The Death Knell

Chapter 2079 SHIELD’s plan

"Jarvis, call Captain America's cell phone."

Tony was still in the ruins on the top floor of the Baxter Building. He looked up at the sky, covering his head and giving orders to the suit.

The dial tone sounded quickly, and a small window of 'Dialing in progress' appeared on the projection screen inside the helmet.


A few seconds later, Steve's voice came from the other side.

"Hi, Steve, I'm Tony, and I want to ask you something. Is it convenient for you to speak in the current environment around you?"

Captain America looked at Fury and the agents in front of him. His single eye had narrowed, as if he was suspicious of something.

In fact, SHIELD's space carrier has arrived in New York and is currently in optical invisibility hiding in the clouds. This is why Steve can bring Reed to see Fury so quickly.

But everyone present is our own people. What kind of dimensional rift problems are we facing? It would be better to let Fury and others know about it, right?

"It's nothing inconvenient, Tony. Please tell me."

Facing Fury's stingy and suspicious look, Steve calmly placed his phone on the round table surrounded by everyone and turned on the speaker.

Tony sighed, looked down from the edge of the rooftop, then pulled back, folded his arms and said helplessly:

"Dr. Banner is back. I recognized him, who was only wearing a mask as a disguise. He is now under the Baxter Building, helping to save people. What do you think I should do if the military discovers him? "

Steve frowned. Dr. Banner had decided to let him go last time, letting him hide in Mexico with Betty.

It's really terrible. What are you doing back at such a messy time? Don't you know that General Ross is already looking for him like crazy? The green monster who abducted his daughter is probably almost the same as a dragon in the eyes of the general.

Fury, who was across the round table, had an expressionless face. He tugged at the front of his trench coat, then launched his strategy and leaned back on the chair, crossing his legs and tilting his head, as if waiting for Steve's explanation.

He knew that Captain America and Dr. Pym had rebuilt the Avengers once, and it was that operation that caused Janet to disappear, Bucky to be in a coma, and Pym to lose his soul. The Avengers only acted once and then collapsed.

But Fury believes that if you want to protect the earth in the new era, a super boy group is indispensable, because the enemies are aliens and all kinds of weird things. How can ordinary agents deal with them?

So when he had the opportunity, he would go to Steve to gossip. After all, the two were old comrades in arms. He knew Steve's character, which was to be very kind to his friends.

Although Steve had been a "tramp" for a while, as if he had given up on the U.S. government, Fury always found a way to get him to put on the stars and stripes again and go out.

As long as there is Captain America, the Avengers will have a foundation. When the time comes, Lu Dan will be able to hold it in his hands, wouldn't it be a pleasure?

It's not that Fury still has any ambition to control the superheroes to rule the earth, but he has been an agent for too many years and feels uneasy if he doesn't hold the power in his hands.

The Avengers and Steve are the banner that gathers people, and Fury is always obsessed with this plan.

"The military... shouldn't be so fast, right? Can you try to take Banner away before the army arrives." Steve himself felt a little unsure when he said this. After all, he knew that now In this era, there are satellites everywhere in the sky. Even the police have facial recognition systems. Will the military not have one?

He could only hope that General Ross would not move so quickly and give Tony enough time to process.

"Look how much trouble you caused me today with what you did before, old antique, you owe me once." Iron Man accepted Steve's opinion, but he still wanted to say something. After all, this is his character: "Also Regarding the space rift, it’s still expanding. Please think about it quickly and see if you have any friends who can help. I’ll hang up now.”

Under the bright lights in the conference room, everyone cast dark shadows on the ground. Steve took back his mobile phone, and Fury leaned forward, interlaced his fingers and put them on the bridge of his nose.

"Steve, and Dr. Richards, can you now explain to me what happened before."

Standing behind Fury was Maria Hill, the captain of the space carrier. Coulson and the bald brother, two old friends, were leaning on the wall not far away to listen to the lecture, while in the corner of the room further away , it’s Black Widow and Hawkeye.

Hawkeye didn't care at all what meeting Steve and the others were going to have. He only needed to complete the assigned tasks anyway. At this time, he was telling Natasha circus jokes about lions catching mice.

While Natasha was applying nail polish, she responded to her teammates with a smile and told a story about a Russian arm wrestling with a bear. However, her ears were erect under the cover of her red hair, eavesdropping on the conversations around the round table.

Both Steve and Fury have a military style. Between the questions and answers, she quickly heard the whole story clearly. Especially when she heard that Deathstroke also appeared there, she immediately realized It should be some big event.

After so many years, she certainly knew that her boss would never pay attention to something that was not critical to the earth.

Now he has gone to that mysterious space rift to fish for people, and it looks like he has some kind of plan.

However, Gin didn't send any instructions, so he had better stay on standby.

At this moment, the door of the conference room opened, and an agent came in and said something in Fury's ear. Hei Lu Dan's face suddenly turned darker. He stood up and dismissed the agent and said :

"Steve, sleeping Jim was stolen by Ultron. I have to deal with that matter. You and Tony can discuss the so-called space rift. I believe you." He rubbed his black turtleneck sweater The collar of the man's neck seemed to be strangled so that it was difficult to breathe, and then he looked at Reed: "And Dr. Richards, I will send you to your assigned dormitory on the mothership first. Please don't come out without my order. .”

Jim Hammond, the original Torchbearer, was once a member of the invasion team, and he and Steve fought against the Germans during World War II.

After the end of World War II, he was first loaned to the United Kingdom for a few years, and then returned to the United States. He joined S.H.I.E.L.D., which was still called the "Logistics Division" at the time, and became an agent. He was the ultimate military force in the secret service at that time. Assure.

However, he disappeared during his first mission. It was not until this year that he was dug out of the Arctic iceberg. A man named for his fire ability was actually sealed in a piece of ice for unknown reasons.

He still showed signs of life, but Fury had never found a way to safely wake him up, so he could only keep him on ice and alive in a secret cold storage.

But now, the monster Ultron knew the secret base from somewhere and stole him away. Fury needs to rescue his old teammates, and things at the Baxter Building are also a bit urgent. We can only divide our forces temporarily.

Steve closed his eyes and breathed out slowly. He knew that it was not a good thing every time Fury came to him. No, the burden was thrown on his shoulders again.

However, according to Tony, if the space rift is not dealt with, the entire earth will be in danger, so for the sake of mankind, he has no choice but to go to the battlefield again.

"Okay, but I'm not a scientist. It mainly depends on Tony's plan. Give me some manpower."

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