The Death Knell

Chapter 2084 The extramarital affairs missed in those years

"Please go on to the other two, Doom wants to know what you think."

Doctor Doom nodded. The route they chose this time would not pass through the territory of the Annihilation Zerg. They just needed a little understanding.

"That's right. Although the Annihilation Insect King is strong, as long as they don't invade its territory, they will be too busy fighting wars with other insect nests." Su Ming took out a cigarette, lit it, and blew out the smoke gently. Circle: "The second is to annihilate the insect swarm. They are more like bees. They like to build and expand. The queen bee rules them."

"Are they bees again?" Susan looked like she was out of body. Just thinking about the photos inside the earth's hive, her trypophobia was about to relapse.

Su Ming shrugged. He wasn't responsible for the bugs in the negative space. If you were to blame, blame the Tyana people. Their spores eventually evolved into these things.

"Actually, the Annihilation Swarm is the mildest of the three Zerg races. Even its expansion is cyclical. Their biggest hobby is to build hive buildings, dig hive tunnels, and build various planetary infrastructures. Only when all the planets they currently control are all Once they are covered, they will launch a war of expansion, encircling the territory outwards in circles.”

The reason why it is called annihilating the swarm is because these bugs are actually very environmentally friendly, and they only kill people but don't blow up the planet when fighting.

The mercenary flicked his cigarette ashes and crossed his legs:

"But the Queen of Annihilation is a super psychic. All worker bees and soldiers have no self-awareness. They are tools and weapons controlled by her remotely. If there is a fight, we must be prepared for a protracted war."

Just like Batman's classic expression is the downturned corners of his mouth, Doctor Doom likes to hold his arms.

He should cross his arms when he is thinking, he should cross his arms when he is happy, and he should cross his arms when he is pretending to be B. This is his signature move.

Doom was completely in a learning mindset at this time. Hearing the existence of these Zerg did not make him feel any extra emotions. He had already prepared for it. Anyway, if it was either you or me who died in the fight, what else was there to worry about?

"There is one last family left, which is the Destroyer Swarm whose territory we will pass through on this trip." He said, while looking at Deathstroke expectantly.

Su Ming nodded. The route this time was indeed directly across the territory of the Destruction Insect Swarm, and a fight was inevitable, so he replied:

"The Destroyer Swarm is a bit like ants, but it is ruled by an invisible and intangible Hive Mind. At least I don't know of any powerful individual that can be used as their representative. But you know, the territorial consciousness of ants They are very strong and very warlike. Even if we have the blood pool of the True Fairy as a deterrent, when the ants are defending against foreign enemies, they never care how powerful the enemy is. They only need to know where the enemy is and then pounce on it one after another."

This is the difference between ants and bees. Bees will abandon their hives and move due to various reasons. For example, the population expands and the original place is not enough to live in; or the nearby flowers are all dead and food is cut off; or there is a problem nearby. There are natural enemies, the living environment is not good, and other reasons.

They may all move collectively, look for new places to nest, assess the situation, and will not go head-to-head with intruders who are too obviously different.

However, ants are different. Unless they encounter a natural disaster, they will not give up their ant nests. Even if their homes are taken away by pangolins, they will fight the pangolins to the end.

To put it simply, they are not convinced by anyone except nature, and the Destroying Zerg are just such a thing.

Of course, the Annihilation Insect King and Annihilation Queen are more famous in the negative space. The Annihilation Insect Swarm is not very famous because there are no individual strong ones.

And what Su Ming is more worried about is actually the fourth Zerg family.

Isn’t it normal that there are actually four of the three major Zerg clans in Negative Space? Just like there are usually five of the Four Heavenly Kings, there are actually eight of the Big Dipper.

The fourth family is the parasitic snail family. Don't think of it as the kind of snails that can be eaten in the field. The appearance of parasitic snails is more like Trichogramma wasps with tentacles. They like to lay eggs in the corpses of other creatures.

But it's not like an alien, where the larvae hatch and eat up the opponent's internal organs before growing up and bursting out of the chest. They reconstruct the neural responses of corpses through parasitic larvae, enslaving and controlling these corpses.

The parasitized corpse can even inherit the memory of life and perform perfect disguise. At the same time, the parasitic crickets can inhibit the decay of the corpse and thus lurk in various civilizations for a long time. When the time comes, such as a negative space war or something, they will take risks. Come out and develop your own ethnic group.

However, although they are all ruled by the parasitic king with spiritual energy, because they are the parasite's "invisible empire", there is no fixed territorial scope, and there is no trace of it in normal times.

However, Su Ming was certain that they were almost everywhere in the negative space. Any warrior who was suspected of missing on the battlefield but finally returned home was probably a body controlled by the parasites.

Speaking of which, if this kind of bug enters the main dimension, it will undoubtedly be a disaster for mankind.

Human beings attach great importance to life and death. If there is a chance to bring their dead relatives back to life, it is estimated that many people will be eager to let parasitic insects provide such a set of services, even if they are raped.

After telling what needed to be said and some additional information, Su Ming stopped popularizing science and listened to Deadpool's murmurs at the side.

"The day of ranking this year is coming again. If you want to increase your popularity, you still have to compete. Old guys, do you know how I can help myself? I can't top up here, so why don't any of you top up for me? I will be rewarded handsomely when I pass by in the future..."

Su Ming was a little speechless. Even if his cousin could climb over the wall, he would definitely not repay the money. He would definitely not repay the money he borrowed based on his ability.

However, mentally ill people do not lack for fun. They just entertain themselves and don't bother themselves.

Doctor Doom stood up at this time. He walked back and forth in the room a few steps, then released the small robot to project the external environment and said:

"If we can catch a Destroyer Bug first, dissect and study it, I think I should be able to invent the corresponding insecticide."

Su Ming shook his head and rejected this suggestion:

"We only need to kill all the insect nests, rather than completely destroying them. The situation in the negative space is now in a delicate state of balance, but if the Annihilated Insect King seizes the opportunity to develop, it will soon invade the main body. Dimensional, I don’t want to get into trouble just yet.”

The invisible woman lying on the table next to her was also thinking. She suddenly sat up straight, raised her hands and spoke: "Then let's try physical methods? Light, heat, electricity, sound waves, they should always be afraid of the same thing, my A university teacher once said that there can be no perfect species and that every living thing has weaknesses."

She is now completely free from Reed's influence. At least she dares to express her opinions and ideas proactively and come up with ideas proactively.

This also shows that she has truly stepped out of the shadows.

The plan was done, and it was not in vain that Su Ming gave her so many psychological hints these days.

Su Ming glanced at Dumu, the young man will be blessed in the future.

The man in the iron mask was obviously confused by the inexplicable ambiguous look in Deathstroke, but when he blinked and looked at Deathstroke again, he found that the one-eyed man had no expression at all and was as calm as ever, as if the previous look was his own. hallucination.

Deathstroke nodded noncommittally: "It's up to you two scientists. Let's build some antimatter hydrogen bombs to try out the taste first."

Susan got the affirmation, stood up happily, took Doom's hand and ran away, as happy as if she had regained her youth.

There was even a song ringing in Su Ming's ears.

"The heavy rain I missed in those years, the love I missed in those years, I really want to tell you, tell you that I have not forgotten, the sky was full of stars that night, the promise made in parallel time and space..."

Not to mention, looking at the backs of Doctor Doom and the Invisible Woman running hand in hand, this song is really suitable for the occasion, and has such a youthful campus flavor. Those two are really college classmates, and this can be regarded as parallel time and space. .

But that's not the problem.

He punched Deadpool, who was squatting next to him singing:

"Shut up, Wade, don't you know you have throat cancer and are you tone-deaf now? And Reid is not dead yet. We have to keep the extramarital affair of these two people a secret."


My cousin covered his head and stuck out his tongue. It hurt a little, but he felt very happy.

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