The Death Knell

Chapter 2000 Collector

The shop owner is a very tall alien. He looks like a combination of a giraffe and a coral. He has an orange skin, a long neck, and two eyes in the form of tentacles on the top of his head. Su Ming is worried that they will be Fan stirs it in.

Correspondingly, the counter of this store is very high, with a tabletop more than three meters high, which makes Su Ming have to fly up to talk to the other party.

The giraffe shop owner was relying on a small lamp to watch the tablet terminal, perhaps watching a program like the news. It wasn't until Deathstroke tapped the table with his knuckles that he reacted.

"Welcome, guest, are you buying or selling?"

"What you say sounds a bit awkward, you are the one selling it."

Su Ming looked around speechlessly, wanting to see the good products hanging on the wall behind the boss.

The public security in the Land of Nothingness is average, and ordinary stores will inevitably encounter thieves or robbers. In this case, if there are any good goods, they will basically be picked out by the owner of each store and hung behind their own counters. On the one hand, As a means of preventing theft, it also serves as a signature product.

"My shop does indeed sell goods. Do you want to buy it?" The giraffe smiled, and his big mouth reached to his chin.

"Let's see what good stuff you have first. How do you sell that plasma bombardment cannon?" Deathstroke pointed to the most conspicuous device under the light behind him. It was a Kree weapon, equivalent to an energy weapon version of a rocket launcher nest. It looks like it was removed from a fighter plane.

As for whether someone scavenged the universe and picked up the wreckage, or whether he actually killed a Kree fighter and recycled the waste, there is no point in studying its origin. It is already here.

"The customer is really discerning. This weapon is 60% new. As for the price, it depends on how you plan to trade it." The giraffe turned around and hugged the weapon. With a push of its four arms, the weapon weighing about two tons was released. was moved to the counter.

He also smiled and spread his hands, indicating that Su Ming could inspect the goods by himself.

"I use Xandar credits." Su Ming took out a small sign from his pocket. This is Xandar's popular e-wallet, a data storage mechanism.

"270,000 points, thank you for your patronage."

The giraffe smiles happily, and the aliens are sometimes easy to understand. The smiling and profiteer look is simply a template that can be used outside the omnipotent universe.

"270,000, it's not expensive. How much is the drone control terminal that seems to have been stolen from Sovereign?" Deathstroke did not pay, but just slapped his chin with a small sign, as if thinking about it.

"This is not stolen. My supply channel is clean! This is 4 million, 80% new." The store manager brought another controller that looked like an arcade machine.

"Well, it's not bad." Deathstroke looked at the thing, but still didn't pay for it: "How can I sell that Nuvali powered exoskeleton?"

The shop owner turned around and took out a set of gold and red power racks. He shook his head with some regret and said, "I'm afraid you can't wear this with your size. The Nuvali people are short in stature. I'm afraid only dwarfs among humans can wear gold." If you still want to buy the red armor, give it 1.3 million."

After picking up a lot of various products, and knowing the shop owner's profit bottom line, Su Ming pressed his hand on the counter. The large counter, which was strong enough to support dozens of tons of goods, made a squeaking sound of metal deformation. He pressed down two meters and sank into the hard surface.

Under the boss's fearful eyes, Su Ming slowly landed and gently placed the credit point storage device on the table.

"This height is more comfortable. Okay, I don't want those things in front. I'll buy a 50-credit universe translator. If you want new ones, if you bring old ones, I'll push you into the ground too. By the way, can you help me with the installation?"

A few minutes later, Daisy followed Deathstroke out of the store while touching the back and side of her head.

And this store seemed to be out of business. It closed the door immediately after the two left, even the neon advertising lights were extinguished, and the metal door made a loud bang behind them.

"How can I drag the translation window in front of me? It blocks my view."

Daisy kept in mind the rule that aliens were not considered human beings and did not care whether Deathstroke bullied the alien businessman. On the contrary, she was very happy about saving money.

After all, it was a gift from Deathstroke to her. If it was too expensive, she would be embarrassed to accept it.

She was smiling all the way, as if she was getting a smartphone for the first time, curiously playing with the messages projected on her retina by the neural transmission system.

"Use your mind to simulate the dragging action. This is brain control technology. You just need to let it move where you want it to go." Su Ming patiently walked slowly with her. Before leaving the store, he had learned about Difan from the boss. Where is the store: "But I suggest you choose instant translation and overwrite the original text. It will visually change the text you see."

"Really, great, I can understand the name of the store here! Let me take a look, um, Big Dick Pawn Shop? Why does it feel weird?"

She tried to look at the names of the shops she passed by. Although the tadpole characters on the neon signs on both sides of the road had changed into familiar English, she still felt that something was not right.

However, she didn't pay attention to those details and continued to study new toys. After setting up the auditory aspect, she could understand some ghost-like songs occasionally coming from the roadside shop.

"It seems that that store is pretty good. They installed new products for you. If they are second-hand chips dug out from corpses, they often have default settings." Su Ming nodded with satisfaction, expressing his appreciation for the store owner. : "Now you don't have the problem of language barrier, and you can be a superhero when you enter the universe."

"Thank you." Daisy accepted the gift generously: "But the shop owner won't pay too much, right?"

"He is making money. My quotation is based on 20% of the profit after purchasing the new goods. The show of force is just to prevent him from playing tricks. Not only do you think he has lost money, but do you also think you have made money? He is easy to deceive? Do you still want to go next time?" Su Ming smiled and patted Daisy's shoulder, and helped her pull up the red cloak to cover her shoulders: "In this way, you will become a repeat customer of his store, and he won't know how to start from there. How much money are you making?"

Daisy's little face grew long: "This is too dark. Is it aimed at other people's mentality of taking advantage of others? Where did he learn it?"

Su Ming said that he had no idea about Contracia-style sales techniques and had never heard of them.

The two of them continued to walk along the lively street. The pedestrians on the road wisely gave way after seeing Daisy's dress. After all, Asgardians are all stupid. If they collide, they will have to duel. It's troublesome.

Everyone is here to make money, and it is better to do less than to do more.

Asgardians often appear in the Land of Nothingness, importing and exporting some goods, and doing small transactions. The people who make a living here naturally know who not to mess with.

So the journey was smooth, not even a thief found the two of them, and the world seemed to have become friendly.

Difan's store is located in the center of the town. The surface area of ​​this cosmic planet is very limited. In addition to the large-scale mines, there is only a small town and a storage area hundreds of times the area of ​​the town.

Mud roads extending in all directions meet in the center of the town, forming a small square-like open space with a fire-breathing fountain in the center, which looks a bit interesting.

Difan's shop is a gorgeous three-story building, facing the fountain. Every time the firelight rises into the sky, it shines into the shop through the double-leaf doors, making it very lively.

Of course, when we say it is a gorgeous small building, we naturally compare it with the shack-like buildings around it. In fact, this building looks like an old tavern in a western movie, and there is even a horse stake at the door.

Su Ming didn't bother to think about where Di Fan got this building from. After all, collectors are good at this.

He opened the door directly, and Difan, who was chatting and laughing with the two red-skinned maids behind the counter, was obviously more knowledgeable than the previous shop owner. When he saw the black and yellow armor and the one-eyed man, his face was filled with confusion. With a warm smile.

He opened his arms and bowed gracefully: "It's the Supreme Master who is here. The shop is really full of splendor."

"No need to be polite, I also have great respect for the elders of the universe." Su Ming also smiled and showed the triangle handprint of Emperor Weishan, and nodded slightly in return.

"Please sit down, please sit down quickly." Difan lay on the counter, leaning forward with his body propped up, turning his head and ordering the red-skinned alien woman behind him: "Go and prepare some drinks for my distinguished guests, Earthlings , People on earth love to drink tea, so go get some leaves and make water."

Su Ming didn't want to drink Difan's leaves. Although they were all elders of the universe, this one was much worse off than Gao Tianzun, and his hobbies were not as profitable as others.

"No need to bother, Collector, I'm here to negotiate a deal with you."

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