The Death Knell

Chapter 2101 The so-called paradise

After Deathstroke finished speaking, the eyes of all three people moved upward and their chins slowly lifted.

They're looking at the building.

It is hundreds of meters high. If it is really what Deathstroke said, then this planetary computer is too huge.

Given that Tyana's technology still requires such a large volume as a hardware carrier, how powerful is this AI?

"Are you sure, cousin? Isn't it true that you are hallucinating just because this building has a similar painting to yours? Or does it have something to do with you?"

Deadpool looked at the color scheme of the building, and there were two expressions with the corners of his mouth turned downward under the mask, which was suspicion.

"Where do I get anything to do with a negative space device? Its black and yellow colors are just a coincidence."

Su Mingfei returned to the crowd, hit his cousin on the head with his fist, and continued:

"Stop talking nonsense like this. From the information I read, it should be a server of Tyana civilization and never rest. Adu, you and Susan will help me find out what's wrong with it. Because the black wall facing Sancha Road should be a giant display with graphics."

The doctor and the female doctor looked at each other and began to perform the tasks assigned by Deathstroke. One of them flew to the roof of the building, and the other began to inspect around the building.

First, I knocked on it and put my ears to it to listen for the echo. Then I took out some tools, as if I was looking for a place to dismantle the wall and go in to have a look.

"In this way, if we were little ants, it would be a bit like a mobile phone standing in front of us." Wade smacked for a long time, finally found something that could be compared, and then gave himself thumbs up with both hands. .

He simply admired his own wisdom.

"What you see is just the tip of the iceberg. Just because it's exposed so high from the ground doesn't mean it's only this high." Deathstroke kicked the ground with his foot and pressed Wade's two thumbs back into his palm: "Now you understand why. Isn’t the road deformed at this point?”

"So it should be called an iceberg, and this planet is called Titanic. Do you want to hold my hand now, and let's go to the bow of the ship to enjoy the wind?" Wade blinked and rubbed his shoulder against his cousin. .

He seemed to have completely taken himself into Lucy, and even spoke with a British accent.


The sharp God Killer opened his cousin's belly like a balloon, and the electric current spread across his body. The red and black figure made a very six plus seven gesture with his hands, twitched and fell down.

Now I can finally have some peace and quiet.

Before Deadpool's self-healing was completed, Doom and Susan returned to Deathstroke's side. They turned a blind eye to Deadpool who fell to the ground, obviously getting used to the way the brothers got along.

Susan was more impatient, so she spoke first: "Death Knell, we can't find what's wrong with this device. It's obviously completely incompatible with human technological concepts. We can't even see a single seam. It It’s like a monolithic shape, a stone growing out of the ground.”

"The element that makes it up is antimatter silicon oxide. If Doom didn't listen to what you said before, he would definitely conclude that it is a stone."

Doctor Doom returned to the posture of crossing his chest with his hands, and the Invisible Woman put her little hand on one of his arms very naturally. She had no intention of hiding the extramarital affair and was very generous.

Deathstroke sighed and stretched his neck: "So, you think there is indeed something wrong with it, and it is not a living thing, such as a biological computer, right?"

"Yes, Doom thinks this is made of inorganic matter, although it is antimatter."

"Originally I didn't plan to use this method, but we really need information now, and it is the only 'survivor' we can find." Su Ming put one hand on his chest, and the other hand made a claw-like gesture. Target the building in front of you.

A glimmering green light shines from his chest, as if the armor has become transparent, and nothing can block its light.

The outstretched hand seemed to be grabbing something invisible and slowly turned in the counterclockwise direction.

The next second, the front of the building in front of the four people lit up. Although it was still black, it was no longer the black of stone, but like the black desktop of a computer after power was turned on, glowing with light fluorescence.

A simple symbol appeared on the wall, and the AI ​​restarted.


Using time stones to reverse time and repair damaged inanimate objects is a conceptual level ability, and there is no reason for failure.

It's much easier to repair an electronic device that has no life and soul than to resurrect a living thing, although it might be easier if Hermione were here, because all she needs to do to repair the computer is to throw a 'repair a new one' to achieve the time rule. Effect.

"Paradise, we want to access the database and investigate where all the Taiyana people have gone." Su Ming ate some brains through strangulation, and finally mastered some local language.


It seemed a little confused. Although it did not respond vocally, it gave an emotional expression. However, after discovering that it was not the makers who activated it, but an unknown creature, its expression changed.


It looks angry.

"You can only communicate through emojis? It doesn't seem too advanced." Wade got up from the ground. He felt that the process of communicating with this alien was like chatting with netizens.

"You are not advanced, rotten carbon-based creature."

Who knew that the AI ​​spoke very standard English and refuted Deadpool's words, but the red expression on the wall still looked unhappy.

Wade was not angry, but held his chin and thought for a while:

"Sure enough, we live in a false world, and even the aliens speak English."

"Wrong, this is the application of quantum technology. I only need to read the quantum state that carries your information. It is very simple to learn a sequence language with only 26 letters." The AI ​​known as Paradise once again refuted Deadpool's words. .

Although it seems to have a bad attitude, there are no threatening hostile actions.

Doom raised a hand to stop the useless argument between the psychopath and the artificial intelligence: "Now that you have learned English, communication will be easier. Please tell Doom, where have all the Taiyana people gone?"


The expression on the wall turned into a symbol of depression. It seemed to think for a while, and then replied: "They are temporarily dead. As the ultimate insurance of civilization, I destroyed them. A terrible disease spread among the population. This is the only solution."

"What disease?"

Susan raised her hand to ask. She had never seen such a smart electronic device, because as we all know, it is simply incredible to want a program to have emotions.

"Crazy, an alien female, an irreversible enslavement called madness."

The sound of paradise echoed in the streets, and somehow, its electronically synthesized sound seemed to contain a murmur of fearful whimpering.

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