The Death Knell

Chapter 2065 Underground Network

A hole was cut into the wall made of unknown metal that could allow people to pass through. Su Ming put away the weapon in his hand and walked in first. His cousin followed him with a gun.

I put the cut alloy into my bag and went back to find someone to study it. It should be some kind of antimatter alloy.

What Reed said before is not entirely wrong. At least the resources in negative space are of high value. This is a dimension made of antimatter.

The most important resource is antimatter itself, which, after stripping away electrons, can separate out negative electrons.

Negatron is a very valuable energy. Kree technology can use it to make super soldier bracelets, starship engines, star destroyer bombs and other good things.

Wanting to create negative particles in the main dimension happens to be in the blind spot of Su Ming's current technology, but it doesn't matter. Isn't the entire negative space a super negative particle mine? Just dig something here and bring it back to the main dimension in a suitable way. , that is a lot of money.

With negative particles, he can also create a polarity converter. With Pym particles and the time machine from back then, Su Ming also has Tesla's son, Leonid, the navigator of the 'human machine', which is equivalent to all All dimensions on the technological side are open.

Of course, this will take some time. Now it is better to solve the immediate problem, find the person, and then find the way home.

As expected, there was a rather complex network of buildings underground, but it was not the sci-fi type with metal walls, but more like the style of the Paris catacombs he had seen before.

Dry, cold, and stone underground buildings always give people a depressing feeling, as if there is no end in sight.

It's just that it's more spacious and brighter here. The strong conflict of this environment leaves people with a very weird visual impact.

Yes, there is lighting underground. The stones above their heads are the source of light. The ceiling they form glows with a faint blue light, swaying slightly like water waves.

I can't say what's wrong, but I just feel like I know something is wrong.

"Okay, I can check off one more item from my wish list." Wade felt nothing. He took out a small notebook from his pocket, biting the tip of his tongue, and took a pen to cross out an item in the notebook: "I Ever since I was a child, I have dreamed of going to an aquarium or ocean park with my family, and my cousin has made it come true for me. Now I feel like I’m walking underwater. Although I haven’t seen any fish yet, it’s OK.”

"Be vigilant and be ready to fight at any time." Although Su Ming said this, he did not take out a weapon and just knocked on the wall of the corridor: "It's hard to say for other fish, but the octopus may be able to see it."

Deadpool tilted his head, and his mean voice echoed in the corridor: "Although I didn't go to middle school, I also know that octopus is not a fish."

"We didn't even give you tickets, so why are you so picky?!" Su Ming shook his head and started walking in a certain direction: "Let's go, I know that whether it is DND or COC, underground buildings are indispensable. , the person we are looking for is probably also living here."

The footsteps of the two people rang in the corridor. The sound was amplified by refraction and spread far away.

The cousin put away the small book and followed with the assault rifle hanging around his neck: "If this place was once filled with the families of the ancient rulers and it was their city, why is the person we are looking for here?"

As Deathstroke walked, he let Strangler knock on the walls, ceiling and floor on both sides with his tentacles.

At this time, he suddenly stopped, took out his weapon, turned it into a heavy hammer, and slammed it against the wall next to him. This caused the underground passage to sway, but it also opened up a room, which was a warehouse where stacks of goods were stored. Some parts-like things.

Su Ming nodded with satisfaction and walked into the warehouse:

"Because the most dangerous place is sometimes the safest place. Doom is definitely a smart man. He may even have realized the existence of negative space earlier than Reed and knows what kind of monsters there are in negative space."

"I understand!" The cousin with cheap hands picked up a metal pole in the warehouse and rubbed his back like an itch: "Originally this was the big flying saucer of the old family members, so the bugs living in the negative space I didn’t dare to get close to this place. And the Man in the Iron Mask happened to have a way to restrain the Familia, so he killed them all and occupied this place, which is like using lion’s urine to drive away hyenas in the wild.”

My cousin's IQ fluctuates, depending on the wiring in his brain at that time.

However, Su Ming is also more inclined to this statement. You must know that negative space is full of all kinds of bugs and carnivorous creatures, and the number is endless.

If you want to survive in this environment, a stable and reliable camp is essential, and the Familia City of the Old Dominators fits the requirements very well.

The bugs in the negative space are different from the bugs in the main dimension. Whether they are Annihilation of Zerg, Destruction of Zerg, or Annihilation of Zerg, they are all insect-like civilizations with high intelligence.

The more rational and intelligent the ethnic group is, the more they will understand the horror of the old beliefs, and thus they will avoid the evil gods, because in the dimension of science only, faith and theology are like incurable plagues.

Even if you can kill all the dependents, it still means that you have a relationship with the evil gods. The next time you fall into a dream, maybe that indescribable existence is waiting for your arrival in the dream, showing you the truth of the universe and allowing you to You become the next fanatic.

In this dimension where there are no sorcerers, this will cost human lives, and a civilization may collapse from within.

Even though the real fairies only have a piece of rag wrapped around their body, and they use stone axes and bows and arrows in their hands, they seem to be weak. But in fact, they are cannon fodder. When they die, they can spray blood on the murderer, which is considered complete. A glorious mission.

That was probably a marking method from the old days.

Doom's advantage is that he is both a top scientist and a top sorcerer. Whether it is dealing with the Old One or the devil, he should have a way.

Therefore, it is definitely a very safe decision to occupy a clan city where the insects can retreat. The question now is, is Susan still sane when she is with him? How long have the two of them been here?

After passing through the warehouse-like room, Su Ming tried to twist the door handle. The door creaked open, and a new corridor appeared in front of the two of them.

If you didn't know the direction, you would probably feel that you were going the wrong way, because the corridor in front of you was exactly the same as the previous one.

Walking here, the cloak also confirmed the conjecture of the Supreme Mage. There are traces of magic here. The entire door is covered with magic to form a wall. Even the access control next to the door is a circuit mixed with magic to open the door.

"We should be close to the target. The parts in this warehouse seem to be damaged goods that have been replaced. Doom may be trying to decipher the secrets of this flying continent."

Wade nodded, then picked up the assault rifle: "Cousin, do we want to go back to back? Just watch those movies. If two people walk in tandem, the person behind will soon be 'swish'd by the claws behind him." We have to be careful about this horror movie trick."

"I'm capable of strangulation. Attacking from behind doesn't work for me." Su Ming grabbed his cousin's shoulders and squeezed them. The two of them moved forward side by side: "So don't add drama. It's nothing to compete with the air. ? At present, we have found the area where the waste is stored. As long as we don't go in the wrong direction, we can find the living area soon, and maybe we can see people."

"Okay, actually I just think it's too bland and lacks a bit of atmosphere." Deadpool curled his lips aggrievedly. He really thought so. Going on a mission with his cousin was not exciting at all: "Do you think if I take the responsibility in the future? How about using a tape recorder to go on a mission? Just play the appropriate BGM for any situation you encounter."

Su Ming glanced at him and kept a little distance from him:

"It's not that good. If you want BGM, you should also change to lighter equipment."

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