life of the world tree after the winter, while the fruits will be picked by others one after another and harvested regularly.

After death, the soul separates from the body, and when the fruits are ripe, these fruits will automatically roll into the corresponding hell, just like an automatic assembly line.

The so-called winter is Ragnarok, and the cycle is the withering and prosperity of plants.

The Death Knell's long-term plan has been to break this cycle, preferably to the point where the World Tree can remain green forever without the need for fertilization or watering.

It's just that this is not realistic. Energy cannot be generated out of thin air. It must have a source.

Then the next best thing is to choose the second level of 'acceptable level', which is to change the fertilizer for the World Tree and remove the Asa and Warner Protoss from the cycle like humans.

This is what Su Ming must do.

Because Gin is also a god, she can leave Asgard and cut off her past relationship with them, but she cannot change her bloodline.

Once Ragnarok comes to an end, Gin, as a hybrid of the two gods of Asa and Warner, will inevitably die. This is the natural rule of 'the tree dies and the leaves wither'.

This is also a problem that neither the Time Stone nor the Plot Reasonable Stone can solve. Plant decay is also one of the common principles in the Almighty Universe. Like the 'True Fragrance Law', it has extremely powerful versatility. Concept weapons in the single universe can Can't change it.

Both he and Gin knew the existence of this problem, but they would never mention it when they got along, covering it up under the daily warmth and romance.


"Hela didn't lie. She really didn't know what happened in Asgard." Deathstroke took Daisy out of the kingdom of the dead and followed a secret passage to Vanaheim: "But this doesn't look like 'Orochi. ' style, that guy can't be so quiet..."

Daisy was carried away by the hammer, and she complained with some helplessness on her face: "Why are these royal families so chaotic? Just now in Shi'a, the sister's power struggle was resolved, and here it is the brother and sister's power struggle again."

"The situation is different this time." The one-eyed goggles on Su Ming's mask glowed red, and he rubbed Vulkan's soul stone against his cloak: "The man behind the scenes not only diverted me away, but also created the opportunity for Odin to disappear. , and also showed us a big drama about the Shi'ar Empire, in order to leave psychological hints. It just wants you and me to have preconceived misjudgments after coming here, and unconsciously shift our thoughts to the royal family's seizure of power. .”

"I see, so that means it's not the same here?" Daisy felt like she understood.

However, Deathstroke still shook his head: "We can't be sure at the moment. We can't rule out the possibility that the enemy has considered my 'opposite thinking' and deliberately acted this way to cover up the seizure of power, so we still need intelligence."

"How many children does Odin have?" The female Thor seemed a little weak. She hung herself under the hammer: "Apart from the three I have seen, who else can sit on the throne?"

Deathstroke held his chin and floated in the secret passage. The surrounding environment was dark, and he seemed to be shining brightly surrounded by the energy of the universe: "You can say that he is also a god king. He has three official wives and several mistresses. How many children do you think he has?"


As a woman of the new era, the female Thor is very indifferent to the idea of ​​having multiple wives, but having mistresses is also very common on the earth. She was just speechless.

It is difficult to explain exactly what the secret passage in space is. Maybe only the World Tree itself knows it, but it can also greatly shorten the travel distance. After flying for a few minutes, the two arrived at Vanaheim.

The environment of the City of Thousand Sails is obviously much better than Hela's City of the Dead, not only the buildings that look like white sails, but also the blue sea in the distance.

But on the other side of the city, there is a huge industrial area located very strangely, with an earth-style building.

"Ah, this is a good place to travel. Maybe you can also fish." Daisy gave her own evaluation. After looking around, she focused more on the direction of the sea.

"Vanaheim's fishery is very developed, and its livestock is also good. It produces the best war horses in the universe." Su Ming identified the direction and led her to another street. The white street ground was very clean, like It's like white jade.

"War horse?" Daisy thought she heard wrongly. She tilted her head and patted her ears: "Not long ago we were flying around on spaceships. Now there are still people riding horses to fight?"

Su Ming took her into the Wilson fast food chain store, winked at the store manager, and then walked to the back hall. After avoiding the freshly cooked French fries, he replied: "The universe is so big, there are all kinds of wonders, and there is also a small civilization riding on it." The beetle fight."

"How can such a civilization protect its own planet?" Daisy now seems to have a sense of urgency after seeing the situation in the universe.

"Their home planet may not be as big as your bedroom. Who do you think would rob it?" Deathstroke led her through the kitchen, groped under the shelves in the storage room, and opened a secret door.

It turns out that underneath the fast food restaurant, there is actually a very complicated command center, just like the Pentagon seen in TV movies. People work in the dark, with only the green desk lamp on the table that is deliberately lowered and the lighted one. The display provides lighting.

Among the various high-tech instruments and equipment, there were many girls working. When they saw the death knell coming, they all gathered around them chirping.

He took out some snacks and snacks for them, called everyone by their code names and chatted a few words. Daisy followed silently and watched. She could feel that these girls worshiped him as if they were a god.

She understood again that as a superhero, you would be welcomed wherever you go.

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