The Death Knell

Chapter 2002 Quotation

After talking about the dog and telling stories to attract Di Fan's attention, Su Ming walked back to the counter and put aside the tea that he hadn't even drank.

"Collector, I want to make a deal with the elders through you."

The colored lights on the pillars flashed, and not far away a monkey-like creature opened its ears in the glass box, as if eavesdropping.

Di Fan waved his hand to signal the maids to leave, and he took a deep breath:


Deathstroke grabbed a handful of black mud from his pocket, slowly placed it on the counter table, and made a gesture of invitation:

"This is the goods I can provide. I want to exchange it for a piece of information and the dog."

Di Fan smiled, raised his hands with orchid fingers in front of his chest, and signaled the Supreme Mage to wait a moment.

He rummaged through the counter and took out a technological device that could be stuck in his eye socket. He reached out and grabbed the squirming black mud and observed it carefully.

Collectors don't need gloves or anything like that. Maybe it's because the artist is brave, or maybe he's overly curious when he sees something he's never seen before. He even smelled the mud carefully.

Su Ming could see his face wrinkled into a ball, presumably the aroma was very overpowering.

This is a part of the black mud man. Deathstroke and the lich dismembered it. It is about the size of a small arm.

The collector's magnifying glass is not simple. It can automatically adjust the focus, and may even have the effect of an electron microscope. In short, he grabbed the black mud and looked at it carefully as if he was appraising a gem, and even examined it under the light on the side. transparency.

Su Ming just took out a bottle of wine and waited patiently.

About five minutes later, Difan put down the mud ball and equipment, with a puzzled look on his face, looking a little dazed.

"This is something that has never been seen before. What is it? It's not a living thing, it's not an element, and it's not a dead thing. It can move and has stress reactions. I have never seen such a treasure in all my life."

"I haven't had time to give it a name yet, but you also know that existences such as eternity, death, and swallowing stars are called embodiments of concepts." Su Ming put down the bottle and said slowly: "This It's something, I guess it's constructed in a very similar way, it's the embodiment of 'emotion', or to be precise, it's the embodiment of 'hate'."

Di Fan nodded slowly as if he understood something. He tilted his head and took a few steps back. He carefully looked at the black mud on the counter, and then came back:

"This really interests me. Such an interesting monster is very collectible. Please tell me your conditions, Supreme Mage. If I can do it, I will never shirk it. Of course, if you want any kind of currency or I can also exchange simple goods."

The teacup with a green leaf floating in it exuded wisps of heat under the light. Su Ming shook his head:

"One of the conditions is that I want that dog. It comes from the earth, and I want to exchange it for it. The second condition is that I need you to help me contact the observer, the trader, and the thinker. I want to know now Where Odin is, what he’s doing, where he’s been lately.”

"I can trade this strange creature called a dog by humans. After all, I have several other dogs and a talking duck." Difan nodded at first, then seemed hesitant: "But you can't use one If I exchange several items for one item, the numbers won’t match up. I can accept the number of my collections growing slowly or staying the same, but it will decrease haha.”

This is the problem with collectors. His hobby is collecting, and quantity is a very important indicator.

He has collected various things in the universe for so many years that he has long lost track of what he has collected, but he definitely remembers the total number of items in a collection. This is his hobby.

The second point of the deal proposed by Deathstroke was actually to trade the 'favors' between Di Fan and other elders. The three people were three different favors, which he obviously regarded as some kind of collection.

Originally, the exchange was impossible, but it was only in the name of Emperor Weishan that I endured it.

Mud is exchanged for dogs, Di Fan can agree, after all, he has several other breeds of dogs, and the black mud monster is unprecedented.

But Deathstroke also needs to exchange mud for consumables such as favors. So if he exchanges for four, it means that the total number of his collection will be reduced, which is not good.

"That's it." Su Ming touched his chin and took out a black slate, a small white flower, and a bottle of potion from his pocket: "Then I'll add some more chips. Can we trade now?"

These items were a console from the Necrons, a specimen of Azeroth's Peaceful Flower, and a bottle of polyjuice potion with cat hair added.

They are all gadgets that are not available in the Marvel Universe, or in other words, they are all super collections that Difan has never seen before.

The function and value of props are not important. The collector's goal is to collect. He only needs things he has never seen before, even if they are garbage from another world.

He won't study these things after he gets them, he will just keep them locked in an underground warehouse like treasures. After about 100,000 years, wipe off the dust? Then I wonder where I got it from.

But now the death knell is to exchange four for four. Now the data on the books have been evened out, and the transaction is already possible.

Di Fan rubbed his hands excitedly. Not to mention anything else, the green ray tadpoles constantly flowing on the black stone made him interested.

"Can I take a closer look at these treasures? Wow! Why are there so many novel things in my universe?"

This time he carefully put on his gloves and moved his fingers like a pianist.

"Please do so. After all, if the transaction goes well, they will soon be yours." Su Ming bit out a few words, 'smooth' and 'yours'. These changes in tone were also faithfully reproduced by the universe translator. into the ears of collectors.

After receiving Deathstroke's permission, Difan immediately began to inspect the goods impatiently. He even found a vase and poured some strange liquid into the Ningshen Flower to revive it.

Su Ming also explained what these things were in a timely manner. Of course, they were half-truths and half-falsehoods. He could not possibly tell Difan that these were alien objects from the universe. Instead, he used the excuse that they were archaeologically obtained from a lost civilization.

Just a black stone slab from the Necrons stuck an ancient being like the Collector. He could not understand the composition of the black stone and the form of energy in it, let alone that the tadpoles were still flowing, as if they were carrying out some unknown process. calculation.

Secondly, plants that have never been seen before can be regarded as a kind of trading goods. They are naturally valuable, but fortunately it is understandable.

Especially the drink at the end that can turn people into cat people for a short time is so fun.

Difan directly ordered one of the maids to take a sip of the compound potion, and watched helplessly as the red-skinned woman grew long brown hair. He was so happy that he sighed almost from beginning to end:

"It's amazing, it's amazing!"

He looked at the several props on the counter feverishly, and almost without thinking, he took out a device that looked like a typewriter and began to contact the three elders requested by Deathstroke.

He must agree to this transaction condition. If the transaction fails and Deathstroke takes away a few treasures, it will simply cost him his life!

Especially after seeing their wonders, it’s even more exciting!

He knew the provenance of collections such as 'favors' and could 'repurchase' them in the future, but if he missed these unique collections in front of him, he would simply want to kill himself.

If the valuable collection is in the hands of others, Difan has ten thousand ways to get it. In the past, it was not that no one could negotiate business with him, but he would hire a large number of plunderers to get what he wanted.

You don't like money? Want to exchange my collection?

That won't work. I'll hire a group of money-loving people to kill you later, and they will naturally send your treasures to me. Isn't this just exchanging worthless money for valuable collections?

The Elders of the Universe are not stupid. They will always make decisions that are beneficial to themselves. This is what allows them to live for tens of billions of years until today.

Therefore, faced with a death knell, a deal must be made.

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