The Death Knell

Chapter 2099 Figure Expert

"This is not the same battlefield as Doom imagined."

After passing through layers of boxes and consuming an unknown number of detectors, the four of them finally arrived at the end of the infinite crossroads and arrived at a unique space called Paradise.

The volume here is much larger than the previous boxes, about the size of the solar system, and the Tyana people's home planet hangs in the middle of the space. They also created an artificial sun for lighting.

This planet has been completely metalized. The dozens of inverted cone-shaped propellers used to propel it in the past can be seen very clearly even from a distance. The huge pits seem to go deep into the depths of the sphere. It was pitch black.

Doctor Doom sent a probe and flew to the surface of the planet to find out the details. As a result, everyone saw empty cities and dead streets.

The level of technological development of the people of Taiyana is unimaginable. Even ordinary residential buildings have space folding devices, while the three-dimensional traffic signal towers and optical road signs are still flashing and working diligently.

The only problem is, the people are gone, but the city is intact.

This is the strange thing about Doom.

Su Ming expressed his calmness. He took out a cigarette and lit it. He crossed his arms and looked at the image on the ground: "The weapons of the Taiyana people are different from those of conventional civilization. They don't like expansion or blood, so they don't have large-scale Destructive weapons, and even if you want to wipe out some lives, choose a very 'harmonious' method, you can think of it as 'biu' to make people disappear in one go."

After hearing this, the Invisible Woman didn't know what she was thinking of, and said, "Don't you even want to see blood? It sounds like a beautiful utopia."

"It is difficult for humans to understand the technology of the Tyana people. Their technology tree relies on negative particles, but there is no such thing as a utopia in the universe, because the desire gap of intelligent creatures will never be filled." Su Ming thought After a while, he flicked the cigarette [Haitang Bookstore]: "First, I am seeking food and water, then I am seeking a spouse and aesthetics, then I am seeking power and strength, and then I am seeking to become a god, to become a god above gods. , and so on..."

Wade made a strange noise, and he pressed his nose through the mask: "Tsk, then why don't they play 'Minecraft'?"

Deathstroke put the cigarette into his mouth, watched the detector fly over the empty city, and said:

"The Taiyana people have become creators. Their current goal is to create a brand new universe and move all creatures in the negative space collectively to avoid the collapse of the current universe. What they want to do is to be the creator gods."

"Is this the information you read from the corpse's mind? The symbiote is really a good helper. It's ridiculous for the Tyana people to think this way." Doom looked sideways at the ideals of these extradimensional creatures.

Whether as a scientist or a sorcerer, this goal is too difficult, obviously beyond the level of human beings today.

"Strangulation is a special case. Other symbiotes may not be able to evolve this ability. All in all, the corpses provided me with memories of the past, so I know a lot of things besides how they died, including that they did have Polarity Converter' is a device that's very portable."

Deathstroke smiled and answered Doom. Anyway, more than one person had envied the existence of Strangler in the past.

"Is it inevitable to land? Doom will not be afraid of any enemy." Doctor Doom hugged his arms again, and his chin was slightly raised, looking very powerful: "Suppose half of the Tyana people on the planet died. Civil war, then we only need to deal with the remaining half. Even if they are twisted into fanatical believers of the Old Ones, as long as we prevent the coming of the Old Ones, there is still a lot of room for us to operate."

The air was quiet for a while.

There is no real universe as the background in this space, only the fake space background paintings painted on the inner walls of the box by people in Tyana. They used special materials and were still shining.

The silence did not last long, because Su Ming had the same opinion as Doom. Anyway, the projection of the ancient one really came, and he also had Deadpool on his side, right?

As long as you look at Deadpool's face and vomit, you will pass out. The coma will make you immune to the mental impact of looking directly at the past. This is called the lesser of two evils.

Of course this was a backup plan, the vomiting tactic was just to protect Doom and Susan. Su Ming himself can use strangulation to 'back up' his normal memory and avoid the influence of illusions and crazy scenes.

"So we need to act quickly. It is best to find the polarity converter and dimensional transmission device in the city immediately and leave. Return to the crossroads and find the passage that can return to the main dimension."

Deathstroke told Doom that a simple plan is less likely to go wrong when executed.

That's what planning is like. The more detailed you are, the more likely it will conflict with something that happens unexpectedly, so it's always important to adapt to changes.

Anyway, as long as the goal is clear, it doesn't matter how to achieve it.

"Do we need to split up?" Doom agreed to the plan and wanted to know some details. Logically speaking, if there are two goals, it is of course the most time-saving to act separately.

But Su Ming knew that whether in Marvel or DC, splitting up the troops was definitely seeking death.

The operation of splitting up is taboo in itself, and its power is no less than 'I will go home and get married after this battle', 'Mom, I will go home this Christmas', 'I will retire in three hours', 'There are only three people in the team. I'm black' wait strong FLAG.

If it weren't for the fate of the protagonists like Batman or Spider-Man, something would inevitably happen if such a flag was planted.

"No, we must not split up and move around in unfamiliar places. Whoever splits up his troops will be mentally retarded."

Su Ming firmly expressed his position and at the same time took a strong drag on the cigarette in his hand. The flames instantly spread to the sponge cigarette holder.

Wade was also dancing next to him and nodded: "Yes, I have watched so many movies in the past, in which the fools always split up when they shouldn't. It makes me so angry that they rush to die just to save time. Huh? The crew must be trying to save lunch, it’s dark, it’s too dark!”

Doctor Doom shrugged. He didn't know that he just asked, why are the cousins ​​so excited?

"Dum understands, just like the previous agreement, you are the decision maker, Deathstroke. We will not act separately, but Doum can send some robots to search at the same time."

"Of course you can. How many robots have you prepared during this period? I mean the kind that can fight." Su Ming nodded. The robots are good as cannon fodder. Anyway, they don't feel bad if they die.

Doctor Doom suddenly opened his hands, and the green cape behind him raised like a bird spreading its wings, and proudly announced: "When it comes to the technology of making robots, the famous genius Tony Stark cannot compare with Doom at all. , Doom prepared an army before you came to the rescue."

As the words fell, a large number of 'Dum Robots' wearing armor and green cloaks, who looked exactly like him, flew out from underground hiding places like Katyusha rockets, and discharged into the air behind the king. A neat team.

"Supreme Mage Deathstroke, please tell us the shape of what we are looking for, and then wait for the news of Doom's victory!"

His thick alloy gloves clicked in front of him and he clenched them tightly into fists.

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