The Death Knell

Chapter 2140 Watching a Opera on the Rooftop

Actually I don't like this kind of battlefield. "

On a tall building in the distance, Deathstroke was sitting on the edge of the rooftop drinking beer, while Strangler was using various weapons to attack the sky. It knew what the host meant, but it was obviously meant for Doom next to the host. of.

Doctor Doom is a sorcerer after all, and arriving in New York from Latvinia is just a matter of a portal.

In the current situation in New York, if something happened to the pregnant Susan, even if it was a very small probability, it would always be bad, so Deathstroke called him.

While Deadpool and the Spider-Girl Alliance were fighting the Annihilation Zerg, Doom had already gone to the Baxter Building, knocked out Susan who was determined not to leave, and sent her to the castle on the other side of the earth.

Then he came back, folding his arms and looking at the scenery with Deathstroke.

His enemies are only American politicians and the military. Civilians have no grudges against him, but this does not mean that he will do anything to save people. On the contrary, he is still observing the eating process of the Annihilation Zerg.

Through observation, he discovered that these bugs eat the brain first, unlike most predatory animals.

When creatures on earth hunt prey, they often prefer strangulation and suffocation methods such as biting the neck. Even when humans kill each other, strangling the target is the first choice when there are no tools at hand.

There are almost no predators that chew the head of their prey like chocolate beans, except for the symbiote on Deathstroke.

At this time, after listening to Deathstroke's words, he chuckled softly:

"Appreciate further details."

"I prefer the kind of walking in the dark on an icy night, breathing the slightly humid air, carrying out planned close-range clearing of enemies. When the smell of blood is inhaled into the lungs, it feels like drinking carbonated drinks. The refreshing feeling is like hot oil exploding on the still water."

Su Ming smiled and took a sip of wine. He was looking at the big whirlpool in the sky. It was densely populated with low-level Zerg. From time to time, thunder and lightning and colorful lights would appear in the black clouds. That was the battle between Daisy and Carol. sign.

"Doom thought it was funny."

Doctor Doom nodded. He did find it interesting. Even as a tyrant in American propaganda, he had never tried to specifically absorb the smell of blood.

A little dark and a little crazy.

Su Ming knew that it was difficult for him to understand, so he continued to take a sip of wine easily: "It's not like this. It's chaotic and disorderly. There's the smell of burnt smoke and gunpowder smoke everywhere, as well as the smell of insects. Sometimes killing someone is like tasting a dish. The combination of color, flavor and taste can make people happy. If one thing is missing, it will feel like eating fingernails in a high-end restaurant.”

"Haha, this is the first time Doom has heard this statement, but Doum knows that you think these bugs are too weak."

"Probably, in short, if the Annihilation Insect King doesn't come out, there is no need for me to participate in this battle."

Su Ming slowly floated up and hovered next to Doctor Doom. He looked down at the street. There, an unlucky guy had just been knocked down by the Annihilation Bug. He let out a heart-rending scream, and then the scream suddenly stopped.

All that is left in my ears is the dense buzzing sound that echoes between heaven and earth, which is the resonance of the air caused by the flapping wings of the insects.

"So, you don't need Doom to help you close this space rift, even after Iron Man fails?"

The eyes behind Dum's iron mask no longer looked at the bugs eating downstairs, but instead looked at the Stark Industries Building in the distance.

"There are many ways to close this 'door', but I want to observe the combat data of the masked people today. There are a few people I am curious about who have not yet appeared. I want to see their endurance and Mental condition.”

Perhaps because of having biological flesh and blood, Doctor Doom has been in a good mood recently, and he even told jokes:

"After seeing so many bugs in negative space, do you feel that the most reliable ones in the universe are our fellow humans?"

"Ha, you are also good at telling bad jokes. Let's not talk about it for now. Come and sit and watch the game together. This level of invasion is just the vanguard, and the fun is yet to come. Do you want to eat popcorn or marshmallows? "

Are the humans in the Marvel Universe reliable? After hearing this, Su Ming was really happy. He took out two large bags of snacks from his pocket, tore open the packages and put them in front of Doom.

Most of the bugs gathered in the center of Manhattan. Of course, a small number of bugs chose not to tangle with the heroes and flew to other cities and streets.

However, as long as residents are at home when encountering this kind of thing, the situation will be much better. After all, this is New York, USA. Who doesn't have a pistol in their bedside table?

Not to mention places like Hell's Kitchen, where dynamic social gangs have organized manpower, equipped with various automatic weapons, and began to transform residential buildings into bunkers to start fighting with the Zerg.

But their resistance seemed very weak. It would be okay if it was in a place like a subway station. After all, there was only a small opening under the ground.

As a three-dimensional building, the building soon became the target of biological warships. Those huge monsters like flying skyscrapers flew at low altitude, squirming and flexibly shuttled above the streets, casting huge black shadows on the ground.

They will emit powerful biological rays on buildings, blowing all the surrounding buildings to pieces outside the warriors' temporary bunkers.

Daisy and the others have actually tried their best, but the biological warships emerging from the whirlpool are almost endless. It takes enough time to destroy one, and five more will be drilled out. There are more and more giant warships in the sky, and the situation is It's becoming more and more uncontrollable.

In addition to the heroes flying in the sky, Steve and his team on the ground were also under great pressure. They went to the next block and searched for some survivors. At this time, they were temporarily protected in a safe bank vault.

Then they blocked the bank gate and fought with the bugs, waiting for the support of Colson's team in order to take people to the entrance of the nearby subway station.

This round after round is a severe test for physical strength and willpower.

If the X-Men hadn't come to support some people, maybe Hawkeye would have stopped just now. All the arrows had been shot, and he only had a dagger now.

Because Storm could fly, she took the 'Little Fairy' and other students to provide support in the air, while the short-bodied Wolverine and Colossus and others supported the ground front at this time, alternately covering with the Avengers.

Logan fought very hard, biting back the insect once it bit him. The steel claws of his hands were competing with the insect's claws to bleed faster.

So soon, under the influence of various body fluids, he turned into a bloody man with red and yellow spots on his body, wheezing and panting.

Coulson and the bald brother also arrived again in a short time, preparing to take away the second batch of survivors.

However, as soon as Deadpool, who had been jumping around in the team, saw Wolverine, his eyes narrowed and he slowly pulled out the knife from his back.

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