The Death Knell

Chapter 1991 Secret Identity

"Two thousand fried chickens cost almost US$8,000. Lao Fei is making a lot of money."

After hanging up the communicator on the flying boat, Su Ming showed a "sad smile" that made him suffer. He leaned on the side of the ship and smoked while looking at the Ice Walled City not far away.

When she was in contact with the Frost Giants, Daisy had been obedient and said nothing, or in other words, she didn't want to speak even if she was asked to speak. Even after leaving there, she was still covering her nose.

"I must take a shower after I leave here. I feel the stench has penetrated into my skin." She loosened her cloak a little, put her white lotus-like arms under her little nose and sniffed, with a grimace: "Are there any famous bathhouses in the universe?"

"Not really. You reminded me. I have to contact Lorraine to open a spa in Contracia. I just don't know how well Howard's androids are waterproof."

Su Ming reached out and pressed the communicator, as if planning to make arrangements right away.

"It must be good. After all, they are special-purpose bionics."

Daisy complained, after all, she had heard of many special ways to play, such as covering the whole body with honey. How could an old pervert like Howard not think of that?

Deathstroke glanced at her with a half-smile: "You have quite a wide range of knowledge. Okay, I'll contact the store in Vanaheim. They will tell Kama Taj to coordinate global shipments. As soon as the fried chicken arrives, the transaction will be done." It’s established. It seems that Laufey doesn’t dare to lie to me. When I know who the suspect is, I will be able to analyze where the suspect went and find Odin.”

"Why does it feel colder here than in the universe?"

Daisy was a little curious, and at the same time she wrapped herself tightly again. After all, there is no concept of temperature in the universe, or absolute zero, which is theoretically the lowest value of temperature.

But she didn't feel anything in the universe. When she got here, she found a slight chill, like a small snake burrowing into her bones, and her fingers couldn't control their movements.

"This is a special plane, and the rule is cold. This is not a simple temperature problem, but an influence from a higher level." Su Ming handed her a bottle of wine and asked her to drink it to warm her body or numb her nerves: "Wearing more clothes or using conventional methods of keeping warm are of no use. You can think that the entire planet is enveloped by a sustainable and powerful ice magic."

Here, only magic can deal with magic, and the magic heating effect will be much better. Moreover, this environment also gives the frost giants some magic-like abilities. The strongest among them can spit out a breath similar to freezing fog to slow down or even freeze the enemy.

"Master, here comes the chicken!"

Just as Daisy was about to speak, a burning circle of light suddenly appeared in mid-air. A pair of long legs wearing tight black leather pants stepped over, followed by her shiny upper body.

Mordo appeared with a cheerful smile! And he seemed to enjoy the tingling sensation of the cold! After being dazed for a while, he tortured himself by inhaling the stench nearby!

Su Ming rubbed his beard and made a snorting sound from his nostrils:

"Where's what I want?"

The shirtless mage made a fingerprint, and many small brown bags flew out from behind him and landed in Su Ming's hand. Modu also explained: "There are 20 fried chickens in a group, 16 groups in a pack, and here are seven packages. "

"Why is it seven again...Okay, it's none of your business. Go back and play by yourself."

Su Ming waved his hand to signal him to go back, dwelling on his own problem. The number he had unintentionally negotiated ended up being related to seven. Is this also an omnipotent universe-level law?

He raised his head and looked at the sky, but everything was white and gave people a very bad feeling.

It's not the time to dwell on this issue right now, let's go find Odin first.

Let Hangsha pick up the small bag at hand, and the Supreme Mage supervised Modu's departure before walking towards the walled city.

After entering the gate, his every move attracted countless eyes. Many Frost Giants even had a patch of white on their chins, which was frozen saliva.

"Lauffy, the things for you are ready, let's inspect them."

The Frost King stood up from his throne, his tall figure casting a dark shadow in the wind and snow. He strode to the fire and waited without saying a word.

Groups of steaming fried chicken were taken out and placed on the ground. 112 groups of fried chicken soon occupied a large open space.

"Are you trading your magic container?" Laufei's attention quickly shifted from fried chicken to more important things. Even if he lacked insight, he could still realize the significance of space props to a person.

"It can be traded, but not now." Su Ming showed a business smile: "If we always get along very happily, in about one or two hundred years, I can consider selling you a few, if you are still alive at that time. "

"One or two hundred years? That's a very quick thing. I can wait." Laufei received a satisfactory answer and also checked the goods: "The Supreme Mage is indeed true to his word. I will tell you the information you need."

Su Ming only gave a blank check and was naturally in a happy mood: "Kama Taj likes to use peaceful means to solve problems. You have also heard the name of Master Gu Yi. We are all very honest traders. I hope my transaction partners can be trustworthy.”

"You don't have to doubt the credibility of our family. Even ordinary people in Midgard, we can deal fairly with them and never regret it." Laufey confidently patted his chest and gave his assurance.

This is indeed true. Frost giants are a brutal, bloodthirsty, ruthless race. But at the same time, if someone can reach an agreement with them, they will keep the agreement to the point of accepting death, and are as stubborn as ice that lasts for thousands of years.

No matter which parallel universe it is in the comics, or what happened in the past of 40K, the Frost Giants really have no experience of backstabbing their allies.

Su Ming nodded: "I paid the price, now it's your turn, tell me who that person is, and what did he get from you in exchange?"

The Ice King became a little more enthusiastic. He motioned expressionlessly that the two of them could sit on the ice cube under the throne. At the same time, he ordered his men to start carrying the fried chicken, and emphasized that if anyone dared to steal his food, he would definitely do it. Trampled to pulp.

All the fried chicken belongs to Lao Fei, and others who want to eat can wait for his gift. This is the benefit of a dictatorship.

"You would never guess who came here to teach us how to use fire, and what he traded from me." Laufei grabbed a few fried chicken and put them on his knees, eating while chatting: "Even if It’s me, and I’m surprised to see an old friend come back from the dead.”

"Resurrection of the dead?"

Daisy murmured softly, and Hela's charming face appeared in her mind.

Laufei didn't hear her words, or he didn't bother to respond. He said a name under Deathstroke's calm eyes, a name that was unfamiliar and familiar to most of the Asa clan.


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