The Death Knell

Chapter 1983 The person pretending to sleep

Broken wine bottles were scattered around the room. It seemed that not finding out how Odin disappeared was a big blow to Heimdall, a man who was proud of his eyesight and hearing.

The Rainbow Bridge was half in ruins. Sif didn't have the ability to see and listen in all directions like him. Even if she held the giant sword as the key, she was not a professional elevator operator.

She couldn't see where the person was being sent, nor could she hear if anyone was calling the elevator. She stood there simply guarding the door.

Lifting her legs and stepping over a fallen clothes hanger, she walked into the room. The smell of alcohol was so strong that it stung her eyes. Daisy reached out and covered her nose with a look of disgust.

"It smells like a brewery in here."

Su Ming shrugged and continued to look around at the wine bottles on the ground, as if looking for something. After a few seconds, he stood up and walked to the carpet, raised his leg and kicked Heimdall's butt.

"Stop pretending, get up and talk."

Daisy looked at the burning fireplace nearby, which was about to burn the man's feet on the ground. He was still motionless. No matter how he looked, he looked drunk: "Are you sure he is pretending?"

Deathstroke, of course.

It is known that Volstagg left and was picked up by Heimdall. This is what Sif just said. She drank voodoo mushroom wine, and everything she said in a short period of time is true.

So taking Vostagg's departure as the time point, after he left, Su Ming and Daisy drank a glass of pineapple juice, ate a fruit salad, and then entered the underworld through Karma Taj's teleportation, which took about five minutes.

It took about twenty minutes to talk to Hela in the underworld, and then go to the intelligence point in Vanaheim to investigate.

I chatted with Sif at the observatory for about five minutes. The time spent flying to her house was negligible, so adding all the time together, the total was half an hour.

After obtaining this time, compare it with the known information in the past.

The two brothers Torloki, the three warriors of Asgard and one Sif had all been to Karma Taj. Su Ming hosted a "white meat feast" for them there, and invited everyone except Loki and Sif. Everyone poured it down with strong liquor.

Because it was intentional at the time, almost everyone was drinking directly from the bucket. Except for occasionally eating a few slices of cold fat, they never stopped for a moment.

But even so, Thor and the others only fell down after drinking for nearly four hours.

Among the four, Thor has the strongest physique and Volstagg has the most experience in drinking. If they are excluded as special cases, Fandral and Hogan can represent how often the "named" Asgardian warriors will get drunk.

The average level is that if you drink super strong alcohol non-stop, you will be drunk in about three and a half hours.

Su Ming checked the room in front of him just now. The wine bottles in the room were all two-kilogram 'small bottles'. The fragments together could probably restore about seven bottles. The wine inside was not Skywalker's vodka liquor, but Aspen. Gade's own mead.

So the question is, how did Heimdall get such a powerful warrior drunk with only 14 kilograms of mead in the half hour before the death knell came? You must know that he is taller and stronger than Thor, and his willpower is even stronger.

Moreover, apart from having stronger physical fitness, the gods are no different from humans in terms of living habits and emotional connections. They are the type that hurt even when beaten and vomit even when drunk.

So why does the room only smell of alcohol and no smell or trace of vomiting?

There are only two possibilities for the current situation. One is that Heimdall found someone to hit his head with some heavy weapon, and then he fell into a coma.

The other is that he pretends to be drunk.

Before entering the room, Strangler had told the host that there was no smell of anyone else in the room except Heimdall and Sif, which meant that no one else had been here in a short period of time.

The first possibility has been ruled out, and if Heimdall had knocked himself, the heavy weapon should have been at hand after he was unconscious, not like this now.

"You're right. I'm really not sure. Maybe he is alcohol poisoned." Su Ming did not express his reasoning process, but just smiled calmly: "Generally, superheroes need to know some first aid." Knowledge, what do you do when you discover someone has suspected alcohol poisoning?”

"I used to be just an ordinary student, how could I know first aid..."

Daisy said sheepishly, lowering her head and taking notes.

Su Ming walked a few steps and shook his head: "Well, you still have a lot to learn, let me teach you. Depending on the time the other party has consumed alcohol, there are many first aid measures that can be taken. The more common one is gastric lavage. Secondly, there is a new treatment that is very effective, which is traditional Chinese medicine lotion enema. This time, I plan to use a two-pronged approach."

"I know about gastric lavage. A classmate of mine in high school once failed to commit suicide by taking sleeping pills, so he was dragged to have gastric lavage." Daisy was really listening carefully. She sat down with a small book in one hand and a pen in the other. Side person: "But what does Chinese herbal lotion enema mean?"

"A new treatment for acute alcoholism involves boiling water with herbs such as rhubarb, astragalus, magnolia bark, citrus aurantium, and astragalus, and then pouring the liquid in through the 'outlet' on Heimdall's body."

Su Ming took out several small cloth bags with unknown contents from his belt, lined them up on the bench, and said pretentiously:

"I happen to have medicinal materials and equipment here. You can videotape me while I'm treating Heimdall later. Then I'll send these videos to all countries in the universe to let them all know what the eternal awakening guards of Asgard have done for the medical industry. sacrifice."

"Oh, leave it to me." Daisy put away the notepad with a slight blush, and took Deathstroke's mobile phone and several metal pipes thicker than her arms.

Deathstroke stood up, took out two red plastic gloves for dishwashing from his pocket, put them on, and flexed his fingers: "Well, let's get started. After the enema liquid is discharged, we can recycle it, and we can also use the fecal juice to He performed gastric lavage and fully conserved water resources.”


As soon as he finished speaking, Heimdall, who was still snoring on the carpet, had already sat up and retched. His eyes looked at the death knell with a very resentful look, as if the Supreme Mage owed him money.

Su Ming leisurely took off his gloves and put away the small cloth bags one by one. In fact, they were just some spices he prepared for life in the wild, not herbs, but Heimdall didn't know that.

He looked at the guard on the ground with a half-smile, and stretched out a hand: "Why don't you pretend to be asleep? I'm the best at waking up people who pretend to be asleep."

"Still sleeping? Are you still waiting for you to give me an enema?" Heimdall held Deathstroke's hand and stood up: "I don't know about others, but you can really do that kind of thing."

"It's my habit to do what I say, and of course you have to be trustworthy." Su Ming smiled, took out the cigarette, lit it himself, and took a deep breath: "Tell me, why are you playing this game with me? You His behavior is very suspicious at this time."

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